Our Country: Its power and peril
The POWER of Our Country, generated by Anglo-Saxon civilization
and made effective through the American institutions of State,
Church, and School. '
The PERIL of Our Country, manifest in the claims of Politico-Ecclesiastical
Romanism to universal dominion, and in its relations
to political parties, politicians, platforms, legislation, schools,
charities, labor, and war.
The Republic FACES the twentieth century with the power to avert
the peril when both power and peril are recognized.
The Republic, with the momentum secured in making more
than a century of glorious history, is about to move into the
twentieth century and work out its manifest destiny in
extending civil and religious liberty to the millions which
come under its benign rule.
Without attempting an elaborate discussion of any one of
the themes here considered, I have essayed to give a brief
survey of the sources of our civilization, of the institutions
which conserve and promote this civilization; of the peril
which menaces these institutions, and of the legal, organic,
and moral forces Avhich may be depended upon to protect
I hope to contribute a mite in producing that disposition
of mind and poise of Judgment among citizens which are
indispensable to a people confronted with difficult problems
for solution, and who have great responsibilities to meet and
priceless liberties to perpetuate.
I desire to reach that honest citizen on the farm, in the
workshop, in the factory, and in the different departments of
industry in city and village, who does his own thinking and
voting, and who counts one in the class of citizens who give
character to American citizenship and vigor to American
I seek to inspire that kind of patriotic pride of country,
which is based upon an intelligent conception of the cost and
character of our institutions, and Avhich is jealously alert
against the insidious approaches of any foe that would either
compromise or undermine our constitutional liberties.
We are living in a seriously interesting and instructive
period of both national and international history. The men
who created the Republic faced their responsibilities
effectively and magnificently. We shall have both the
courage and ability to face our broader responsibilities if
we adhere to the principle that the safe method of procedure
is for a nation to act from high-minded and unselfish motives.
James King
New York, January, 1899.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
THE BALANCE OF POWER "Genius Of Freemasonry and The Twentieth Century Crusade
Money today, in this country, holds the balance of power. Our national divinity is Mammon.
By the "balance of power" is meant any principle, agency, or power that is capable of influencing the trend of events, shaping the policy of the nation, or controlling the activities of the majority of the people.
As a country at large our financial and commercial prosperity is unprecedented. Money is massed by millions in the hands of a comparatively few individuals. This money has been gathered in a comparatively short time, in manufacture, trade, transportation, commerce, and by utilizing discoveries in the arts and sciences. Many gigantic fortunes have been made by "watering stocks" and giving fictitious values to the assets of corporations, and yet so rapid has been the growth in all directions that even these fictitious values have often been realized and made good by the growth of industries.
The agents and representatives of these immense money interests have shaped legislation, organized and consolidated their wealth and often pooled their interests for mutual profits. Hence there has arisen a centralization of the money power far beyond the interests of the country or of the whole people. The people are said to be the governing power in a Republic, and whenever this power is centered in one, or in even a few individuals, no matter under what name or pretext, the welfare of the people, as a whole, is jeopardized.
Coincident with this rapid accumulation of wealth has been the growth of great cities, and hence has grown up another agency for centralization of power. The representatives of great fortunes, concentrated in these large cities, have realized their dependence upon the State Legislatures, which make laws for cities, and have influenced, controlled, bought, or exploited them accordingly.
At present the General Government is taking a hand in endeavoring to check these abuses. But this is likely in the end to prove a still more dangerous centralization of power, even though the measures proposed may seem a pressing necessity and appeal to the people as justified under present conditions.
The remedy is very simple. It lies in a direct appeal to the people, in a restoration of power to the source of its creation, the people themselves. They really have the power, but have been tricked out of it by laws, usages, customs and abuses that have grown up with the increase of wealth and population. The remedy here lies directly and specifically in what is known as the Initiative and Referendum.
The purpose here, however, is not to discuss politics, but rather to illustrate the principles that dominate society, shape public policy, and so involve the well-being of every citizen as well as every Mason.
In its last analysis, the Balance of Power lies in the will, the intelligence, the strength
and the influence of the majority of the citizens at any given time. True, a single individual
may so appeal to or influence the people of a city or a nation as to control the majority.
Such an appeal would have to be made in a form that seemed at least to promise general benefits to all concerned. The appeal would here be to the self-interest of the majority. Hence, a promise or a prospect of securing peace, higher wages, greater prosperity and the like, would meet with response in proportion to the confidence in, or reasonableness of, the man or the measures proposed.
Tyrants, despots, rulers, and those greedy for power in all ages have resisted the necessity and avoided as far as possible any appeal to the people at all. So long as it was admitted that they had hereditary rights belonging only to the few, or the claim was admitted that they ruled "by the Grace of God," the people were never taken into council.
With the increase of intelligence and the growth of civilization, the hereditary prerogatives, and special privilege have slowly disappeared till in democratic countries and would-be Republics money power, as above referred to, has usurped their place and equally exploited the people.
In the meantime, there is still another source of power by which the people may be exploited and the majority ruled. That is by appeal to ignorance, superstition and fear.
In a republican form of government where votes count, if the influence of wealth can be added to that of superstition and fear the strongest possible combination is secured for exploiting the many in the interests of the few through the control of votes. In such a case it is not necessary that a majority of the whole people at any time should be so exploited.
If, for example, a solid vote of say 2,000,000 electors can be securely counted on and dictated by one head regardless of all political issues or parties, by shifting that vote in any general election and by compromising on minor questions in order to secure special aims or results, the party so controlling the 2,000,000 votes would hold the balance of power as securely as any despot ever held the reins of government. That is precisely what the Pope of Rome through his agencies and minions is doing in America today.
No Free people, no Democracy, no real Republic will ever get rid of this question of the balance of power. It is inevitable in the nature of things and organic in all human associations. This is not only proven by all history, but demonstrated every day by organizations such as the Dowieites, the Eddyites, and hundreds of communities all over the country.
People are appealed to, organized, dominated, or exploited by an Idea, by some real or fancied gain, by some promise or expectation held out by an individual or represented by an Idea. If then, this balance of power cannot be gotten rid of, the question is For what purpose shall it be used, and who shall hold it?
Suppose this influential factor could be divested of all personal ambitions, all selfish
interests, aims or ends, whatsoever, and held solely for the common good of all alike. This would constitute it a Sacred Trust, an influence for civilization, the uplift
of humanity as a whole.
This is by no means inconceivable. It is altogether rational, provided the 2,000,000 voters, as before, held the balance of power and used it for this purpose and in this way. Not, however, dominated by anyone individual, but by a Grand Idea; say,b the Golden Rule, or the genuine principle of Brotherhood based on common needs and inspired by a common duty. Can any one fail to see here a great opportunity?
Now, we have in this country today over two million voters who are Freemasons. Every one of them has given his voluntary assent and pledged his allegiance to precisely this Grand Idea, viz., the common, unqualified and universal Brotherhood of Man.
True, they belong, as individuals, to different political parties, to different religions,
or they profess no religion at all. They are found in every trade, occupation or line of reputable business and in every walk in life. Can they urge self-interest or indifference to their obligations as an excuse for ignoring all their solemn obligations as men and Masons? If every one of them adhered to his obligation and did his duty would they not hold today the balance of power?
No such appeal can be made elsewhere to any such body of men, for the reason that it nowhere else exists. Organization into a body of voters is neither desirable nor contemplated. Masonry, as an Institution, has no business in politics. Masons as individuals, regarding their obligations, adhering to their principles and doing their duty, is another proposition entirely.
Can any one who has once been a Mason and assumed these obligations give a single reason why he should not discharge them? Was there in any case mental reservation, or secret evasion of mind? Or was it provided and determined that there should be wholesaled and unequivocal assent to every obligation assumed? If this be true and I challenge any regular Mason to deny it let him not suggest that I am reading into Masonry any new or foreign interpretation.
Let any Brother Mason contemplate for a moment how he would feel if he could realize that he was one of a body of 2,000,000 voters who had held the balance of power in a recent election, and by standing solely for equity, justice and right, had turned the tide against usurpation and wrong. Would he not feel as he always does when he has done his whole duty as a man, with clean hands, a warm heart and an approving conscience ? Would he find in his heart any cause for shame or regret?
Now, my Brother, some one individual, some body of men, some principle, or some Idea, always does and always will hold the balance of power in this country. Who shall it be, and for what purpose if Only the man who has no principles and recognizes no obligations can truthfully say, "I do not care."
At the present moment this balance of power in America is held by an Italian who has condemned every one of our Free Institutions, for he enforces and confirms the decrees of his predecessors. He has the most colossal, compact, powerful and secret organization on earth today. The College of Cardinals are his Ministers of State, and the Order of Jesuits are his secret minions and emissaries.
This Italian Despot has the pledged allegiance of every Bishop, Priest and Communicant in America. He proposes to use a solid Catholic vote to make America Catholic, destroy every one of our Free Institutions, make the Catholic Religion the religion of the State to the exclusion of all other religions," and he, the " Infallible Pope, become the dictator of this government. He holds today in this country the balance of power for this avowed purpose, and pledged to this end.
No use saying, "He cannot do it." He is doing it, and slowly but surely accomplishing his purpose. Bead "Facing the Twentieth Century," and see. The only question is, at what point are we going to call a halt. Shall it be now, or after every one of our Free Institutions has been undermined by Jesuitry and nothing but a religious civil war will enable us to regain our freedom? No freeman can escape this issue, this Impending Crisis, nor his Personal Responsibility regarding it.
Why this special appeal to Freemasons? Simply because they constitute the only body of men in the world pledged from beginning to end to the reverse of every precept and principle in the policy of the Roman Pontiff. If these fail to do their duty what are we to expect from others ?
This balance of power is like the ballast of a great ship. If allowed to shift around in a disorderly way it may help to sink the ship. But shifted wisely and judiciously when the ship rolls or is in danger, it helps to right it and secure safety.
Two million Catholic voters (and this is a very low estimate) under the control of one dictator, held by superstition and fear to the dogma of obedience, and obeying blindly regardless of all else, is a most dangerous menace indeed. Freed from this dogma of obedience and this exploitation the Catholic citizen and voter deserves no criticism. But massed, dominated and exploited, these voters add nothing to the prosperity and perpetuity of our country. On the contrary, they are a shifting ballast and a dead weight that may sink our Ship of State at any time. They not only do nothing to conserve our liberties, but are continually used to annul and undermine them.
One of their strongest points of attack is our Free Secular Schools. These they everywhere seek to undermine and destroy and to substitute for them the inefficient sectarian Parochial School. Notwithstanding the hostility of the Pope and his representatives everywhere expressed toward our Free Schools, in the cities of Chicago and Boston, more than two-thirds of the teachers in the Public Schools are Catholics. These teachers as good Catholics are the avowed enemies of the very schools in which they are employed to teach.
Any one innocent enough to see no design back of this condition of things had better read the History of the Jesuits and the "Double Doctrine of the Church of Rome. They might supplement these with Father Crowley's "The Parochial School."
If we should read of these things in the History of some ancient Kepublic, showing how it went to pieces or was converted to a form of absolute Despotism, we would feel indignation. But this is the very history we are making in this country today.
When Catholics get in other cities and in this country at large what they already have in Chicago and Boston, our Free Schools will be a thing of the past. The Parochial School will have taken their place. The dogma of obedience will be drilled into every youth of the land by the dark Sons of Loyola, who long ago declared, Give us the education of the child for the first seven years, and we care not what follows."
Now, for the peace and perpetuity of this Republic, it is necessary to neutralize this balance of power that is already in the hands of Clericalism. This can be done only by opposing to it continually not only an equal number but a majority of voters who can be equally relied upon to oppose all such ambitions and exploitation of the ignorant masses.
This opposition must be by voluntary impulse from individuals who realize the danger and the necessity of eternal vigilance regarding the common danger, and with whom the sense of civic duty and personal responsibility is sufficiently strong to keep them continually active.
The only sufficient body of men who from their voluntary obligation and intelligence along these lines could be expected to do this work is the Order of Freemasons. True, they will find many assistants and co-operators, for which they will be fraternally grateful. Chief among these is the Junior Order of United American Mechanics, who realize the danger and are already active in neutralizing it.
The object is not to create hatred and strife but to prevent unjust legislation and injury to our Free Institutions. In the long run the rank and file of our opponents will really be benefited more than any others. Their eyes will eventually be opened to the real character of their dictators and the injustice done to them under the name and garb of religion. This will result in forcing them from the degrading bondage of superstition and fear, whereupon they will bless their liberators and join with them as in France and Italy they are now doing.
If we are ever to realize an Ideal Republic composed of every people, kindred and tongue, where Justice shall reign and be secured to all, it will have to be built up slowly and at some sacrifice from all. Freemasons ought to be foremost in realizing all this. They should do their utmost in promoting it.
As elsewhere indicated, Peace on Earth and good will to man will never be realized except on a basis of ethics and economics. In the absence of universal justice in all secular affairs a Universal Religion can only be inaugurated through force or Jesuitry. Clericalism has invariably employed both, and the more they succeed the less religion there is and the farther we are from peace and justice. Secure in these, Universal Religion will be already here.
The most hopeful sign of the times is the fact that the interest in and discussion of ethical and economic problems was never so great as today. Except in the rigid conformity
and obedience of Roman Catholics in attending churches, the real interest in Churches and so-called religion has steadily decreased as interest in ethical and economic problems has increased. Those who
represent the latter now hold the balance of power instead of those who represent so-called religion.
This means that a new basis for religion was demanded by the people. First become reconciled to thy Brother first be just, equitable and right and then offer thy adoration to Deity. The reign of the Christ can only come after economic justice. Before this, he brings a sword !
The "religion" of unjust men has ever been a fetish or Moloch, according to their political power. The union of Church and State has never once in the history of man failed to enthrone Moloch, and to exploit, rob and murder the people in the name of Religion.
Political Parties, Eeligions, Theories of Government, Institutions of all kinds, are on trial. They will be sifted to the last analysis and tried by the Law of Use and the greatest good to the whole of mankind. There can be no lasting concealment, no lasting evasion of this Law. Freemasonry can claim no exemption and seeks no evasion.
Take the lowest estimate that the most ignorant and superficial Mason may put upon the Order, viz., that of a merely social organization for the purpose of securing a "good time." If that were admitted, then we would have to explain the necessity of having the Bible on the altar, of invoking the name of Deity, and of otherwise profaning the most holy things. The Bacchanal of barbarians could go little further. The "Judicial Congress" added only lust and profligacy.
No man was ever "prepared" and "qualified" and made first a Mason in his heart, who does not know that such an estimate of Freemasonry is not only a profane caricature, but a wicked lie. If any Mason, so-called, holds it, he should hide his head in shame. It is solely the creation of his own heart and depraved imagination.
And so Masonry itself is on trial, like all other Institutions of man. What can it offer for the education of the people? How does it deal with ethics and economics? What does it offer for the common weal? What can it add to the commonwealth?
In the day that is dawning every Mason will be compelled to answer these pertinent questions. Why not answer them now, and array ourselves on the side of Liberty, Fraternity and Light, and so hold and use the Balance of Power?
JD BUCK 1907
Money today, in this country, holds the balance of power. Our national divinity is Mammon.
By the "balance of power" is meant any principle, agency, or power that is capable of influencing the trend of events, shaping the policy of the nation, or controlling the activities of the majority of the people.
As a country at large our financial and commercial prosperity is unprecedented. Money is massed by millions in the hands of a comparatively few individuals. This money has been gathered in a comparatively short time, in manufacture, trade, transportation, commerce, and by utilizing discoveries in the arts and sciences. Many gigantic fortunes have been made by "watering stocks" and giving fictitious values to the assets of corporations, and yet so rapid has been the growth in all directions that even these fictitious values have often been realized and made good by the growth of industries.
The agents and representatives of these immense money interests have shaped legislation, organized and consolidated their wealth and often pooled their interests for mutual profits. Hence there has arisen a centralization of the money power far beyond the interests of the country or of the whole people. The people are said to be the governing power in a Republic, and whenever this power is centered in one, or in even a few individuals, no matter under what name or pretext, the welfare of the people, as a whole, is jeopardized.
Coincident with this rapid accumulation of wealth has been the growth of great cities, and hence has grown up another agency for centralization of power. The representatives of great fortunes, concentrated in these large cities, have realized their dependence upon the State Legislatures, which make laws for cities, and have influenced, controlled, bought, or exploited them accordingly.
At present the General Government is taking a hand in endeavoring to check these abuses. But this is likely in the end to prove a still more dangerous centralization of power, even though the measures proposed may seem a pressing necessity and appeal to the people as justified under present conditions.
The remedy is very simple. It lies in a direct appeal to the people, in a restoration of power to the source of its creation, the people themselves. They really have the power, but have been tricked out of it by laws, usages, customs and abuses that have grown up with the increase of wealth and population. The remedy here lies directly and specifically in what is known as the Initiative and Referendum.
The purpose here, however, is not to discuss politics, but rather to illustrate the principles that dominate society, shape public policy, and so involve the well-being of every citizen as well as every Mason.
