Monday, December 26, 2011

The Sacred Vault of The 14TH Degree "Degree of Perfection" by By ROBERT MACOY, 33°


The 14th degree of the Ancient and Accepted rite, sometimes
called the "Degree of Perfection." In Prance it is called
" Grand Scotch Mason of Perfection of the Sacred Vault
of James YI." The degree " is considered to be the
ultimate rite of ancient Masonry, as it is the last of the
Ineffable degrees that refer to the first temple. The Masons
who had been employed in constructing the temple acquired
immortal honor. Their association became more uniformly
established and regulated after the completion of the temple
than it had been before. In the admission of new members
their prudence and caution had produced great respect, as
merit alone was required of every candidate. With these
principles firmly established many of the Grand Elect left
the temple after its dedication, and, traveling into other
countries, disseminated the knowledge they had acquired,
and instructed in the sublime degrees of ancient Craft
Masonry all who applied and were found worthy. The
Lodge is styled the Secret Vault. The hangings are crimson,
with white columns at regular intervals. 24 lights—9 in the
East; 7 in the West; 5