In its last analysis, the Balance of Power lies in the will, the intelligence, the strength
and the influence of the majority of the citizens at any given time. True, a single individual
may so appeal to or influence the people of a city or a nation as to control the majority.
Such an appeal would have to be made in a form that seemed at least to promise general benefits to all concerned. The appeal would here be to the self-interest of the majority. Hence, a promise or a prospect of securing peace, higher wages, greater prosperity and the like, would meet with response in proportion to the confidence in, or reasonableness of, the man or the measures proposed.
Tyrants, despots, rulers, and those greedy for power in all ages have resisted the necessity and avoided as far as possible any appeal to the people at all. So long as it was admitted that they had hereditary rights belonging only to the few, or the claim was admitted that they ruled "by the Grace of God," the people were never taken into council.
With the increase of intelligence and the growth of civilization, the hereditary prerogatives, and special privilege have slowly disappeared till in democratic countries and would-be Republics money power, as above referred to, has usurped their place and equally exploited the people.
In the meantime, there is still another source of power by which the people may be exploited and the majority ruled. That is by appeal to ignorance, superstition and fear.
In a republican form of government where votes count, if the influence of wealth can be added to that of superstition and fear the strongest possible combination is secured for exploiting the many in the interests of the few through the control of votes. In such a case it is not necessary that a majority of the whole people at any time should be so exploited.
If, for example, a solid vote of say 2,000,000 electors can be securely counted on and dictated by one head regardless of all political issues or parties, by shifting that vote in any general election and by compromising on minor questions in order to secure special aims or results, the party so controlling the 2,000,000 votes would hold the balance of power as securely as any despot ever held the reins of government. That is precisely what the Pope of Rome through his agencies and minions is doing in America today.
No Free people, no Democracy, no real Republic will ever get rid of this question of the balance of power. It is inevitable in the nature of things and organic in all human associations. This is not only proven by all history, but demonstrated every day by organizations such as the Dowieites, the Eddyites, and hundreds of communities all over the country.
People are appealed to, organized, dominated, or exploited by an Idea, by some real or fancied gain, by some promise or expectation held out by an individual or represented by an Idea. If then, this balance of power cannot be gotten rid of, the question is For what purpose shall it be used, and who shall hold it?
Suppose this influential factor could be divested of all personal ambitions, all selfish
interests, aims or ends, whatsoever, and held solely for the common good of all alike. This would constitute it a Sacred Trust, an influence for civilization, the uplift
of humanity as a whole.
This is by no means inconceivable. It is altogether rational, provided the 2,000,000 voters, as before, held the balance of power and used it for this purpose and in this way. Not, however, dominated by anyone individual, but by a Grand Idea; say,b the Golden Rule, or the genuine principle of Brotherhood based on common needs and inspired by a common duty. Can any one fail to see here a great opportunity?
Now, we have in this country today over two million voters who are Freemasons. Every one of them has given his voluntary assent and pledged his allegiance to precisely this Grand Idea, viz., the common, unqualified and universal Brotherhood of Man.
True, they belong, as individuals, to different political parties, to different religions,
or they profess no religion at all. They are found in every trade, occupation or line of reputable business and in every walk in life. Can they urge self-interest or indifference to their obligations as an excuse for ignoring all their solemn obligations as men and Masons? If every one of them adhered to his obligation and did his duty would they not hold today the balance of power?
No such appeal can be made elsewhere to any such body of men, for the reason that it nowhere else exists. Organization into a body of voters is neither desirable nor contemplated. Masonry, as an Institution, has no business in politics. Masons as individuals, regarding their obligations, adhering to their principles and doing their duty, is another proposition entirely.
Can any one who has once been a Mason and assumed these obligations give a single reason why he should not discharge them? Was there in any case mental reservation, or secret evasion of mind? Or was it provided and determined that there should be wholesaled and unequivocal assent to every obligation assumed? If this be true and I challenge any regular Mason to deny it let him not suggest that I am reading into Masonry any new or foreign interpretation.
Let any Brother Mason contemplate for a moment how he would feel if he could realize that he was one of a body of 2,000,000 voters who had held the balance of power in a recent election, and by standing solely for equity, justice and right, had turned the tide against usurpation and wrong. Would he not feel as he always does when he has done his whole duty as a man, with clean hands, a warm heart and an approving conscience ? Would he find in his heart any cause for shame or regret?
Now, my Brother, some one individual, some body of men, some principle, or some Idea, always does and always will hold the balance of power in this country. Who shall it be, and for what purpose if Only the man who has no principles and recognizes no obligations can truthfully say, "I do not care."
At the present moment this balance of power in America is held by an Italian who has condemned every one of our Free Institutions, for he enforces and confirms the decrees of his predecessors. He has the most colossal, compact, powerful and secret organization on earth today. The College of Cardinals are his Ministers of State, and the Order of Jesuits are his secret minions and emissaries.
This Italian Despot has the pledged allegiance of every Bishop, Priest and Communicant in America. He proposes to use a solid Catholic vote to make America Catholic, destroy every one of our Free Institutions, make the Catholic Religion the religion of the State to the exclusion of all other religions," and he, the " Infallible Pope, become the dictator of this government. He holds today in this country the balance of power for this avowed purpose, and pledged to this end.
No use saying, "He cannot do it." He is doing it, and slowly but surely accomplishing his purpose. Bead "Facing the Twentieth Century," and see. The only question is, at what point are we going to call a halt. Shall it be now, or after every one of our Free Institutions has been undermined by Jesuitry and nothing but a religious civil war will enable us to regain our freedom? No freeman can escape this issue, this Impending Crisis, nor his Personal Responsibility regarding it.
Why this special appeal to Freemasons? Simply because they constitute the only body of men in the world pledged from beginning to end to the reverse of every precept and principle in the policy of the Roman Pontiff. If these fail to do their duty what are we to expect from others ?
This balance of power is like the ballast of a great ship. If allowed to shift around in a disorderly way it may help to sink the ship. But shifted wisely and judiciously when the ship rolls or is in danger, it helps to right it and secure safety.
Two million Catholic voters (and this is a very low estimate) under the control of one dictator, held by superstition and fear to the dogma of obedience, and obeying blindly regardless of all else, is a most dangerous menace indeed. Freed from this dogma of obedience and this exploitation the Catholic citizen and voter deserves no criticism. But massed, dominated and exploited, these voters add nothing to the prosperity and perpetuity of our country. On the contrary, they are a shifting ballast and a dead weight that may sink our Ship of State at any time. They not only do nothing to conserve our liberties, but are continually used to annul and undermine them.
One of their strongest points of attack is our Free Secular Schools. These they everywhere seek to undermine and destroy and to substitute for them the inefficient sectarian Parochial School. Notwithstanding the hostility of the Pope and his representatives everywhere expressed toward our Free Schools, in the cities of Chicago and Boston, more than two-thirds of the teachers in the Public Schools are Catholics. These teachers as good Catholics are the avowed enemies of the very schools in which they are employed to teach.
Any one innocent enough to see no design back of this condition of things had better read the History of the Jesuits and the "Double Doctrine of the Church of Rome. They might supplement these with Father Crowley's "The Parochial School."
If we should read of these things in the History of some ancient Kepublic, showing how it went to pieces or was converted to a form of absolute Despotism, we would feel indignation. But this is the very history we are making in this country today.
When Catholics get in other cities and in this country at large what they already have in Chicago and Boston, our Free Schools will be a thing of the past. The Parochial School will have taken their place. The dogma of obedience will be drilled into every youth of the land by the dark Sons of Loyola, who long ago declared, Give us the education of the child for the first seven years, and we care not what follows."
Now, for the peace and perpetuity of this Republic, it is necessary to neutralize this balance of power that is already in the hands of Clericalism. This can be done only by opposing to it continually not only an equal number but a majority of voters who can be equally relied upon to oppose all such ambitions and exploitation of the ignorant masses.
This opposition must be by voluntary impulse from individuals who realize the danger and the necessity of eternal vigilance regarding the common danger, and with whom the sense of civic duty and personal responsibility is sufficiently strong to keep them continually active.
The only sufficient body of men who from their voluntary obligation and intelligence along these lines could be expected to do this work is the Order of Freemasons. True, they will find many assistants and co-operators, for which they will be fraternally grateful. Chief among these is the Junior Order of United American Mechanics, who realize the danger and are already active in neutralizing it.
The object is not to create hatred and strife but to prevent unjust legislation and injury to our Free Institutions. In the long run the rank and file of our opponents will really be benefited more than any others. Their eyes will eventually be opened to the real character of their dictators and the injustice done to them under the name and garb of religion. This will result in forcing them from the degrading bondage of superstition and fear, whereupon they will bless their liberators and join with them as in France and Italy they are now doing.
If we are ever to realize an Ideal Republic composed of every people, kindred and tongue, where Justice shall reign and be secured to all, it will have to be built up slowly and at some sacrifice from all. Freemasons ought to be foremost in realizing all this. They should do their utmost in promoting it.
As elsewhere indicated, Peace on Earth and good will to man will never be realized except on a basis of ethics and economics. In the absence of universal justice in all secular affairs a Universal Religion can only be inaugurated through force or Jesuitry. Clericalism has invariably employed both, and the more they succeed the less religion there is and the farther we are from peace and justice. Secure in these, Universal Religion will be already here.
The most hopeful sign of the times is the fact that the interest in and discussion of ethical and economic problems was never so great as today. Except in the rigid conformity
and obedience of Roman Catholics in attending churches, the real interest in Churches and so-called religion has steadily decreased as interest in ethical and economic problems has increased. Those who
represent the latter now hold the balance of power instead of those who represent so-called religion.
This means that a new basis for religion was demanded by the people. First become reconciled to thy Brother first be just, equitable and right and then offer thy adoration to Deity. The reign of the Christ can only come after economic justice. Before this, he brings a sword !
The "religion" of unjust men has ever been a fetish or Moloch, according to their political power. The union of Church and State has never once in the history of man failed to enthrone Moloch, and to exploit, rob and murder the people in the name of Religion.
Political Parties, Eeligions, Theories of Government, Institutions of all kinds, are on trial. They will be sifted to the last analysis and tried by the Law of Use and the greatest good to the whole of mankind. There can be no lasting concealment, no lasting evasion of this Law. Freemasonry can claim no exemption and seeks no evasion.
Take the lowest estimate that the most ignorant and superficial Mason may put upon the Order, viz., that of a merely social organization for the purpose of securing a "good time." If that were admitted, then we would have to explain the necessity of having the Bible on the altar, of invoking the name of Deity, and of otherwise profaning the most holy things. The Bacchanal of barbarians could go little further. The "Judicial Congress" added only lust and profligacy.
No man was ever "prepared" and "qualified" and made first a Mason in his heart, who does not know that such an estimate of Freemasonry is not only a profane caricature, but a wicked lie. If any Mason, so-called, holds it, he should hide his head in shame. It is solely the creation of his own heart and depraved imagination.
And so Masonry itself is on trial, like all other Institutions of man. What can it offer for the education of the people? How does it deal with ethics and economics? What does it offer for the common weal? What can it add to the commonwealth?
In the day that is dawning every Mason will be compelled to answer these pertinent questions. Why not answer them now, and array ourselves on the side of Liberty, Fraternity and Light, and so hold and use the Balance of Power?
JD BUCK 1907
The Sacred Vault of The 14TH Degree "Degree of Perfection" by By ROBERT MACOY, 33°
The 14th degree of the Ancient and Accepted rite, sometimes
called the "Degree of Perfection." In Prance it is called
" Grand Scotch Mason of Perfection of the Sacred Vault
of James YI." The degree " is considered to be the
ultimate rite of ancient Masonry, as it is the last of the
Ineffable degrees that refer to the first temple. The Masons
who had been employed in constructing the temple acquired
immortal honor. Their association became more uniformly
established and regulated after the completion of the temple
than it had been before. In the admission of new members
their prudence and caution had produced great respect, as
merit alone was required of every candidate. With these
principles firmly established many of the Grand Elect left
the temple after its dedication, and, traveling into other
countries, disseminated the knowledge they had acquired,
and instructed in the sublime degrees of ancient Craft
Masonry all who applied and were found worthy. The
Lodge is styled the Secret Vault. The hangings are crimson,
with white columns at regular intervals. 24 lights—9 in the
East; 7 in the West; 5 in the South; and 3 in the North. "The
apron is white, lined with crimson; in the middle is a square
flat stone, in which is an iron ring. The collar is crimson; the
jewel, a gold compass, open on a circle of forty-five degrees;
between the legs of the compass is a medal representing the
sun on one side, on the other the fiaming star. On the circle is
engraved the figures 3, 5, 7, 9. The compass is surmounted
with a pointed crown. The ring of alliance is of gold. On
the inside is engraved: "Virtue unites what death cannot
separate;" with the name and date of initiation of the owner.
The 14th degree of the Ancient and Accepted rite, sometimes
called the "Degree of Perfection." In Prance it is called
" Grand Scotch Mason of Perfection of the Sacred Vault
of James YI." The degree " is considered to be the
ultimate rite of ancient Masonry, as it is the last of the
Ineffable degrees that refer to the first temple. The Masons
who had been employed in constructing the temple acquired
immortal honor. Their association became more uniformly
established and regulated after the completion of the temple
than it had been before. In the admission of new members
their prudence and caution had produced great respect, as
merit alone was required of every candidate. With these
principles firmly established many of the Grand Elect left
the temple after its dedication, and, traveling into other
countries, disseminated the knowledge they had acquired,
and instructed in the sublime degrees of ancient Craft
Masonry all who applied and were found worthy. The
Lodge is styled the Secret Vault. The hangings are crimson,
with white columns at regular intervals. 24 lights—9 in the
East; 7 in the West; 5 in the South; and 3 in the North. "The
apron is white, lined with crimson; in the middle is a square
flat stone, in which is an iron ring. The collar is crimson; the
jewel, a gold compass, open on a circle of forty-five degrees;
between the legs of the compass is a medal representing the
sun on one side, on the other the fiaming star. On the circle is
engraved the figures 3, 5, 7, 9. The compass is surmounted
with a pointed crown. The ring of alliance is of gold. On
the inside is engraved: "Virtue unites what death cannot
separate;" with the name and date of initiation of the owner.
Man is a triune being. He is composed of
a physical body, a spiritual body, and a Soul.
The physical body is that part of man concerning
which most men are best informed.
Many do not know that they have a spiritual
body, and a good many others are in grave
doubt as to whether there is such a thing as a
Soul. This, however, does not alter the facts.
The physical body is composed of physical
material. The spiritual body is composed of
spiritual matter. The Soul is the intelligent
entity which operates both bodies. What it is
in essence we do not know. All we know of
it are its manifestations. We know that it
manifests itself through its material bodies.
Whether or not it also is "material" we do
not know.
One body is composed of physical material,
coarse in particle and slow in vibratory
activity. The other is composed of spiritual
material, fine in particle and rapid in vibratory
activity. These two material bodies
occupy the same material area or volume,
though not absolutely the same "space," as
this term is used by physical science. They
interblend in a manner somewhat analogous
to the interblending of the "muscular man"
and the "nerve man" of the physical organism.
A more fitting illustration, perhaps,
would be suggested by the manner in which
water and sand interpenetrate when placed in
the same vessel. The water, being finer of
particle than sand, runs into the interstices
between the particles of the sand. Owing
entirely to this difference in the degree of
fineness of their particles, a cup full of sand
will also hold at the same time a considerable
quantity of water.
After many centuries of experimentation
the Great School of the Masters has demonstrated,
with what would appear to be absolute
scientific certainty, that there are an
Electro-Magnetic Life Element and a Vito-
Chemical Life Element of Nature, both of
which interpenetrate the two material bodies
of man during his physical life. From all
the evidence at command it is determined
that the presence of these two Life Elements
is necessary to constitute a perfect material
link of connection in man between the coarse
physical body and the refined spiritual body.
Whilst this Magnetic Element individualizes
itself in the organism of man, it is also
what would seem to be a universal Element
of Nature. It is finer of particle than what
we know as physical matter, and not so fine
as spiritual matter. It has been proven with
scientific certainty that this Magnetic Element
within man's individual composition is
subject to the control of his individual Will.
Every physically embodied Soul has two
material bodies, a physical body and a spiritual
body. These are held in definite relation
to each other during physical life by
what Natural Science designates the "Magnetic
This Magnetic Element is double in its
essential relation to the two bodies. There is
a definite line of cleavage. That which lies
below this line in its degree of refinement and
vibratory activity seems to partake more
strongly of the condition of physical matter.
It is, for this reason, termed "Physical Magnetism."
That which lies above the line of
cleavage seems to partake more strongly of
the nature and condition of spiritual matter.
For this reason it is designated as "Spiritual
Physical Magnetism, during physical life,
has a strong attraction for the physical body.
Spiritual Magnetism has an equally strong
attraction for the spiritual body.
Physical Magnetism and Spiritual Magnetism
have a strong attraction for each other.
Here is a distinct threefold magnetic attraction
in peculiar combination. Study it a
A simple experiment with four physical
magnets will furnish us an illustration which
will help those who may not be familiar with
the subject to understand what occurs at the
point of physical death.
Take four magnetic bars (Fig. 1) so magnetically
related that when lying side by side
No. 1 and No. 2 are strongly attracted to each
other; No. 3 and No. 4 are equally attracted
to each other; and No. 2 and No. 3 are likewise
attracted to each other. Bring them together in
that order, and it will be found that
the four bars are at once bound together as
if by a common bond of sympathy.
Let us suppose that, by a process under
your own control, you can break or destroy
the attraction between No. 2 and No. 3
— what will be the physical result? Simply this,
that the couplet 1 and 2 will separate from
the couplet 3 and 4. (Fig. 2.)
Let us suppose that you restore them to
their original condition, and then break the
attraction benveen No. 3 and No. 4. What
is the result? In this event No. 4 falls away
from the other three, and Nos. 1, 2 and 3 remain
bound together in the common bond.
(Fig. 3.)
Let us assume that No. 1 represents the
Spiritual Body of a living, physically embodied
man. No. 2 represents the Spiritual
Magnetism. No. 3 represents the Physical
Magnetism, and No. 4 represents the Physical
Body of Man. (Fig. 4.)
Let us suppose, again, that by some process
of nature the bond of attraction between Nos.
2 and 3 is broken. What happens? The Spiritual
Body with its Spiritual NLignetism separates
from the Physical Body and its Physical
Magnetism. (Fig. S.) Now in this
instance, let us also suppose the Spiritual
Body is still inhabited by the Soul. What
then? In this event we have the Soul with its
Spiritual Body and its Spiritual Magnetism
(Spiritual Magnetic Body) liberated entirely
from the Physical Body and its Physical
Magnetism (Physical Magnetic Body).
In this case the Soul has parted from all
that binds it to earth's conditions, and it rises
at once into the realm of pure Spiritual Conditions
Now let us suppose that the four elements
are once more united in physical life, and
that by some natural process the attraction is
broken beuveen Xos. 3 and 4. What then?
The Physical Body alone falls away from the
combination, and leaves the other three elements
bound together. (Fig. 6.)
Assuming that the Soul still inhabits the
Spiritual Body after this separation, we then
have the Soul with its Spiritual Body and
Spiritual Magnetism still bound to and encumbered
by its original Physical Magnetism
(the Physical Magnetic Body).
Thus encumbered, the Soul is unable to rise
to the level of the pure Spiritual Condition,
or Plane. As a result, it remains in the realm
of the Magnetic Field until such time as it is
able to cast off its Physical Magnetic Body.
Its Physical Magnetic Body gives to the combination
a ''Gravity'' which binds it closely
to the plane of earth. While in this condition
the Soul remains in what has been designated
as an ^'earth-bound" condition. While it remains
in this condition it is known as an
"earth-bound Soul."
In course of time, however, if it continues
its evolutionary struggle it will be able to cast
oflF its Physical Magnetic Body, and we then
have the analogy for Fig. 7.
In this case the Physical Magnetic Body,
being detached from all its moorings, floats
in the Magnetic Field until it is finally dissolved
by the processes of Nature and is resolved
back into the elements from which it
was originally formed.
J.E Richardson 1908
Man is a triune being. He is composed of
a physical body, a spiritual body, and a Soul.
The physical body is that part of man concerning
which most men are best informed.
Many do not know that they have a spiritual
body, and a good many others are in grave
doubt as to whether there is such a thing as a
Soul. This, however, does not alter the facts.
The physical body is composed of physical
material. The spiritual body is composed of
spiritual matter. The Soul is the intelligent
entity which operates both bodies. What it is
in essence we do not know. All we know of
it are its manifestations. We know that it
manifests itself through its material bodies.
Whether or not it also is "material" we do
not know.
One body is composed of physical material,
coarse in particle and slow in vibratory
activity. The other is composed of spiritual
material, fine in particle and rapid in vibratory
activity. These two material bodies
occupy the same material area or volume,
though not absolutely the same "space," as
this term is used by physical science. They
interblend in a manner somewhat analogous
to the interblending of the "muscular man"
and the "nerve man" of the physical organism.
A more fitting illustration, perhaps,
would be suggested by the manner in which
water and sand interpenetrate when placed in
the same vessel. The water, being finer of
particle than sand, runs into the interstices
between the particles of the sand. Owing
entirely to this difference in the degree of
fineness of their particles, a cup full of sand
will also hold at the same time a considerable
quantity of water.
After many centuries of experimentation
the Great School of the Masters has demonstrated,
with what would appear to be absolute
scientific certainty, that there are an
Electro-Magnetic Life Element and a Vito-
Chemical Life Element of Nature, both of
which interpenetrate the two material bodies
of man during his physical life. From all
the evidence at command it is determined
that the presence of these two Life Elements
is necessary to constitute a perfect material
link of connection in man between the coarse
physical body and the refined spiritual body.
Whilst this Magnetic Element individualizes
itself in the organism of man, it is also
what would seem to be a universal Element
of Nature. It is finer of particle than what
we know as physical matter, and not so fine
as spiritual matter. It has been proven with
scientific certainty that this Magnetic Element
within man's individual composition is
subject to the control of his individual Will.
Every physically embodied Soul has two
material bodies, a physical body and a spiritual
body. These are held in definite relation
to each other during physical life by
what Natural Science designates the "Magnetic
This Magnetic Element is double in its
essential relation to the two bodies. There is
a definite line of cleavage. That which lies
below this line in its degree of refinement and
vibratory activity seems to partake more
strongly of the condition of physical matter.
It is, for this reason, termed "Physical Magnetism."
That which lies above the line of
cleavage seems to partake more strongly of
the nature and condition of spiritual matter.
For this reason it is designated as "Spiritual
Physical Magnetism, during physical life,
has a strong attraction for the physical body.
Spiritual Magnetism has an equally strong
attraction for the spiritual body.
Physical Magnetism and Spiritual Magnetism
have a strong attraction for each other.
Here is a distinct threefold magnetic attraction
in peculiar combination. Study it a
A simple experiment with four physical
magnets will furnish us an illustration which
will help those who may not be familiar with
the subject to understand what occurs at the
point of physical death.
Take four magnetic bars (Fig. 1) so magnetically
related that when lying side by side
No. 1 and No. 2 are strongly attracted to each
other; No. 3 and No. 4 are equally attracted
to each other; and No. 2 and No. 3 are likewise
attracted to each other. Bring them together in
that order, and it will be found that
the four bars are at once bound together as
if by a common bond of sympathy.
Let us suppose that, by a process under
your own control, you can break or destroy
the attraction between No. 2 and No. 3
— what will be the physical result? Simply this,
that the couplet 1 and 2 will separate from
the couplet 3 and 4. (Fig. 2.)
Let us suppose that you restore them to
their original condition, and then break the
attraction benveen No. 3 and No. 4. What
is the result? In this event No. 4 falls away
from the other three, and Nos. 1, 2 and 3 remain
bound together in the common bond.
(Fig. 3.)
Let us assume that No. 1 represents the
Spiritual Body of a living, physically embodied
man. No. 2 represents the Spiritual
Magnetism. No. 3 represents the Physical
Magnetism, and No. 4 represents the Physical
Body of Man. (Fig. 4.)
Let us suppose, again, that by some process
of nature the bond of attraction between Nos.
2 and 3 is broken. What happens? The Spiritual
Body with its Spiritual NLignetism separates
from the Physical Body and its Physical
Magnetism. (Fig. S.) Now in this
instance, let us also suppose the Spiritual
Body is still inhabited by the Soul. What
then? In this event we have the Soul with its
Spiritual Body and its Spiritual Magnetism
(Spiritual Magnetic Body) liberated entirely
from the Physical Body and its Physical
Magnetism (Physical Magnetic Body).
In this case the Soul has parted from all
that binds it to earth's conditions, and it rises
at once into the realm of pure Spiritual Conditions
Now let us suppose that the four elements
are once more united in physical life, and
that by some natural process the attraction is
broken beuveen Xos. 3 and 4. What then?
The Physical Body alone falls away from the
combination, and leaves the other three elements
bound together. (Fig. 6.)
Assuming that the Soul still inhabits the
Spiritual Body after this separation, we then
have the Soul with its Spiritual Body and
Spiritual Magnetism still bound to and encumbered
by its original Physical Magnetism
(the Physical Magnetic Body).
Thus encumbered, the Soul is unable to rise
to the level of the pure Spiritual Condition,
or Plane. As a result, it remains in the realm
of the Magnetic Field until such time as it is
able to cast off its Physical Magnetic Body.
Its Physical Magnetic Body gives to the combination
a ''Gravity'' which binds it closely
to the plane of earth. While in this condition
the Soul remains in what has been designated
as an ^'earth-bound" condition. While it remains
in this condition it is known as an
"earth-bound Soul."
In course of time, however, if it continues
its evolutionary struggle it will be able to cast
oflF its Physical Magnetic Body, and we then
have the analogy for Fig. 7.
In this case the Physical Magnetic Body,
being detached from all its moorings, floats
in the Magnetic Field until it is finally dissolved
by the processes of Nature and is resolved
back into the elements from which it
was originally formed.
J.E Richardson 1908
The Great Psychological Crime Vol II By J. E. RICHARDSON,
'Fools Deride, Philosophers Investigate'
1. That which dispels, disintegrates, dissipates
or destroys any of Nature's constructive
individualities, v^hether they be physical,
spiritual, mental, moral or psychical, is The
Destructive Principle of Nature in Individual
2. That which deprives the Intelligent
Soul, or essential Entity of Man, of any of
the inalienable rights, privileges, benefits,
powers or possibilities with which God or
Nature has invested it, is A Psychological
3. That which subjects the Will, Voluntary
Powers and Sensory Organism of the
Intelligent Soul, or essential Entity of Man,
to the Will and Domination of another, is
The Great Psychological Crime,
The conception of the Builder is basic
and everywhere manifest in Freemasonry.
Hiram, the Master Builder, who drew the
plans of the temple and day by day placed
the "designs on the trestleboard", is taken
as a human symbol of the Designer and
Creator of the Cosmos. The relation of
Hiram to the Temple symbolizes the relation
of the G. A. 0. T. U. to the Universe
In the building of the Temple the work
of construction fell to the Entered Apprentices
and Fellowcrafts. When the Temple
was completed these also were to become
Masters and receive the Word. The progressive
science of human life, and the
natural, orderly and progressive relation
of man to God, were thus involved and
ingrained, without dogmatizing or theologizing.
It was illustrated and left to the
apprehension and intelligence of the candidate.
This method of teaching, and the lesson
taught, is the supremacy of human wisdom.
It involves the idea of progressive intelligence
which, loyal to truth, duty and obligation,
assures the higher and still higher
evolution of man. It is based on the
facts of human observation and experience.
Man is an Individual Intelligence; God
the Universal Intelligence. The growth
of intelligence in man; his conformity to
law and order; his allegiance to duty and
obligation ; his proficiency in all preceding
work or degrees give him the right, and
secure for him the benefit of higher degrees
of knowledge, power and privilege.
This is not "argued out". It is illustrated
by a personal experience, and demonstrated
at every step. The personal experience
that is thus secured brings the
man constantly nearer to the Master, as it
brings the Master nearer to God.
What our ancient brethren in the Greater
Mysteries called "the Immortal Gods",
were simply perfected by this normal human
evolution. " First a man, then a
Master, then a God.
The theologians who have made such a
caricature or a fetish of Jesus, were ignorant
of this normal, progressive, higher
evolution of man. No man of intelligence
nowadays will assume that the practice of
the precepts under consideration can have
any other result than this higher evolution.
Neither can he determine any limits to the
process and possibilities of such evolution,
Hence, the theologian has created an impassable
gulf between the man Jesus and
the Christ ; or between man and God ; thus
annulling the wages of an upright life. To
patch up the inconsistency and bridge the
gulf thus created, they invented the Vicarious
Atonement, the application of which
Clericalism proceeded to preempt and to
monopolize. Preach and theorize as they
may, they make an upright life and a dissolute
one practically equal.
The just and upright man, who, nevertheless,
denies the creed and refuses tithes
for Mass, if murdered by a villain, or by
priests under the charge of heresy, is
bound for hades; while his murderer, by
confession and "fixing" it up with the
cleric, gains absolution and goes to heaven.
No greater abomination in morals was
ever practiced upon the children of men.
The "sinner" sees the point, compromises
with his conscience and his sense of personal
responsibility, and "takes his
chances". Such a doctrine can have but
one result, viz., to blunt the moral sense.
Strictly speaking, there is no theology
in Freemasonry. It does not speculate regarding
the Being of God. It recognizes
certain self-evident propositions. As Intelligence
designs the Temple, so Intelligence
designs, builds, governs and beautifies
the Universe. The analogy is self-evident.
What Intelligence is, we do not know.
What it does, we see everywhere around
us. We see how it grows, to what uses it
can be applied, and how the highest and
noblest results can be attained. We learn
this beyond all controversy from the facts
of human experience.
Selfishness, debauchery and uncharitableness
degrade man toward the brute.
Self-control, the recognition of personal
responsibility and loving-kindness lead
man upward to Mastership and toward
The analogy is complete between man as
the builder of character through self-control;
man, the builder of temples from intelligent
designs; man, the builder of society
through Brotherly Love, Belief and
Truth; and God, the Builder of Worlds
the " Grand Architect of the Universe", in
all, through all, and over all.
Man everywhere and at all times creates
his own concept, his own idea of God.
Every nation and each religion has its
Divinity. Philosophers, and even poets,
like Watts, are God-builders. Listen to
"His nostrils breathe out living flames.
He's a consuming fire,
His jealous eyes his wrath inflames
To raise his vengeance higher."
"Infants not a span long" would indeed
be a "dainty dish" for such a being.
Could man have done much worse had he
never heard or dreamed of God at all?
The atheist, however, in trying to escape
from these caricatures of Deity, and in
denying Divinity altogether, is wholly illogical.
The atheist is also the creation of
theologians. The antithesis does not lie
between the "God of the heathen", or of
Watts, and no God; but between the God
of Fear and Superstition, and the God of
Love, Reason and Justice.
The postulate of Divinity, this concept
of the Grand Architect of the Universe
found in Freemasonry, is, like all others,
the creation of man. As an incentive to
adoration and worship, as a conception apprehensible
to the human mind, and implying
a relation to man that constantly
draws him nearer to God and forms the
basis of ethics for the building of character,
it has no equal in the history of
human thought, or the intelligent conception
of man.
While theologies are going to pieces, and
men imagine they can get along without
God and are willing to be called "atheists",
here lies the strongest bulwark for
the preservation of that spirit of reverence
and devotion which elevates and ennobles
man. Such a concept is indeed a "strong
anchor" to the human soul.
This recognition of Divinity in Masonry
is of such a character and is used in such a
way as to give no offense to a Brother of
any religious faith, be he Jew, Christian,
Buddhist, or a believer in any other of
the world's great religions. Coming as it
does from remote antiquity, the concept
worked out by Masters of human thought
and noble living in the Greater Mysteries
of antiquity, and commensurate with the
highest intelligence of any age; avoiding
crass materialism and atheism on the one
hand, and fanaticism and fetishism on the
other ; it stands as a boon, a priceless jewel
to the human race.
This does not imply that the intelligent
mind, the reverent and devout soul, cannot
enlarge on the concept. The range of human
intelligence as a spark of Divinity "
seems practically infinite. It does mean,
however, that it stands as a consistent,
wise and inspiring theorem, a consensus of
human thought, reverent, reasonable, consistent
and uplifting.
This recognition of Divinity is never
overlooked nor forgotten in the Lodge
room. It can never there be degraded to
a fetish. It is not involved in words and
ceremonies that can ever degenerate into
"lip service". As already shown, it can
never give offense nor excite controversy
except by misinterpretation, and by being
misapplied; and this would be wholly un-
There has been a tendency, at certain
times and in certain directions to "Christianize"
certain Masonic degrees. Any sectarian
or religious bias given to any degree
in Masonry is wholly un-Masonic and
wholly opposed to the real Genius of Freemasonry.
The whole of true Masonry is potentially
embodied in the first three degrees.
Beautiful, impressive and sublime as are
some of the so-called higher degrees, they
all have their root in, and take their rise
from the Blue Lodge, and must be held consistent
with that body.
There are not only many concepts of
the Supreme Being, but many names by
which these concepts have been designated.
Among the Jews from whom a great deal
of the Masonic ritual is derived and legends
adapted, there were several of these
God-names involving certain attributes of
Deity. The same is true of the Hindoo,
Persian and many other ancient peoples
and religions. To give any one of these
words, or God-names, supremacy above all
others and call it the true word, or the
"real word", with no reason or explanation
therefor, is a mere conceit bordering
on dogma.
The real Word is not a mere matter of
phonetics, an empty sound "signifying
nothing". Words, at best, and at most,
are symbols of the intelligent concepts of
man; and as Bro. Albert Pike abundantly
showed, if any one word known to man in
any language can convey the meaning of
the "Lost Word", it is the Sanscrit A U M.
But this involves a whole philosophy of
man and the Universe. It also involves the
science of Phonetics, up to Marconi and
beyond; the synchronous vibration of the
being of man with both God and Nature.
It were better for the enlightenment of
the Craft had no attempt been made to enlarge
or improve upon the concept of
G. A. O. T. U., and that every just and upright
Mason should remember, apprehend
and reverence the Builder and the Sustainer
of man, the Light of the Universe.
If the sincere and thoughtful Mason
would "take notice" of the symbolism and
the use made everywhere in the Lodge of
the word "Light", and remember that the
real Initiates are called also "the Illuminati",
(Sons of Light), those who are
illumined, and who in turn illuminate,
he might gather clues of, not only the
whole symbolism of Masonry, but also of
the real "Word".
Light and Love are the most significant
omnific words. Nor is this true in a figurative
sense only. Often has the refined spiritual
vision of men "discerned a light",
and presently, a "radiant Being in the
midst thereof", when it was seen that the
Being emanated the light. The halo around
the heads of saints is not a purely human
invention, and the transfiguration of Jesus
will one day be explained and apprehended
as naturally as the "waves" of Marconi.
The concepts of the human mind are
everywhere undergoing refinement, as man
rises in the scale of human evolution. With
all this progress and refinement, and with
these wonderful discoveries regarding
"Nature's Finer Forces", it will still be
found that in the symbolism of Freemasonry
there was planted a real knowledge
capable of unfolding, and destined to unfold
for, lo, these many generations.
To all of these profound secrets, the concept
of "the Grand Architect of the Universe"
stands, and will forever remain the
' ' Rock of Ages ' '
; the acme and the epitome
of human wisdom as a concept of Divinity.
JD BUCK 1907
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Mercantilism: The Only Type Of Capitolisim That Must Be Done Away With
mercantilism (mûr`kÉ™ntÄlÄzÉ™m), economic system of the major trading nations during the 16th, 17th, and 18th cent., based on the premise that national wealth and power were best served by increasing exports and collecting precious metals in return. It superseded the medieval feudal organization in Western Europe, especially in Holland, France, and England. The period 1500–1800 was one of religious and commercial wars, and large revenues were needed to maintain armies and pay the growing costs of civil government. Mercantilist nations were impressed by the fact that the precious metals, especially gold, were in universal demand as the ready means of obtaining other commodities; hence they tended to identify money with wealth. As the best means of acquiring bullion, foreign trade was favored above domestic trade, and manufacturing or processing, which provided the goods for foreign trade, was favored at the expense of the extractive industries (e.g., agriculture). State action, an essential feature of the mercantile system, was used to accomplish its purposes. Under a mercantilist policy a nation sought to sell more than it bought so as to accumulate bullion. Besides bullion, raw materials for domestic manufacturers were also sought, and duties were levied on the importation of such goods in order to provide revenue for the government. The state exercised much control over economic life, chiefly through corporations and trading companies. Production was carefully regulated with the object of securing goods of high quality and low cost, thus enabling the nation to hold its place in foreign markets. Treaties were made to obtain exclusive trading privileges, and the commerce of colonies was exploited for the benefit of the mother country. In England mercantilist policies were effective in creating a skilled industrial population and a large shipping industry. Through a series of Navigation Acts England finally destroyed the commerce of Holland, its chief rival. As the classical economists were later to point out, however, even a successful mercantilist policy was not likely to be beneficial, because it produced an oversupply of money and, with it, serious inflation. Mercantilist ideas did not decline until the coming of the Industrial Revolution and of laissez-faire. Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, and Oliver Cromwell conformed their policies to mercantilism. In France its chief exponent was Jean Baptiste Colbert.
What is in a Solar Cell: Silica and Carbon
Photovoltaic solar cells are thin silicon disks that convert sunlight into electricity. These disks act as energy sources for a wide variety of uses, including: calculators and other small devices; telecommunications; rooftop panels on individual houses; and for lighting, pumping, and medical refrigeration for villages in developing countries. Solar cells in the form of large arrays are used to power satellites and, in rare cases, to provide electricity for power plants.
When research into electricity began and simple batteries were being made and studied, research into solar electricity followed amazingly quickly. As early as 1839, Antoine-Cesar Becquerel exposed a chemical battery to the sun to see it produce voltage. This first conversion of sunlight to electricity was one percent efficient. That is, one percent of the incoming sunlight was converted into electricity. Willoughby Smith in 1873 discovered that selenium was sensitive to light; in 1877 Adams and Day noted that selenium, when exposed to light, produced an electrical current. Charles Fritts, in the 1880s, also used gold-coated selenium to make the first solar cell, again only one percent efficient. Nevertheless, Fritts considered his cells to be revolutionary. He envisioned free solar energy to be a means of decentralization, predicting that solar cells would replace power plants with individually powered residences.
With Albert Einstein's explanation in 1905 of the photoelectric effect—metal absorbs energy from light and will retain that energy until too much light hits it—hope soared anew that solar electricity at higher efficiencies would become feasible. Little progress was made, however, until research into diodes and transistors yielded the knowledge necessary for Bell scientists Gordon Pearson, Darryl Chapin, and Cal Fuller to produce a silicon solar cell of four percent efficiency in 1954.
Read more: How solar cell is made - material, manufacture, making, used, parts, structure, procedure, steps, industry, Raw Materials, The Manufacturing Process of solar cell
When research into electricity began and simple batteries were being made and studied, research into solar electricity followed amazingly quickly. As early as 1839, Antoine-Cesar Becquerel exposed a chemical battery to the sun to see it produce voltage. This first conversion of sunlight to electricity was one percent efficient. That is, one percent of the incoming sunlight was converted into electricity. Willoughby Smith in 1873 discovered that selenium was sensitive to light; in 1877 Adams and Day noted that selenium, when exposed to light, produced an electrical current. Charles Fritts, in the 1880s, also used gold-coated selenium to make the first solar cell, again only one percent efficient. Nevertheless, Fritts considered his cells to be revolutionary. He envisioned free solar energy to be a means of decentralization, predicting that solar cells would replace power plants with individually powered residences.
With Albert Einstein's explanation in 1905 of the photoelectric effect—metal absorbs energy from light and will retain that energy until too much light hits it—hope soared anew that solar electricity at higher efficiencies would become feasible. Little progress was made, however, until research into diodes and transistors yielded the knowledge necessary for Bell scientists Gordon Pearson, Darryl Chapin, and Cal Fuller to produce a silicon solar cell of four percent efficiency in 1954.
Read more: How solar cell is made - material, manufacture, making, used, parts, structure, procedure, steps, industry, Raw Materials, The Manufacturing Process of solar cell
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Brain Fluid Scatter Laser to Disorientate Public Speakers
A general theory is presented which describes stimulated scattering, in a liquid medium, in terms of the refractive index modulation induced in the medium by the strong electric fields of the laser and scattered beams. It is shown that this modulation also results in the Bragg reflexion of low-power light of other frequencies incident on the scattering region. Results are presented which indicate that this Bragg reflexion affords a convenient technique for the comprehensive investigation of the modulation. -The Royal Society
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Caution’s Wind from "The Killer Inside" by Robert Gray Gallagher
A level plane
Shall guide me to a joyous self
Imbalance breeds confusion
As chaos becomes my guide to nowhere
Seeking the validation of conflicted minds
Shall only make my own more confused
The resistance greeting a stream
Are the elements it shall one day become
Nothing always remains the same
Nothing stands in the way of will unaligned with belief
This is where the river meets the ocean
This is where I stop and my spirit begins
Wisdom remains elusive to those who mistake fear for love
Waiting for the right moment
Means following fear into oblivion
I tell myself things
Because I believe I am nothing
I am not the innocent yet innocent I am
I am not the destroyer But I harbor destruction inside a mind
Its a dream designed by fear and guarded by beliefs
This brings me much sadness
Sadness is a state of unreciprocated love
Life force loves me as best it can
within this world I trap myself inside of
My kingdom I have built is missing love
My kingdom keeps me locked inside my mind
The true kingdom is love and nothing more
More is not needed with love’s creation
Because it is already everything
My kingdom invites me to entertain in its madness
How long will I support this creation despite all I see?
Do I doubt that what I see is real?
Do I only question the truth to be a lie?
I have lived a lie since the day I was born.
There is nothing more dangerous that a liar
Who believes his deceptions of self
And builds his life upon them as if they were truth.
Only I can see what I chose to see
Only I can think what I chose to think
But how do my choices make me feel?
If I could do things differently would I even dare?
To find is simply to “be” I cannot seek what I already am.
I can't see myself this reality I create
I wake up to a world fighting its own nature?
I try to fit inside
A world I was never supposed to endure
A world unworthy of my support
A world guided by fear
A guide so hard to follow
Trust is impossible
Without love within
If I Could find a way to “be” Would all need perish?
Lack of love has no remedy other than love
Until then The emperor shall remain his throne
An invisable tyrant I have chosen to lead me
I'll obey him out of fear but will never love him
love is not what he wants
He only wants to feel important
because he knews he is not
He only tries to feel special
because he knows he is not
I have unknowingly given my power
To this beast of figmentation
Sitting upon a throne that I had afforded him
I've relinquished all responsibility
Into the arms of a madman
I tell myself lies
While attempting to convince myself I am not a liar
I live to serve a master who doesn't exist
Look at the world my master has built without my permission
Welcome to my empire of nothing.
Shall guide me to a joyous self
Imbalance breeds confusion
As chaos becomes my guide to nowhere
Seeking the validation of conflicted minds
Shall only make my own more confused
The resistance greeting a stream
Are the elements it shall one day become
Nothing always remains the same
Nothing stands in the way of will unaligned with belief
This is where the river meets the ocean
This is where I stop and my spirit begins
Wisdom remains elusive to those who mistake fear for love
Waiting for the right moment
Means following fear into oblivion
I tell myself things
Because I believe I am nothing
I am not the innocent yet innocent I am
I am not the destroyer But I harbor destruction inside a mind
Its a dream designed by fear and guarded by beliefs
This brings me much sadness
Sadness is a state of unreciprocated love
Life force loves me as best it can
within this world I trap myself inside of
My kingdom I have built is missing love
My kingdom keeps me locked inside my mind
The true kingdom is love and nothing more
More is not needed with love’s creation
Because it is already everything
My kingdom invites me to entertain in its madness
How long will I support this creation despite all I see?
Do I doubt that what I see is real?
Do I only question the truth to be a lie?
I have lived a lie since the day I was born.
There is nothing more dangerous that a liar
Who believes his deceptions of self
And builds his life upon them as if they were truth.
Only I can see what I chose to see
Only I can think what I chose to think
But how do my choices make me feel?
If I could do things differently would I even dare?
To find is simply to “be” I cannot seek what I already am.
I can't see myself this reality I create
I wake up to a world fighting its own nature?
I try to fit inside
A world I was never supposed to endure
A world unworthy of my support
A world guided by fear
A guide so hard to follow
Trust is impossible
Without love within
If I Could find a way to “be” Would all need perish?
Lack of love has no remedy other than love
Until then The emperor shall remain his throne
An invisable tyrant I have chosen to lead me
I'll obey him out of fear but will never love him
love is not what he wants
He only wants to feel important
because he knews he is not
He only tries to feel special
because he knows he is not
I have unknowingly given my power
To this beast of figmentation
Sitting upon a throne that I had afforded him
I've relinquished all responsibility
Into the arms of a madman
I tell myself lies
While attempting to convince myself I am not a liar
I live to serve a master who doesn't exist
Look at the world my master has built without my permission
Welcome to my empire of nothing.
Monday, November 14, 2011
What Are Your Defining Moments? Are they supporting cause or effect?
There are many defining moments in ones life. The conditions of our defining moments greatly determine our potential for development. As someone who has experienced many moments I ask you to consider those you have chose to define yourself with . Do you define yourself through a process of eliminating all possibilities for pain as well as bliss? Do the conditions you put on your ability and willingness limit the range of your movement? Are there things you believe you could never do? Are there secrets you believe only yourself to keep? Do you believe your wounds are too deep to ever recover from? Do you know that these are conditions that limit your ability to express life force?
The mind, in its present design has a limited range of functions. It's liability lies in its propensity to support and seek validation for a complex structure of beliefs born out of repetitive conditioning. It is our reaction to to this conditioning that must change before we change the condition itself. We are vehicles of life force expression that may be fragile but we are far from broken. Will be made aware of the moment we have become beyond repair. Although still capable, it is our belief that we are broken that keeps many of us in “total effect” or death yet fully manifested but beyond possible intervention.
The mind, in its present design has a limited range of functions. It's liability lies in its propensity to support and seek validation for a complex structure of beliefs born out of repetitive conditioning. It is our reaction to to this conditioning that must change before we change the condition itself. We are vehicles of life force expression that may be fragile but we are far from broken. Will be made aware of the moment we have become beyond repair. Although still capable, it is our belief that we are broken that keeps many of us in “total effect” or death yet fully manifested but beyond possible intervention.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
G.A.O.T.U: The Freemason interpretation
The Great Architect may also be a metaphor alluding to the godhead potentiality of every individual. "(God)... That invisible power which all know does exist, but understood by many different names, such as God, Spirit, Supreme Being, Intelligence, Mind, Energy, Nature and so forth." [7] In the Hermetic Tradition, each and every person has the potential to become God, this idea or concept of God is perceived as internal rather than external. The Great Architect is also an allusion to the observer created universe. We create our own reality; hence we are the architect. Another way would to be to say that the mind is the builder.
Masonic historians such as William Bissey,[4] Gary Leazer (quoting Coil's Masonic Encyclopaedia),[5] and S. Brent Morris,[6] assert that "the Masonic abbreviation G.A.O.T.U., meaning the Great Architect of the Universe, continues a long tradition of using an allegorical name for the Deity". They trace how the name and the abbreviation entered Masonic tradition from the Book of Constitutions written in 1723 by the Reverend James Anderson. They also note that Anderson, a Calvinist minister, probably took the term from Calvin's usage.
Christopher Haffner's own explanation of how the Masonic concept of a Great Architect of the Universe, as a placeholder for the Supreme Being of one's choice, is given in Workman Unashamed:
“ Now imagine me standing in lodge with my head bowed in prayer between Brother Mohammed Bokhary and Brother Arjun Melwani. To neither of them is the Great Architect of the Universe perceived as the Holy Trinity. To Brother Bokhary He has been revealed as Allah; to Brother Melwani He is probably perceived as Vishnu. Since I believe that there is only one God, I am confronted with three possibilities:
They are praying to the devil whilst I am praying to God;
They are praying to nothing, as their Gods do not exist;
They are praying to the same God as I, yet their understanding of His nature is partly incomplete (as indeed is mine — 1 Cor 13:12)
It is without hesitation that I accept the third possibility..
—Christopher Haffner, Workman Unashamed: The Testimony of a Christian Freemason, Lewis Masonic, 1989, p.3
Sources Sited:
Wiki and The Genius of Freemasonry and the 20th Century Crusade.
Masonic historians such as William Bissey,[4] Gary Leazer (quoting Coil's Masonic Encyclopaedia),[5] and S. Brent Morris,[6] assert that "the Masonic abbreviation G.A.O.T.U., meaning the Great Architect of the Universe, continues a long tradition of using an allegorical name for the Deity". They trace how the name and the abbreviation entered Masonic tradition from the Book of Constitutions written in 1723 by the Reverend James Anderson. They also note that Anderson, a Calvinist minister, probably took the term from Calvin's usage.
Christopher Haffner's own explanation of how the Masonic concept of a Great Architect of the Universe, as a placeholder for the Supreme Being of one's choice, is given in Workman Unashamed:
“ Now imagine me standing in lodge with my head bowed in prayer between Brother Mohammed Bokhary and Brother Arjun Melwani. To neither of them is the Great Architect of the Universe perceived as the Holy Trinity. To Brother Bokhary He has been revealed as Allah; to Brother Melwani He is probably perceived as Vishnu. Since I believe that there is only one God, I am confronted with three possibilities:
They are praying to the devil whilst I am praying to God;
They are praying to nothing, as their Gods do not exist;
They are praying to the same God as I, yet their understanding of His nature is partly incomplete (as indeed is mine — 1 Cor 13:12)
It is without hesitation that I accept the third possibility..
—Christopher Haffner, Workman Unashamed: The Testimony of a Christian Freemason, Lewis Masonic, 1989, p.3
Sources Sited:
Wiki and The Genius of Freemasonry and the 20th Century Crusade.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
High up in the hills
And behind iron gates
Our political leaders
Sit far removed
From the truth
Of the streets that surround them.
Most of these men and woman
Have taken a solemn oath
To serve the people
That elected them to office
But the only true commitment they have made
Is to maintain their personal power
By any means necessary
They lay their morality to waste
And shift their revolving beliefs,
Without hesitation,
In order to cater to their friends
With special interests
Who lurk in the shadows,
Willing to give unlimited financial backing
In exchange for these “leaders”
Pawning their integrity at the drop of a dime.
The evolution of the united states political system can be compared to a wooden hulled ship that is drifting along far from the safety of any shore. It is being eaten from the inside out by capitalistic termites that just cannot help themselves and will ironically die when there is nothing left to consume.
When in doubt do nothing.
Will you stand in line or release the glitch?"
Join our new group:
And behind iron gates
Our political leaders
Sit far removed
From the truth
Of the streets that surround them.
Most of these men and woman
Have taken a solemn oath
To serve the people
That elected them to office
But the only true commitment they have made
Is to maintain their personal power
By any means necessary
They lay their morality to waste
And shift their revolving beliefs,
Without hesitation,
In order to cater to their friends
With special interests
Who lurk in the shadows,
Willing to give unlimited financial backing
In exchange for these “leaders”
Pawning their integrity at the drop of a dime.
The evolution of the united states political system can be compared to a wooden hulled ship that is drifting along far from the safety of any shore. It is being eaten from the inside out by capitalistic termites that just cannot help themselves and will ironically die when there is nothing left to consume.
When in doubt do nothing.
Will you stand in line or release the glitch?"
Join our new group:
Africa Serengeti
Africa Serengeti
You privileged tyrants inside this house of doom; you have consumed the forbidden fruit of greed. Suddenly, without recourse, this freight train of idiots has been set into motion with reckless abandon. Stars of modern relics flutter in our hindsight. Tales of unforeseen decay accompany this nation of sleepwalkers. Cops and robbers trapped inside this land of cowboys in search of new frontiers. Your inner cities stand as nothing but Remnants of a deceased dream.
Its inhabitants wait to sing their song of redemption but no song is sung. All you can here is “wash your window’? Or “spare a quarter”? How about “fuck you”, give me my identity back! You built this wasteland for me to dwell in. Do you find pleasure watching me panhandle the last of your grandfather’s money?
Remember one thing you nation of sleepwalkers, Africa was around long before Jefferson ever compromised my black queen. So don’t forget Rome or Hitler’s lost vision of grandeur. On a geological time scale your fifteen minutes are almost up but ours has yet to come.
Robert Gray Gallagher
Copyright 1991 Retrocollective Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved
You privileged tyrants inside this house of doom; you have consumed the forbidden fruit of greed. Suddenly, without recourse, this freight train of idiots has been set into motion with reckless abandon. Stars of modern relics flutter in our hindsight. Tales of unforeseen decay accompany this nation of sleepwalkers. Cops and robbers trapped inside this land of cowboys in search of new frontiers. Your inner cities stand as nothing but Remnants of a deceased dream.
Its inhabitants wait to sing their song of redemption but no song is sung. All you can here is “wash your window’? Or “spare a quarter”? How about “fuck you”, give me my identity back! You built this wasteland for me to dwell in. Do you find pleasure watching me panhandle the last of your grandfather’s money?
Remember one thing you nation of sleepwalkers, Africa was around long before Jefferson ever compromised my black queen. So don’t forget Rome or Hitler’s lost vision of grandeur. On a geological time scale your fifteen minutes are almost up but ours has yet to come.
Robert Gray Gallagher
Copyright 1991 Retrocollective Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved
Monday, April 25, 2011
Day One of The Truth Chronicles: Gray Matters
So there has been much infighting beginning to show itself in the ranks of the wealthy and elite which is the physical manifestation of our collective beliefs in cause and effect mode. The apparent time tested triangle structure of power distribution is unbalanced. We are reflecting our own belief in lacking, powerlessness and fear as an actuality.
The polarity of perception between two illusionary opposites is a thin vale to conceive and virtually impossible to sustain without agreement. Agreement is the violation point of access into a humans consciousness, a worm hole of doubt and apathy if you will. It is through agreement that belief can begin to unleash its insidious reason in the dark shadows of doubt within our mechanical mind.
The polarity of perception between two illusionary opposites is a thin vale to conceive and virtually impossible to sustain without agreement. Agreement is the violation point of access into a humans consciousness, a worm hole of doubt and apathy if you will. It is through agreement that belief can begin to unleash its insidious reason in the dark shadows of doubt within our mechanical mind.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Making Sense of it All:::Introduction::: "The Killer Inside"
Making sense of it all
The first thing that we need to understand is that this reality is insane. We will never be able to make sense out of something that is absolutely senseless.
We are living in the remnants of a deceased dream. The minds that created this dream have died long ago. For some reason we continue to hold on to this creation as if it were our own. The only reason that this reality continues is because we still support it with our minds.
The external environment of this "dream" may seem to have become more evolved but this too is only an illusion. The only change that has occurred at all is in the physical realm. We have focused all of our attention into manifesting our environment just so we could avoid facing our own individual truth. In the end we have done nothing but postpone our collective inevitability. The world we have constructed is missing one ingredient which is literally everything in the spiritual realm.
We have designed a social structure to keep ourselves disconnected from the spiritual love that is everywhere and everything. The spiritual realm has not gone anywhere but we have been trying to convince ourselves that it has disserted us or worse yet, that it was never there to begin with. This type of material evolution that we have become so obsessed with is nothing more than a manifestation of the collective egos that have projected it.
It seems to me that our egos have become addicted to making us believe that we are evolving. Our egos quest for material distractions has certainly seemed to evolve. We keep churning out the gadgits and gizmos that all seem to add up to a massive amount of energy that could be used to bring us together.
In order for us to ever really evolve we must become conscious of our own actions. We will never grow spiritually as long as we continue to judge each other while exonerating ourselves of accepting any responsibility for our own individual part. Almost all of our actions are dictated by our fear driven ego. We manifested our own ego in order to be able to adapt to the world that the egos before us have left behind. The collective ego of humanity is insane and perhaps in the innocence of our youth we intuitively knew this.
I believe that we are all born connected to the truth and eventually trade in truth for "knowledge". The "knowledge" that our fear driven ego teaches is anything but truth. The type of knowledge created by our ego translates into pointless activity, both mentally and physically, that is designed to compromise our individual connection to our own inner truth.
The ego will become extremely inventive and manipulative to maintain its fear driven separation from the truth because it sees love and truth as its direct threat. The truth is that we are disconnected from the spiritual realm and will continue to be as long as we mistake our fear driven ego as being who we really are. Each one of us has a part in the collective effort that needs to be made in order to free our minds from our ego and reconnect to the truth.
All of the ego and denial in the world will not make our situation disappear. Many of us are not even aware that we have gotten ourselves into a situation at all. Ego and denial are of the world that we have created but we are connected to something far more powerful. We are using our free will against ourselves whenever it is driven by fear and controlled by ego. Free will should come without cost or fee for the person who exercises it. A creative will that is really free has no interest in charging a price because it knows that such an act would only dilute its creation. We are missing out on an opportunity to share a collective existence worth living.
Love is priceless and without its ability to freely express itself through each and every one of us it becomes our most elusive commodity. No material substitution shall ever take the place of love and all that it has the potential to create. With every selfish and self-serving action that each of us take we are pushing humanity closer to the brink of self-destruction. The self destruction that I speak of is merely a sort of ego armaggedon. What the ego has created will eventually fall. It has no choice in the matter. I believe that the egos fall from grace will occur in the very near future but the only question I have is weather we will go down with it. This is basically the whole point of my message.
We have built this world out of a need to have something, anything that can make us feel complete. Destruction of the self that the ego has made of us and freedom from self imposed bondage is literally one in the same. Just in case you find this particulary hard to follow I want you to let you know that you are not alone. The very fact that we have allowed such a large portion of our identity to become wrapped around our ego will make our reaction to the truth that much more difficult to hear. Look I can only speak from my own experience on the subject and it is a very tricky situation to deal with. Change is something that most of us do not welcome with open arms. I fought change tooth and nail for the majority of my life.
I was a master of shifting the shape and form of what my life looked like on the outside. I was constantly making changes for my self that I truly believed were going to make things better in the long run. Rearranging and manipulating my external world always left me with the same feeling in the end. It was the exact same feeling that I had before I did what ever it was that I felt compelled to do that I thought would change me. Looking back on this endless percession of meneuvers I discovered the correlating motivation behind my inner compulsion. My ego had literally masterminded all of the actions that I took. The motivation for these actions was always fear. Sometimes the fear would disguise itself as ambition. Other times the fear would disguise itself as a desire to have new experiences.
The truth is that fear could disguise itself as just about anything and I would be more than willing to cosign its bullshit. Why would I be willing to do such a thing? Because I have an ego that hates to be wrong and loves to try to control me. Am I my ego? I am my ego only if I continue to identify with it. Why on earth would I want to identify with something that is directly responsible for closing me off to having spiritual connections with the people that are in my life? I would do this only because I did not realize that there was another way. I would continue to surround myself with people who also identified with an ego of their very own. It is my experience that there are a ridiculous number of people in the world who also think their ego is who they are. For a long time I was not even aware that I was denying myself of the only type of shared human interaction that really mattered.
There were enough distractions in the form of substances, posessions, and others who thought just as I did to keep myself busy for a really long time. Thankfully for me that time finally ran out and when it did I found myself seeing my life in a totally different light.
We have lost touch with the organic beauty that the human experience has to offer. Any existence which is separated from love is synthesized at best. We have manifested a synthetic reality that we have become obsessed with maintaining in order to keep the truth from being felt. Fear is evil, plain and simple. We can dress it up and dramatize it however we wish. We can make movies about it by channeling our imaginations onto the big screen. We can tap into our own inner resource of fear that is always available. Mind you that fear is its own separate entity that is incapable of transmitting like love does. Fear is the master of illusion. Fear has to resort to all sorts of deception in order to get our minds to believe that it is real.
Fear and terror have been the chief vehicles of manipulation and control since the beginning of time.
We should never fear the God of our own understanding. God is neither good nor bad. God is everything. The idea of God translates into love and truth for me. I can create my own higher power just as we all can. If you have a problem with what your own beliefs are then there is a pretty good chance that you will also have a problem with mine as well. Part of our problem is that we just can’t stop imposing our beliefs on each other. Beliefs are of the ego while ideas are universal. We will stop at nothing to keep the attention off of our selves and how our own beliefs are affecting those around us.
In the end, it won’t be God that punished us. The whole idea of a punishing God is ridiculous. God has had no hand in our current reality.
Our perceived existence is a direct result of our decision to exclude a power greater than ourselves in on its construction.
The spiritual realm works as best as it can within the confines of the existence we have made for ourselves. Lifetimes have passed us by without rhyme or reason. In our hindsight we have witnessed the man made change of our egos own seasons. Slow incubation and steady demise of conscious contact with a power greater than us is evident in the social structure that is in place. If we were to include love and truth in our creation then it would feel totally different. Our world has manifested as a direct result of our fear driven actions that are self-serving in nature. The unnatural has become the reactionary reflex of the ego and all that it embodies. This reality that we have built is not the end result of a collective consciousness that is connected to the love and truth of the spiritual realm.
The truth of our situation is that we just can’t seem to help ourselves. We can’t stop but help ourselves to more of what ever we obsess over that we believe will make us complete. We hide true happiness from ourselves. We keep our egos insulated inside a material womb while attempting to convince one another that this womb is a suitable substitution to true love. We are living in extreme denial and have become addicted to fear and pain that we ourselves create. We obsess over things that feed our ego because as long as it is being fed then it knows that we won’t have any time left to connect to our spirit.
Why is it that everything tangible always leaves us feeling empty on the inside? Will there ever be enough of that “stuff” to make us feel complete. The tangibility of the material realm often maintains our perception of the spiritual realm as being completely intangible. The material realm will keep us busy and distracted but will it ever give us peace? Our physical and material obsessions are a direct reflection of our spiritual disconnection. We are running from the truth as fast as we can. On our own self imposed mental treadmill we are being chased by our ego and its incessant demands. Our egos are pushing us along at a blistering pace just so we do not have time to remember what we actually are. We were created out of truth and love. Truth and love is literally all around us but we are too self obsessed to see it.
We have built a fortress out of steel and concrete to convince ourselves that we are capable of existing in a state of spiritual disconnect.
The flow of the universe is gradual and precise. Love and truth do not have an ego that is driven by fear. It does not care what it looks like or what kind of car it drives. The flow of nature is the same as eternity, which is the universe. The universe created our planet. The force of Mother Nature, which is controlled by the flow of the universe, dictates the evolution of humanity, as we know it to be in the physical sense. Humanity is evolutionary work in progress.
As long as the universe continues to expand will we continue to evolve? Perhaps it might be the other way around in that the universe will only continue to expand if we continue to expand our own spiritual viewpoint? Is this the cosmic size question of which came first the chicken or the egg? Do we really think that I will ever find out? What would we do if we did manage to know the truth? After all, we were born connected to truth and look at how much energy we invested into trying to destroy that connection and manifest a fear driven illusion to replace it.
Our own instincts for survival no longer serve us in the same capacity that they once did. Any immediate and real danger pales in significance to the imagined fears that we ourselves crate. Humanity is solely responsible for the end result of our own fear based projections and perceptions. We have become confused and obsessed with creating discord. Creation of this sort has a much greater effect that has yet to revile itself in the present moment. There are clues of what we are actually affecting but these clues cannot be seen through the eyes we have chosen to see ourselves with. In the end the only aspect of our existence that will be lost is that which our ego has created. Only our ego could experience loss because only the ego values creations that it makes to keep us separated from love. Love cannot be created nor destroyed. Love can only be transmitted and received. Fear is a projection that blocks our ability to love. Nothing real has to be sacrificed because anything that is real is created out of love and is incapable of ever being destroyed. Our imaginations are being stimulated by our instincts for survival. Our instincts are ruled by fear which has limited our ability to create out of love. There is no species of predators that are currently hunting us.
Humanity is the only species on earth that prey on each other as a means of distraction from self.
When we believe that we are thinking of ourselves the chances are that we are actually allowing our thinking to be directed by our ego.
We have instincts for survival that are activated by fears which have become so bored that we have resorted to hunting each other. Without the threat of real danger our instincts have actually enlisted the aid of our imagination to keep themselves busy. When imagination is filtered through fear and ego it creates physical manifestations that are separated from love.
Try to imagine the instinctual fear based part of our brain as a person who used to have plenty of work but is now basically unemployable due to the lack of real demand for its services. This little guy is trying to create scenarios to make it feel like he is still an asset in the same capacity he once was. The problem is that his activity is pointless and actually causes more harm than good. He is actually a master at creating busy work which is reflected in what motivates so many of us in our quest for self fulfillment. Fulfillment of self is impossible without a connection to the love of the spiritual realm. He doesn’t even know that he is actually causing major problems for his co-workers, the more rational parts of the brain, and continues to engage in mindless busy work that is self defeating in nature.
Through out the history of man our instincts have been instrumental for our perceived survival. The main error that occurs when we rely on our instincts to dictate our actions is that they are not capable of seeing the truth. Once fear is introduced into the equation it becomes impossible to conduct ourselves in a rational manner. We have fallen into a trap of allowing our fear driven instincts to guide us through life. The life that we have forged under the direction of our fear driven instincts has little to do with truth and is completely lacking in love. It is not possible to be connected to love and experience fear of the imagined variety.
The more time that we have to be left to our own devices the more errors we have made. Do you remember the old saying “idle hands lets the devils work be done”? Well the devil is our fear driven instincts that don’t know what to do with all of the free time.
Our evolution will continue which is reflected in what we have learned about our past. Look at how much different the humanoid looks now as opposed to a billion years ago. Looks can be really deceiving when you stop to consider just how much fear of the imagined variety is still impeding our ability to operate at our true potential.
Not to long ago we were really guided by our instincts. Most of our days were spent trying to sustain a basic existence for our family and ourselves. Food and shelter were not taken for granted back then. Surviving was a full time job. Fulfilling our basic needs is still a full time job except now we punch time clocks and buy our food at grocery stores. Our perception of survival has shifted in order to appease the instinctual part of our brain. At the very moment our survival shifted into a perception was the moment that our instinctual brain manifested an ego to be able to rationalize its function to its owner. We are all the proud owners of our very own ego but the problem that is that it is our ego that actually owns us. It consumes our thoughts and dictates our actions. These days our actions are still very much guided by our instincts but our own ego has made this fact very difficult for us to see. Our ego has the ability to utilize our entire brain in its illusion of survival. Needs never seem to be and if they are then more demands are made. The demands of the ego become increasingly more distorted the further an individual gets away from the truth. The imbalance of the spiritual and instinctual mind is at the root of the egos existence and continued manifestation.
They say that the quality of life that we share is far removed from that of our ancestors. Can a quality life be realized without the presence of love? The quality of anything material can only be judged by the ego that beholds it. If you stop to think about it you can see that life just really isn’t that much different today as opposed to back then. Our external environment appears to have advanced but what about our inner selves? How much energy are we still investing into our fear driven reaction to life? Only the ego reacts to life outside the present moment and does so only to satisfy the instinctual part of our brain. In the present moment the ego is only capable of perceiving and projecting as a means of manifesting reactions o the future. This insane cycle centers on our fear driven instincts that have become warped with the passage of time. Our technological advancements have supposedly freed up time that used to be spent hunting, gathering and building shelter. Once the shelter had been built the prison inside the mind begins to take shape and form.
The prison that our ego has built shapes our beliefs and forms our reality.
This is why we are still busier than we have ever been. Our ego imprisons the mind and puts its owner to work in order to sustain its control. We are totally addicted to keeping ourselves as busy as we possibly can because our ego is unwilling to sit with the thoughts and feelings that it is responsible for creating. This is the type of creation that the ego has become masterful at manifesting.
Staying busy is not the problem but the motivation for our business is. There is a giant difference between business driven by ego and business motivated by love. When we create for the sole purpose of sustaining our egos mission of separating us from love we have become conflicted on a core level. When a business is inspired by love it has the potential to bring people together rather than tear them apart.
Our minds have made it impossible to connect to the truth and love that lies within each and every one of us. In countries such as the United States we have become a nation of convenience but we also seem to be wound up tighter than we have ever been. Past civilizations such are the Roman Empire achieved similar standards of living relative to that day and age and look what happened to them. The needy nature of the ego dictates that it will continue to want more and still more until it actually takes itself out.
The objective eye of the spirit knows that the ego that has everything is no less content that the ego that has nothing. The objective eye of the spirit knows that the ego that perceives itself as having everything is really in the exact same state of nonexistence as the ego that perceives that it has nothing. The only thing that seems different is the way in which these egos project themselves onto each other. Ironically every egos chief purpose is to reinforce the insane belief system of the other. Love doesn’t understand projection because it can only transmit.
So what are we doing with all of that left over time that has been freed up by the technology boom of the twenty first century? You’re looking at it! We are going around creating conflict and petty problems in order to keep our instincts occupied and our addiction to fear fed. One could argue that the technological boom manifested out of our collective egos need to maintain the separation between us and our spirits. Behind all of the space travel and satellites lies nothing more than a need of the ego to up the stakes in order to sustain its separation from truth and love. We can do anything that our creator can do but prove that we have created ourselves. If we conceded to the fact that there was a higher power involved in our creation then perhaps we could finally quit killing ourselves trying to prove that we are right. The only thing that we have created is our ego just to convince ourselves that a higher power is nonexistent.
It seems to me that this whole phase of evolution dating back to the time of the pyramids in Egypt has been about utilizing our instinctual drive to engineer the face of the modern world. Once again we have used our instincts to feed and shelter ourselves and we have done it in a big way. The modern world seems like a gigantic tweaker project that has kept us all occupied for a really long time. What is the driving force behind this planetary tweaker project? It was our fear driven instincts. It seems to me that Capitalism is really about cashing in on our instincts. Every single one of our basic needs that we think we have has appeared to be accommodated for a price.
Only our ego would charge a price for survival and rationalize the casualties of those who could not afford its fee.
As our more basic needs have been met we have been manipulated by each others ego into expanding our needs into the realm of perception rather than truth. The truth is that most of our needs are nothing more than desires that our ego has convinced us that we cannot live without. The spiritual element that has been at work behind the scenes is so difficult for us to see due to the fact that it is out of the shortsighted range of our own selfish needs. Where do our needs originate from? Why does it feel like it is never enough and we always believe that we need more? The primary reason why our needs never seem to be met is due to the fact that we have excluded love in the construction of our modern world. I believe that our primary purpose is to love and to be loved.
All of our perceived needs have manifested as a direct result of our inability to feel the love that is inside as well as all around us.
Lack of love is nothing more that a perception that we have convinced ourselves is real. With some of us our ego, which is driven by fear, has convinced us that we are not worthy of love. Others of us have egos that tell us that we are too good to be loved by anyone. Love is to be shared and not horded. This entire reality has manifested out of our need to fill the invisible hole that our rejection of love has created. This is the only real creation that our ego is capable of doing.
At this point there is nothing left for us to do except reconnect to the love of the spiritual realm or turn out the lights on this current manifestation and simply fade away. Sure we can continue to build faster computers and flashy cell phones that cater to our ego but what about the spiritual being that lie beneath our fear driven ego and all of its dysfunction? Our egos are obsessed with achieving contentment and peace within our minds while they are destroying everything outside of their short sighted needs to have it. Our collective feeling of inadequacy is a direct result of our extreme state of spiritual disconnect. The spiritual disconnect that I am speaking of is not of the religious variety. Religion has actually caused a great many of us to reject the idea of spirituality all together. Any religion invested in control through fear and guilt is far from spiritually connected. The spiritual connection that I am referring to has everything to do with individual responsibility and integrity. In the end we are each responsible for our own state of being. Our main problem is that so many of us have absolutely no idea to what extent we have led ourselves astray with our insane thinking and beliefs.
We can keep on watching the scientific communities think that they have figured something out while they create even more confusion. Have you ever heard the old saying “if it isn’t broke then don’t fix it”? Well we were not defective until we began to start playing god in the form of the global science project that is doing absolutely nothing to address the root of our perceived ailment. These so called “scientists” dissect our organic genius in hopes of gaining accolades and praise from their peers. We can thank the ego of science for such marvels as the nuclear bomb, prescription drugs, toxic waste, biological warfare growth hormones and many more. We have been traveling to space for over thirty years now and still don’t have any sort of answers to the eternal questions that have always plagued humanity. What is the motivation behind most of the so-called scientific advancements that we appear to have made? Is it to bring us closer together? Is it to help us unite in a loving understanding that is free of ego and fear? Science is motivated by fear and profit. Money is the driving force behind all of our technological breakthroughs that we have made. Scientists are educated from a prospective that teaches them that fear is real when in fact it is not. They believe that their own intellect will actually be sufficient substitute to the love of the universe. What is real is the separation that exists between us and spiritual love which is a direct result of us believing that our fears are in deed fact. We cannot continue to build up this world that our collective egos project unless we were also blind to the fact that in doing so we are actually manifesting our own extinction.
The instincts that almost drove me to total self-destruction are the same instincts that are spelling out a similar fate for humanity. My self-centered fears were intensified under the influence of my escalating substance abuse. Our collective addictions are escalating in direct proportion to our intensifying fears that are not even real. Our individual obsessions may vary from one person to the next. Each one of us probably has a pretty good idea of what our own obsession might be. For most of us our obsessions have become the friend we love to hate. It is probably really hard for some of us to see the truth about ourselves because our ego obscures the truth from being seen. Once we get that ego out of the way we can admit to ourselves what actions we take which are making our lives unmanageable. At the core of our individual obsessions are our own fear driven instincts. The fears manifested by our instincts are not real.
The fears that we experience are manufactured by our own minds.
The spiritual realm is something that is hard for most of us to consider because our perceived instinctual needs have not been satisfied. These “needs” will never be met as long as we remain disconnected from our own spirit and the love that defines it. Our own nature dictates that we must see to our primary needs before we can elevate our thoughts to higher levels of consciousness. When primary needs become obsessions that have little significance outside of accessorizing our egos perceived sense of self we have become confused. We were given everything that we needed to meet our basic needs but for most of us they still have not seem to have been fulfilled. This perceived “lacking” is nothing more that an illusion created by our fear driven ego. We need to reconnect to love and truth. It is impossible to do this as long as we are still answering to the endless needs demands of our ego. Our ego actually develops as a result of our rejection of love. We are created to create out of love but without a connection to the spiritual realm we will create out of fear. To make matters worse will actually love our creations which were made out of fear. In the end this means that we actually love fear and fear love. This is about as confused a scenario that we could have gotten ourselves into.
We are all animals. Behind the billions of years of evolution and the latest technological accessories that we use to keep ourselves entertained with we are still quite UN-evolved. We are nothing more that the latest and, some may argue greatest species that the animal kingdom has to offer. We are actually living breathing hybrids of ourselves. Our minds are stuck between our past and our future. The confusion we are experiencing needs to be addressed in order to impede the manifestation of fear that is not necessary. We have reached a point in our own evolution that we must tap into our spiritual energy or become fossil fuel for future inhabitants of the earth. We posses all of the mental faculties needed to think of ourselves as being in a class of our own. It is our free will that separates us from all the other animals on the planet. Our instinct which is our obvious common denominator that we share with the rest of the animals is interfering with our ability to exercise our will freely. Our free will that is driven by our instincts has the power to drive all of the plant and animal species of our planet into extinction. Our collective ability to exercise free will is literally a weapon of mass destruction when it is controlled by our fear driven ego.
We have slaughtered entire populations of animals and each other just because we could. We have slaughtered each other out of our need to believe that we are different. Such senseless displays of brutality are a reflection of the state of mind that man has always possessed. Actions such as these are a direct reflection of our lack of spiritual connection. It appears that we have not been at a place inside of our minds to grasp the larger, more universal scope of our existence until now. I see that the potential now exists for humanity to elevate its collective consciousness to a more spiritual and humane plane of awareness. Just because we have the capacity to transcend our old ideas does not mean that we will necessarily do so. We have a choice today just as we always had. We have an opportunity to collectively choose what ever type of existence we wish. The main problem is that almost none of us are not in a mind set to make a conscious choice that is reflective of whom we truly are. Most of us have no idea who the real person benieth the ego and fear truly is. We only know what we see and what we hear and have accepted this information as fact. The information that our minds generate when they are ruled by fear and ego and disconnected from love and truth is false. We have reached a stage in our evolution that we can actually begin to dissolve the self-imposed mental bondage that we have accepted as fact for far too long. Our collective mindset is quite deeply ingrained as well and supported by the external world that we have collectively manifested. In this respect we have not changed at all and in this lies our challenge.
On a global scale history has been repeating itself for far too long.
The details of our insane reenactment of events may seem different on the surface but at the core of our beliefs lies the same fear driven ego that has always stifled us from reaching our true potential.
The only way that we will ever realize this potential is to reconnect to our own inner truth and see our fear driven egos for what they really are. And what is the ego and why have I become so obsessed with trying to figure it out? The ego in all of its lovely little disguises is our number one offender. It is the chief instigator of all of the conflict and apparent evil that we perceive in our world. Our entire social structure is supported by our ego and has become a safe haven for its insane beliefs to take shape and form. We are literally living inside a bubble. The bubble that I am referring to is invisible and yet it has the ability to totally separate us from experiencing the spiritual beings that we really are.
The Romans used to send slaves into coliseums to die horrible deaths at the hands of predatory animals that they kept locked up for this sole purpose. The Mayans would slaughter tens of thousands in human sacrifices that were intended to control the minds of their own people. We exploit the poor and work them to death. We killed thousands of our own people in the trade center bombing just to instill that same fear in the minds of the masses today. These days we play football in stadiums and keep animals locked up in zoos.
We are only acting out in such insane ways because of the fact that we keep our own minds locked up and take it out on the rest of the planet.
If we really were free to think as we were intended then our actions would become more humane. If our actions became more humane then we could transcend the struggles of this reality that always keep us needing something else.
We have been trial and erring our way to this point in time for quite a while. These days we would never make a conscious decision to purposely go out and slaughter billions of plants and animals. Even if our own denial and rationalizations keep us from admitting it, we are taking actions on a daily basis to do just that. Sure we are not physically murdering subspecies for the hell of it but the very manner that we conduct ourselves is jeopardizing every other living creature on the planet as well as humanity itself. Subtle or obvious, the collective ego of mankind is as separated from love and truth as it has ever been. The more that we learn about the effects of our actions the more denial and rationalizations we have to manifest in order to excuse the truth away. Excuses are nothing more that excused lies.
We have imprisoned our minds, which has imprisoned our will and as a result we have turned ourselves into the planets heaviest burden rather than its greatest asset. In my opinion we cannot exists on this planet alone. We have a symbiotic relationship with all of the other living species of plant and animal life. Make no mistake about it the same selfish state of mind that is directly and indirectly killing off all of the plants and animals is also taking its toll on itself. We just happen to focus our attention on the plight of the sub spices because we have egos that have convinced us that we are different. We have confused ourselves into believing that we can save the same species that we are responsible for destroying. With every barrel of toxic waste that we dump in the ocean, we have to come up with some sort of rationalization to tell ourselves so our conscious doesn’t get the better of us. Our conscious not only has to get the better of us but it is essential that this happens in order for us to continue to participate in our own evolution. The only reason that so many animals have died is because our ego has fooled us into believing that it has had to be done in the name of progress. The progress that we are so invested in experiencing is serving our ego and its determined drive to keep us separated from love. Where else except in an irrational mind controlled by fear and ego would killing and destruction be viewed as progress? We cannot continue to view ourselves as separate or unique from the rest of the living planet. It is this perception of terminal uniqueness that is allowing us to remain in denial of the fact that we are manifesting our own extinction.
Due to the way we are programmed or wired or what ever you want to call it we seem to be conflicted between our past and the future. This is the latest phase in the never-ending evolution of humanity. This segment of evolution that we are currently passing through is one of great confusion for most of us. The fear that we create in our minds and project onto those around us is making the truth much more difficult to see. We are all engaged in an inner conflict that is happening between our higher and lower minds. Our instincts are in a further state of confusion because they no longer serve the same purpose that they once did. They have become warped with the passage of time. Any real immediate threat of life or bodily injury is a mind creation that we have accepted as being fact.
In comparison to the not so distant past we have appeared to become a civilized global community.
An organized social structure is mechanical and without meaning if it is devout of love.
Most of us are beginning to become very conscious of the lack of love that our civilization breeds and will begin to question the very foundation on which this structure stands in the near future. Our self will has also been limited to create within the confines a structure that is based in fear and manipulated control. We have not become as civilized as we will ever be. We will never become complete until we can reconnect to our own spiritual being that is currently being obscured by our fear driven response to life. Everything is in a constant state of change and evolution. As long as the universe continues to expand we will continue to evolve.
The past is something to be learned from but not something to fight to the death to hold onto. One truth that can be extracted from our past is that we have been separated from our spiritual self and identifying with our ego for a long time. Acceptance is a crucial principle that we need to practice when riding the universally dictated wave of change. We must surrender to the truth that we have led ourselves astray and accept love back into our minds. We have become increasingly conflicted due to the transformation that is occurring inside of us. We are reaching a time of critical mass in the slow moving exchange that is occurring between our lives being guided by instincts to our life being guided by our higher consciousness. The inner compulsion still exists within each of us to summon our instincts to guide us and react to our perceptions in an insane manner.
So what do we do when there is no immediate threat of danger? We manufacture one. We are drama queens who have locked ourselves away inside self imposed situations of crisis. Our instinctual response to life is a very deeply ingrained reflex that has been a primary part of our mindset for millions of years. Like I was saying earlier, just because it was once a key to our survival doesn’t mean that it still serves that same importance today. Is a wild boar charging you right now? Is the snow beginning to pound down on your family and you and your mud hutch is only half built?
What real and immediate danger are you faced with in this moment? Is there a man attacking you with a knife? The answer is no because at this very moment you are reading a book so chill out! If a man were attacking you he would be following the direction of his fear driven egos projections. Think about it, when have you ever seen babies attacking each other? This is not a behavior that we are born with but rather one that we absorb from the insane world we have no choice in becoming a participant in. This is not to say that we will never be faced with a life-threatening situation but until it happens we cannot afford to continue living our life anticipating the moment that is does. People are faced with life threatening situations on a daily basis. Children get trapped underneath moving cars and in those types of moments our instincts for survival will always be our most trusted alley. Our fear-driven instincts have manifested strong egos within the minds of us all. These fear driven egos were created as a last ditch effort for the instinctual part of our brain to maintain control.
Now that we have built our modern world our focus will begin to turn inward. This world is nothing more that a projection of the collective minds that manifested it. This existence as we perceive it would not be this way without our egos having played a primary role in influencing its construction.
The coming years could be filled with great confusion. Like I said earlier we are hitting the most crucial part of this phase of evolution. It is literally going feel that there is a battle being waged inside of us. Awakening requires us to experience a moment of clarity where we can actually see our existence for what it really is. In this moment we will each be able to view our individual inner truth with an objectivity that has been lacking at any other time in our life. These moments of clarity will begin to occur with increasing regularity, which should be viewed as an opportunity to begin to live our life in a manner that may seem foreign while identification with the ego is still occurring. We will all be afforded the opportunity to become guided by a set of spiritual principles that are connected to universal truth.
Ironically we are all born connected to the truth but have lost touch with it along our path to ego fulfillment.
That battle that feels like it is happening inside of us is between our warped instincts and manifesting higher consciousness. The key to surviving this transition is to become accepting of it and not to react to it with more fear driven projection. We will be experiencing a shift in our consciousness which will be caused by the universe at large. We have to allow the flow of evolution to transmit through ourselves and not block it with fear and ego. Keep in mind that the spiritual energy of love has to be able to guide us to this new plane of existence. The change will occur and there is nothing that we can do to impede it. We can however impede our own transformation from occurring in harmony with the universe at large. In the end this blockage would only affect us in the physical realm but would essentially do nothing to our spirits. The more fear driven our ego is the more of a regenerative effect this event will induce. What ever is blocking us from experiencing love will be dissolved one way or the other.
The titanic comes to mind when I try to come up with a good analogy that you would understand. Let’s just say that the ship is the collective consciousness of humanity as it is right now. It is burdened with a cumbersome load of baggage that is causing it to sink into a sea of its own fear driven ego. This burden would be lifted if we could dissolve the ego that is creating it and thus allow the ship to continue to sail its course. Even if the ship remains commandeered by our fear driven ego it will sink and the passengers would be lost but the course of evolution would continue on as it always has. The question you should ask yourself is whether or not you want to ride this tide of evolution or sink in a fear saturated sea of our own manifestation? Even in this scenario we need to be able to surrender to the transformation that is occurring inside of us. Regardless of what our mind says we should realize that the universe determines the changes that are driving our transformation.
We are literally alive during a period of unbelievable opportunity. We are the cast of characters that have been born into the world to usher in an entirely new stage of human existence. We are also the cast of characters that could spell out a fate of a much different sort if we do not change our ways. This could either be a time of transformation or regeneration for humanity.
We could all be living out the final days of what will one day be reflected on as the dark age of modern civilization or we could be the members of humanity that are responsible for pounding the final nail into our own collective coffin.
The physical realm of our reality is totally dependent upon our ability to elevate our consciousness to a higher plane. We need to surrender to the transformation that is going on inside of us. Attempting to combat the confusion will only lead to greater turmoil. We must have faith in the process and allow it to unfold. Believe me when I say that too many of us have our identities warped around our fear driven instincts as well as all of the liabilities of character that come along with live lived in this manner. Our perceived instinctual drive to survive has manifested fears into areas of our life that were not even there before. In other words we are experiencing quality problems today. All of these problems exist because we create them or lack the ability to see the truth beneath the manipulation of our fear driven egos.
The purpose of this book is to share my first hand experience with fear and ego and show you how it brought me to my knees. You will get to know me on the most intimate of levels so that you can best relate to me. I am not suggesting anything in this book that I have not done myself. I do not believe that extreme measures are needed to remedy our current social struggles. All I am suggesting is that we achieve a collective balance between the physical and spiritual realm before the balance is forced upon us by our planet and our collective mindset that is rapidly approaching its breaking point. I know that my very life is dependent on me undergoing this process and for some reason I feel absolutely compelled to share this message with you.
Robert Gray Gallagher
COPYRIGHT 2011 Retrocollective Publishing Group
All Rights Reserved
Making sense of it all
The first thing that we need to understand is that this reality is insane. We will never be able to make sense out of something that is absolutely senseless.
We are living in the remnants of a deceased dream. The minds that created this dream have died long ago. For some reason we continue to hold on to this creation as if it were our own. The only reason that this reality continues is because we still support it with our minds.
The external environment of this "dream" may seem to have become more evolved but this too is only an illusion. The only change that has occurred at all is in the physical realm. We have focused all of our attention into manifesting our environment just so we could avoid facing our own individual truth. In the end we have done nothing but postpone our collective inevitability. The world we have constructed is missing one ingredient which is literally everything in the spiritual realm.
We have designed a social structure to keep ourselves disconnected from the spiritual love that is everywhere and everything. The spiritual realm has not gone anywhere but we have been trying to convince ourselves that it has disserted us or worse yet, that it was never there to begin with. This type of material evolution that we have become so obsessed with is nothing more than a manifestation of the collective egos that have projected it.
It seems to me that our egos have become addicted to making us believe that we are evolving. Our egos quest for material distractions has certainly seemed to evolve. We keep churning out the gadgits and gizmos that all seem to add up to a massive amount of energy that could be used to bring us together.
In order for us to ever really evolve we must become conscious of our own actions. We will never grow spiritually as long as we continue to judge each other while exonerating ourselves of accepting any responsibility for our own individual part. Almost all of our actions are dictated by our fear driven ego. We manifested our own ego in order to be able to adapt to the world that the egos before us have left behind. The collective ego of humanity is insane and perhaps in the innocence of our youth we intuitively knew this.
I believe that we are all born connected to the truth and eventually trade in truth for "knowledge". The "knowledge" that our fear driven ego teaches is anything but truth. The type of knowledge created by our ego translates into pointless activity, both mentally and physically, that is designed to compromise our individual connection to our own inner truth.
The ego will become extremely inventive and manipulative to maintain its fear driven separation from the truth because it sees love and truth as its direct threat. The truth is that we are disconnected from the spiritual realm and will continue to be as long as we mistake our fear driven ego as being who we really are. Each one of us has a part in the collective effort that needs to be made in order to free our minds from our ego and reconnect to the truth.
All of the ego and denial in the world will not make our situation disappear. Many of us are not even aware that we have gotten ourselves into a situation at all. Ego and denial are of the world that we have created but we are connected to something far more powerful. We are using our free will against ourselves whenever it is driven by fear and controlled by ego. Free will should come without cost or fee for the person who exercises it. A creative will that is really free has no interest in charging a price because it knows that such an act would only dilute its creation. We are missing out on an opportunity to share a collective existence worth living.
Love is priceless and without its ability to freely express itself through each and every one of us it becomes our most elusive commodity. No material substitution shall ever take the place of love and all that it has the potential to create. With every selfish and self-serving action that each of us take we are pushing humanity closer to the brink of self-destruction. The self destruction that I speak of is merely a sort of ego armaggedon. What the ego has created will eventually fall. It has no choice in the matter. I believe that the egos fall from grace will occur in the very near future but the only question I have is weather we will go down with it. This is basically the whole point of my message.
We have built this world out of a need to have something, anything that can make us feel complete. Destruction of the self that the ego has made of us and freedom from self imposed bondage is literally one in the same. Just in case you find this particulary hard to follow I want you to let you know that you are not alone. The very fact that we have allowed such a large portion of our identity to become wrapped around our ego will make our reaction to the truth that much more difficult to hear. Look I can only speak from my own experience on the subject and it is a very tricky situation to deal with. Change is something that most of us do not welcome with open arms. I fought change tooth and nail for the majority of my life.
I was a master of shifting the shape and form of what my life looked like on the outside. I was constantly making changes for my self that I truly believed were going to make things better in the long run. Rearranging and manipulating my external world always left me with the same feeling in the end. It was the exact same feeling that I had before I did what ever it was that I felt compelled to do that I thought would change me. Looking back on this endless percession of meneuvers I discovered the correlating motivation behind my inner compulsion. My ego had literally masterminded all of the actions that I took. The motivation for these actions was always fear. Sometimes the fear would disguise itself as ambition. Other times the fear would disguise itself as a desire to have new experiences.
The truth is that fear could disguise itself as just about anything and I would be more than willing to cosign its bullshit. Why would I be willing to do such a thing? Because I have an ego that hates to be wrong and loves to try to control me. Am I my ego? I am my ego only if I continue to identify with it. Why on earth would I want to identify with something that is directly responsible for closing me off to having spiritual connections with the people that are in my life? I would do this only because I did not realize that there was another way. I would continue to surround myself with people who also identified with an ego of their very own. It is my experience that there are a ridiculous number of people in the world who also think their ego is who they are. For a long time I was not even aware that I was denying myself of the only type of shared human interaction that really mattered.
There were enough distractions in the form of substances, posessions, and others who thought just as I did to keep myself busy for a really long time. Thankfully for me that time finally ran out and when it did I found myself seeing my life in a totally different light.
We have lost touch with the organic beauty that the human experience has to offer. Any existence which is separated from love is synthesized at best. We have manifested a synthetic reality that we have become obsessed with maintaining in order to keep the truth from being felt. Fear is evil, plain and simple. We can dress it up and dramatize it however we wish. We can make movies about it by channeling our imaginations onto the big screen. We can tap into our own inner resource of fear that is always available. Mind you that fear is its own separate entity that is incapable of transmitting like love does. Fear is the master of illusion. Fear has to resort to all sorts of deception in order to get our minds to believe that it is real.
Fear and terror have been the chief vehicles of manipulation and control since the beginning of time.
We should never fear the God of our own understanding. God is neither good nor bad. God is everything. The idea of God translates into love and truth for me. I can create my own higher power just as we all can. If you have a problem with what your own beliefs are then there is a pretty good chance that you will also have a problem with mine as well. Part of our problem is that we just can’t stop imposing our beliefs on each other. Beliefs are of the ego while ideas are universal. We will stop at nothing to keep the attention off of our selves and how our own beliefs are affecting those around us.
In the end, it won’t be God that punished us. The whole idea of a punishing God is ridiculous. God has had no hand in our current reality.
Our perceived existence is a direct result of our decision to exclude a power greater than ourselves in on its construction.
The spiritual realm works as best as it can within the confines of the existence we have made for ourselves. Lifetimes have passed us by without rhyme or reason. In our hindsight we have witnessed the man made change of our egos own seasons. Slow incubation and steady demise of conscious contact with a power greater than us is evident in the social structure that is in place. If we were to include love and truth in our creation then it would feel totally different. Our world has manifested as a direct result of our fear driven actions that are self-serving in nature. The unnatural has become the reactionary reflex of the ego and all that it embodies. This reality that we have built is not the end result of a collective consciousness that is connected to the love and truth of the spiritual realm.
The truth of our situation is that we just can’t seem to help ourselves. We can’t stop but help ourselves to more of what ever we obsess over that we believe will make us complete. We hide true happiness from ourselves. We keep our egos insulated inside a material womb while attempting to convince one another that this womb is a suitable substitution to true love. We are living in extreme denial and have become addicted to fear and pain that we ourselves create. We obsess over things that feed our ego because as long as it is being fed then it knows that we won’t have any time left to connect to our spirit.
Why is it that everything tangible always leaves us feeling empty on the inside? Will there ever be enough of that “stuff” to make us feel complete. The tangibility of the material realm often maintains our perception of the spiritual realm as being completely intangible. The material realm will keep us busy and distracted but will it ever give us peace? Our physical and material obsessions are a direct reflection of our spiritual disconnection. We are running from the truth as fast as we can. On our own self imposed mental treadmill we are being chased by our ego and its incessant demands. Our egos are pushing us along at a blistering pace just so we do not have time to remember what we actually are. We were created out of truth and love. Truth and love is literally all around us but we are too self obsessed to see it.
We have built a fortress out of steel and concrete to convince ourselves that we are capable of existing in a state of spiritual disconnect.
The flow of the universe is gradual and precise. Love and truth do not have an ego that is driven by fear. It does not care what it looks like or what kind of car it drives. The flow of nature is the same as eternity, which is the universe. The universe created our planet. The force of Mother Nature, which is controlled by the flow of the universe, dictates the evolution of humanity, as we know it to be in the physical sense. Humanity is evolutionary work in progress.
As long as the universe continues to expand will we continue to evolve? Perhaps it might be the other way around in that the universe will only continue to expand if we continue to expand our own spiritual viewpoint? Is this the cosmic size question of which came first the chicken or the egg? Do we really think that I will ever find out? What would we do if we did manage to know the truth? After all, we were born connected to truth and look at how much energy we invested into trying to destroy that connection and manifest a fear driven illusion to replace it.
Our own instincts for survival no longer serve us in the same capacity that they once did. Any immediate and real danger pales in significance to the imagined fears that we ourselves crate. Humanity is solely responsible for the end result of our own fear based projections and perceptions. We have become confused and obsessed with creating discord. Creation of this sort has a much greater effect that has yet to revile itself in the present moment. There are clues of what we are actually affecting but these clues cannot be seen through the eyes we have chosen to see ourselves with. In the end the only aspect of our existence that will be lost is that which our ego has created. Only our ego could experience loss because only the ego values creations that it makes to keep us separated from love. Love cannot be created nor destroyed. Love can only be transmitted and received. Fear is a projection that blocks our ability to love. Nothing real has to be sacrificed because anything that is real is created out of love and is incapable of ever being destroyed. Our imaginations are being stimulated by our instincts for survival. Our instincts are ruled by fear which has limited our ability to create out of love. There is no species of predators that are currently hunting us.
Humanity is the only species on earth that prey on each other as a means of distraction from self.
When we believe that we are thinking of ourselves the chances are that we are actually allowing our thinking to be directed by our ego.
We have instincts for survival that are activated by fears which have become so bored that we have resorted to hunting each other. Without the threat of real danger our instincts have actually enlisted the aid of our imagination to keep themselves busy. When imagination is filtered through fear and ego it creates physical manifestations that are separated from love.
Try to imagine the instinctual fear based part of our brain as a person who used to have plenty of work but is now basically unemployable due to the lack of real demand for its services. This little guy is trying to create scenarios to make it feel like he is still an asset in the same capacity he once was. The problem is that his activity is pointless and actually causes more harm than good. He is actually a master at creating busy work which is reflected in what motivates so many of us in our quest for self fulfillment. Fulfillment of self is impossible without a connection to the love of the spiritual realm. He doesn’t even know that he is actually causing major problems for his co-workers, the more rational parts of the brain, and continues to engage in mindless busy work that is self defeating in nature.
Through out the history of man our instincts have been instrumental for our perceived survival. The main error that occurs when we rely on our instincts to dictate our actions is that they are not capable of seeing the truth. Once fear is introduced into the equation it becomes impossible to conduct ourselves in a rational manner. We have fallen into a trap of allowing our fear driven instincts to guide us through life. The life that we have forged under the direction of our fear driven instincts has little to do with truth and is completely lacking in love. It is not possible to be connected to love and experience fear of the imagined variety.
The more time that we have to be left to our own devices the more errors we have made. Do you remember the old saying “idle hands lets the devils work be done”? Well the devil is our fear driven instincts that don’t know what to do with all of the free time.
Our evolution will continue which is reflected in what we have learned about our past. Look at how much different the humanoid looks now as opposed to a billion years ago. Looks can be really deceiving when you stop to consider just how much fear of the imagined variety is still impeding our ability to operate at our true potential.
Not to long ago we were really guided by our instincts. Most of our days were spent trying to sustain a basic existence for our family and ourselves. Food and shelter were not taken for granted back then. Surviving was a full time job. Fulfilling our basic needs is still a full time job except now we punch time clocks and buy our food at grocery stores. Our perception of survival has shifted in order to appease the instinctual part of our brain. At the very moment our survival shifted into a perception was the moment that our instinctual brain manifested an ego to be able to rationalize its function to its owner. We are all the proud owners of our very own ego but the problem that is that it is our ego that actually owns us. It consumes our thoughts and dictates our actions. These days our actions are still very much guided by our instincts but our own ego has made this fact very difficult for us to see. Our ego has the ability to utilize our entire brain in its illusion of survival. Needs never seem to be and if they are then more demands are made. The demands of the ego become increasingly more distorted the further an individual gets away from the truth. The imbalance of the spiritual and instinctual mind is at the root of the egos existence and continued manifestation.
They say that the quality of life that we share is far removed from that of our ancestors. Can a quality life be realized without the presence of love? The quality of anything material can only be judged by the ego that beholds it. If you stop to think about it you can see that life just really isn’t that much different today as opposed to back then. Our external environment appears to have advanced but what about our inner selves? How much energy are we still investing into our fear driven reaction to life? Only the ego reacts to life outside the present moment and does so only to satisfy the instinctual part of our brain. In the present moment the ego is only capable of perceiving and projecting as a means of manifesting reactions o the future. This insane cycle centers on our fear driven instincts that have become warped with the passage of time. Our technological advancements have supposedly freed up time that used to be spent hunting, gathering and building shelter. Once the shelter had been built the prison inside the mind begins to take shape and form.
The prison that our ego has built shapes our beliefs and forms our reality.
This is why we are still busier than we have ever been. Our ego imprisons the mind and puts its owner to work in order to sustain its control. We are totally addicted to keeping ourselves as busy as we possibly can because our ego is unwilling to sit with the thoughts and feelings that it is responsible for creating. This is the type of creation that the ego has become masterful at manifesting.
Staying busy is not the problem but the motivation for our business is. There is a giant difference between business driven by ego and business motivated by love. When we create for the sole purpose of sustaining our egos mission of separating us from love we have become conflicted on a core level. When a business is inspired by love it has the potential to bring people together rather than tear them apart.
Our minds have made it impossible to connect to the truth and love that lies within each and every one of us. In countries such as the United States we have become a nation of convenience but we also seem to be wound up tighter than we have ever been. Past civilizations such are the Roman Empire achieved similar standards of living relative to that day and age and look what happened to them. The needy nature of the ego dictates that it will continue to want more and still more until it actually takes itself out.
The objective eye of the spirit knows that the ego that has everything is no less content that the ego that has nothing. The objective eye of the spirit knows that the ego that perceives itself as having everything is really in the exact same state of nonexistence as the ego that perceives that it has nothing. The only thing that seems different is the way in which these egos project themselves onto each other. Ironically every egos chief purpose is to reinforce the insane belief system of the other. Love doesn’t understand projection because it can only transmit.
So what are we doing with all of that left over time that has been freed up by the technology boom of the twenty first century? You’re looking at it! We are going around creating conflict and petty problems in order to keep our instincts occupied and our addiction to fear fed. One could argue that the technological boom manifested out of our collective egos need to maintain the separation between us and our spirits. Behind all of the space travel and satellites lies nothing more than a need of the ego to up the stakes in order to sustain its separation from truth and love. We can do anything that our creator can do but prove that we have created ourselves. If we conceded to the fact that there was a higher power involved in our creation then perhaps we could finally quit killing ourselves trying to prove that we are right. The only thing that we have created is our ego just to convince ourselves that a higher power is nonexistent.
It seems to me that this whole phase of evolution dating back to the time of the pyramids in Egypt has been about utilizing our instinctual drive to engineer the face of the modern world. Once again we have used our instincts to feed and shelter ourselves and we have done it in a big way. The modern world seems like a gigantic tweaker project that has kept us all occupied for a really long time. What is the driving force behind this planetary tweaker project? It was our fear driven instincts. It seems to me that Capitalism is really about cashing in on our instincts. Every single one of our basic needs that we think we have has appeared to be accommodated for a price.
Only our ego would charge a price for survival and rationalize the casualties of those who could not afford its fee.
As our more basic needs have been met we have been manipulated by each others ego into expanding our needs into the realm of perception rather than truth. The truth is that most of our needs are nothing more than desires that our ego has convinced us that we cannot live without. The spiritual element that has been at work behind the scenes is so difficult for us to see due to the fact that it is out of the shortsighted range of our own selfish needs. Where do our needs originate from? Why does it feel like it is never enough and we always believe that we need more? The primary reason why our needs never seem to be met is due to the fact that we have excluded love in the construction of our modern world. I believe that our primary purpose is to love and to be loved.
All of our perceived needs have manifested as a direct result of our inability to feel the love that is inside as well as all around us.
Lack of love is nothing more that a perception that we have convinced ourselves is real. With some of us our ego, which is driven by fear, has convinced us that we are not worthy of love. Others of us have egos that tell us that we are too good to be loved by anyone. Love is to be shared and not horded. This entire reality has manifested out of our need to fill the invisible hole that our rejection of love has created. This is the only real creation that our ego is capable of doing.
At this point there is nothing left for us to do except reconnect to the love of the spiritual realm or turn out the lights on this current manifestation and simply fade away. Sure we can continue to build faster computers and flashy cell phones that cater to our ego but what about the spiritual being that lie beneath our fear driven ego and all of its dysfunction? Our egos are obsessed with achieving contentment and peace within our minds while they are destroying everything outside of their short sighted needs to have it. Our collective feeling of inadequacy is a direct result of our extreme state of spiritual disconnect. The spiritual disconnect that I am speaking of is not of the religious variety. Religion has actually caused a great many of us to reject the idea of spirituality all together. Any religion invested in control through fear and guilt is far from spiritually connected. The spiritual connection that I am referring to has everything to do with individual responsibility and integrity. In the end we are each responsible for our own state of being. Our main problem is that so many of us have absolutely no idea to what extent we have led ourselves astray with our insane thinking and beliefs.
We can keep on watching the scientific communities think that they have figured something out while they create even more confusion. Have you ever heard the old saying “if it isn’t broke then don’t fix it”? Well we were not defective until we began to start playing god in the form of the global science project that is doing absolutely nothing to address the root of our perceived ailment. These so called “scientists” dissect our organic genius in hopes of gaining accolades and praise from their peers. We can thank the ego of science for such marvels as the nuclear bomb, prescription drugs, toxic waste, biological warfare growth hormones and many more. We have been traveling to space for over thirty years now and still don’t have any sort of answers to the eternal questions that have always plagued humanity. What is the motivation behind most of the so-called scientific advancements that we appear to have made? Is it to bring us closer together? Is it to help us unite in a loving understanding that is free of ego and fear? Science is motivated by fear and profit. Money is the driving force behind all of our technological breakthroughs that we have made. Scientists are educated from a prospective that teaches them that fear is real when in fact it is not. They believe that their own intellect will actually be sufficient substitute to the love of the universe. What is real is the separation that exists between us and spiritual love which is a direct result of us believing that our fears are in deed fact. We cannot continue to build up this world that our collective egos project unless we were also blind to the fact that in doing so we are actually manifesting our own extinction.
The instincts that almost drove me to total self-destruction are the same instincts that are spelling out a similar fate for humanity. My self-centered fears were intensified under the influence of my escalating substance abuse. Our collective addictions are escalating in direct proportion to our intensifying fears that are not even real. Our individual obsessions may vary from one person to the next. Each one of us probably has a pretty good idea of what our own obsession might be. For most of us our obsessions have become the friend we love to hate. It is probably really hard for some of us to see the truth about ourselves because our ego obscures the truth from being seen. Once we get that ego out of the way we can admit to ourselves what actions we take which are making our lives unmanageable. At the core of our individual obsessions are our own fear driven instincts. The fears manifested by our instincts are not real.
The fears that we experience are manufactured by our own minds.
The spiritual realm is something that is hard for most of us to consider because our perceived instinctual needs have not been satisfied. These “needs” will never be met as long as we remain disconnected from our own spirit and the love that defines it. Our own nature dictates that we must see to our primary needs before we can elevate our thoughts to higher levels of consciousness. When primary needs become obsessions that have little significance outside of accessorizing our egos perceived sense of self we have become confused. We were given everything that we needed to meet our basic needs but for most of us they still have not seem to have been fulfilled. This perceived “lacking” is nothing more that an illusion created by our fear driven ego. We need to reconnect to love and truth. It is impossible to do this as long as we are still answering to the endless needs demands of our ego. Our ego actually develops as a result of our rejection of love. We are created to create out of love but without a connection to the spiritual realm we will create out of fear. To make matters worse will actually love our creations which were made out of fear. In the end this means that we actually love fear and fear love. This is about as confused a scenario that we could have gotten ourselves into.
We are all animals. Behind the billions of years of evolution and the latest technological accessories that we use to keep ourselves entertained with we are still quite UN-evolved. We are nothing more that the latest and, some may argue greatest species that the animal kingdom has to offer. We are actually living breathing hybrids of ourselves. Our minds are stuck between our past and our future. The confusion we are experiencing needs to be addressed in order to impede the manifestation of fear that is not necessary. We have reached a point in our own evolution that we must tap into our spiritual energy or become fossil fuel for future inhabitants of the earth. We posses all of the mental faculties needed to think of ourselves as being in a class of our own. It is our free will that separates us from all the other animals on the planet. Our instinct which is our obvious common denominator that we share with the rest of the animals is interfering with our ability to exercise our will freely. Our free will that is driven by our instincts has the power to drive all of the plant and animal species of our planet into extinction. Our collective ability to exercise free will is literally a weapon of mass destruction when it is controlled by our fear driven ego.
We have slaughtered entire populations of animals and each other just because we could. We have slaughtered each other out of our need to believe that we are different. Such senseless displays of brutality are a reflection of the state of mind that man has always possessed. Actions such as these are a direct reflection of our lack of spiritual connection. It appears that we have not been at a place inside of our minds to grasp the larger, more universal scope of our existence until now. I see that the potential now exists for humanity to elevate its collective consciousness to a more spiritual and humane plane of awareness. Just because we have the capacity to transcend our old ideas does not mean that we will necessarily do so. We have a choice today just as we always had. We have an opportunity to collectively choose what ever type of existence we wish. The main problem is that almost none of us are not in a mind set to make a conscious choice that is reflective of whom we truly are. Most of us have no idea who the real person benieth the ego and fear truly is. We only know what we see and what we hear and have accepted this information as fact. The information that our minds generate when they are ruled by fear and ego and disconnected from love and truth is false. We have reached a stage in our evolution that we can actually begin to dissolve the self-imposed mental bondage that we have accepted as fact for far too long. Our collective mindset is quite deeply ingrained as well and supported by the external world that we have collectively manifested. In this respect we have not changed at all and in this lies our challenge.
On a global scale history has been repeating itself for far too long.
The details of our insane reenactment of events may seem different on the surface but at the core of our beliefs lies the same fear driven ego that has always stifled us from reaching our true potential.
The only way that we will ever realize this potential is to reconnect to our own inner truth and see our fear driven egos for what they really are. And what is the ego and why have I become so obsessed with trying to figure it out? The ego in all of its lovely little disguises is our number one offender. It is the chief instigator of all of the conflict and apparent evil that we perceive in our world. Our entire social structure is supported by our ego and has become a safe haven for its insane beliefs to take shape and form. We are literally living inside a bubble. The bubble that I am referring to is invisible and yet it has the ability to totally separate us from experiencing the spiritual beings that we really are.
The Romans used to send slaves into coliseums to die horrible deaths at the hands of predatory animals that they kept locked up for this sole purpose. The Mayans would slaughter tens of thousands in human sacrifices that were intended to control the minds of their own people. We exploit the poor and work them to death. We killed thousands of our own people in the trade center bombing just to instill that same fear in the minds of the masses today. These days we play football in stadiums and keep animals locked up in zoos.
We are only acting out in such insane ways because of the fact that we keep our own minds locked up and take it out on the rest of the planet.
If we really were free to think as we were intended then our actions would become more humane. If our actions became more humane then we could transcend the struggles of this reality that always keep us needing something else.
We have been trial and erring our way to this point in time for quite a while. These days we would never make a conscious decision to purposely go out and slaughter billions of plants and animals. Even if our own denial and rationalizations keep us from admitting it, we are taking actions on a daily basis to do just that. Sure we are not physically murdering subspecies for the hell of it but the very manner that we conduct ourselves is jeopardizing every other living creature on the planet as well as humanity itself. Subtle or obvious, the collective ego of mankind is as separated from love and truth as it has ever been. The more that we learn about the effects of our actions the more denial and rationalizations we have to manifest in order to excuse the truth away. Excuses are nothing more that excused lies.
We have imprisoned our minds, which has imprisoned our will and as a result we have turned ourselves into the planets heaviest burden rather than its greatest asset. In my opinion we cannot exists on this planet alone. We have a symbiotic relationship with all of the other living species of plant and animal life. Make no mistake about it the same selfish state of mind that is directly and indirectly killing off all of the plants and animals is also taking its toll on itself. We just happen to focus our attention on the plight of the sub spices because we have egos that have convinced us that we are different. We have confused ourselves into believing that we can save the same species that we are responsible for destroying. With every barrel of toxic waste that we dump in the ocean, we have to come up with some sort of rationalization to tell ourselves so our conscious doesn’t get the better of us. Our conscious not only has to get the better of us but it is essential that this happens in order for us to continue to participate in our own evolution. The only reason that so many animals have died is because our ego has fooled us into believing that it has had to be done in the name of progress. The progress that we are so invested in experiencing is serving our ego and its determined drive to keep us separated from love. Where else except in an irrational mind controlled by fear and ego would killing and destruction be viewed as progress? We cannot continue to view ourselves as separate or unique from the rest of the living planet. It is this perception of terminal uniqueness that is allowing us to remain in denial of the fact that we are manifesting our own extinction.
Due to the way we are programmed or wired or what ever you want to call it we seem to be conflicted between our past and the future. This is the latest phase in the never-ending evolution of humanity. This segment of evolution that we are currently passing through is one of great confusion for most of us. The fear that we create in our minds and project onto those around us is making the truth much more difficult to see. We are all engaged in an inner conflict that is happening between our higher and lower minds. Our instincts are in a further state of confusion because they no longer serve the same purpose that they once did. They have become warped with the passage of time. Any real immediate threat of life or bodily injury is a mind creation that we have accepted as being fact.
In comparison to the not so distant past we have appeared to become a civilized global community.
An organized social structure is mechanical and without meaning if it is devout of love.
Most of us are beginning to become very conscious of the lack of love that our civilization breeds and will begin to question the very foundation on which this structure stands in the near future. Our self will has also been limited to create within the confines a structure that is based in fear and manipulated control. We have not become as civilized as we will ever be. We will never become complete until we can reconnect to our own spiritual being that is currently being obscured by our fear driven response to life. Everything is in a constant state of change and evolution. As long as the universe continues to expand we will continue to evolve.
The past is something to be learned from but not something to fight to the death to hold onto. One truth that can be extracted from our past is that we have been separated from our spiritual self and identifying with our ego for a long time. Acceptance is a crucial principle that we need to practice when riding the universally dictated wave of change. We must surrender to the truth that we have led ourselves astray and accept love back into our minds. We have become increasingly conflicted due to the transformation that is occurring inside of us. We are reaching a time of critical mass in the slow moving exchange that is occurring between our lives being guided by instincts to our life being guided by our higher consciousness. The inner compulsion still exists within each of us to summon our instincts to guide us and react to our perceptions in an insane manner.
So what do we do when there is no immediate threat of danger? We manufacture one. We are drama queens who have locked ourselves away inside self imposed situations of crisis. Our instinctual response to life is a very deeply ingrained reflex that has been a primary part of our mindset for millions of years. Like I was saying earlier, just because it was once a key to our survival doesn’t mean that it still serves that same importance today. Is a wild boar charging you right now? Is the snow beginning to pound down on your family and you and your mud hutch is only half built?
What real and immediate danger are you faced with in this moment? Is there a man attacking you with a knife? The answer is no because at this very moment you are reading a book so chill out! If a man were attacking you he would be following the direction of his fear driven egos projections. Think about it, when have you ever seen babies attacking each other? This is not a behavior that we are born with but rather one that we absorb from the insane world we have no choice in becoming a participant in. This is not to say that we will never be faced with a life-threatening situation but until it happens we cannot afford to continue living our life anticipating the moment that is does. People are faced with life threatening situations on a daily basis. Children get trapped underneath moving cars and in those types of moments our instincts for survival will always be our most trusted alley. Our fear-driven instincts have manifested strong egos within the minds of us all. These fear driven egos were created as a last ditch effort for the instinctual part of our brain to maintain control.
Now that we have built our modern world our focus will begin to turn inward. This world is nothing more that a projection of the collective minds that manifested it. This existence as we perceive it would not be this way without our egos having played a primary role in influencing its construction.
The coming years could be filled with great confusion. Like I said earlier we are hitting the most crucial part of this phase of evolution. It is literally going feel that there is a battle being waged inside of us. Awakening requires us to experience a moment of clarity where we can actually see our existence for what it really is. In this moment we will each be able to view our individual inner truth with an objectivity that has been lacking at any other time in our life. These moments of clarity will begin to occur with increasing regularity, which should be viewed as an opportunity to begin to live our life in a manner that may seem foreign while identification with the ego is still occurring. We will all be afforded the opportunity to become guided by a set of spiritual principles that are connected to universal truth.
Ironically we are all born connected to the truth but have lost touch with it along our path to ego fulfillment.
That battle that feels like it is happening inside of us is between our warped instincts and manifesting higher consciousness. The key to surviving this transition is to become accepting of it and not to react to it with more fear driven projection. We will be experiencing a shift in our consciousness which will be caused by the universe at large. We have to allow the flow of evolution to transmit through ourselves and not block it with fear and ego. Keep in mind that the spiritual energy of love has to be able to guide us to this new plane of existence. The change will occur and there is nothing that we can do to impede it. We can however impede our own transformation from occurring in harmony with the universe at large. In the end this blockage would only affect us in the physical realm but would essentially do nothing to our spirits. The more fear driven our ego is the more of a regenerative effect this event will induce. What ever is blocking us from experiencing love will be dissolved one way or the other.
The titanic comes to mind when I try to come up with a good analogy that you would understand. Let’s just say that the ship is the collective consciousness of humanity as it is right now. It is burdened with a cumbersome load of baggage that is causing it to sink into a sea of its own fear driven ego. This burden would be lifted if we could dissolve the ego that is creating it and thus allow the ship to continue to sail its course. Even if the ship remains commandeered by our fear driven ego it will sink and the passengers would be lost but the course of evolution would continue on as it always has. The question you should ask yourself is whether or not you want to ride this tide of evolution or sink in a fear saturated sea of our own manifestation? Even in this scenario we need to be able to surrender to the transformation that is occurring inside of us. Regardless of what our mind says we should realize that the universe determines the changes that are driving our transformation.
We are literally alive during a period of unbelievable opportunity. We are the cast of characters that have been born into the world to usher in an entirely new stage of human existence. We are also the cast of characters that could spell out a fate of a much different sort if we do not change our ways. This could either be a time of transformation or regeneration for humanity.
We could all be living out the final days of what will one day be reflected on as the dark age of modern civilization or we could be the members of humanity that are responsible for pounding the final nail into our own collective coffin.
The physical realm of our reality is totally dependent upon our ability to elevate our consciousness to a higher plane. We need to surrender to the transformation that is going on inside of us. Attempting to combat the confusion will only lead to greater turmoil. We must have faith in the process and allow it to unfold. Believe me when I say that too many of us have our identities warped around our fear driven instincts as well as all of the liabilities of character that come along with live lived in this manner. Our perceived instinctual drive to survive has manifested fears into areas of our life that were not even there before. In other words we are experiencing quality problems today. All of these problems exist because we create them or lack the ability to see the truth beneath the manipulation of our fear driven egos.
The purpose of this book is to share my first hand experience with fear and ego and show you how it brought me to my knees. You will get to know me on the most intimate of levels so that you can best relate to me. I am not suggesting anything in this book that I have not done myself. I do not believe that extreme measures are needed to remedy our current social struggles. All I am suggesting is that we achieve a collective balance between the physical and spiritual realm before the balance is forced upon us by our planet and our collective mindset that is rapidly approaching its breaking point. I know that my very life is dependent on me undergoing this process and for some reason I feel absolutely compelled to share this message with you.
Robert Gray Gallagher
COPYRIGHT 2011 Retrocollective Publishing Group
All Rights Reserved
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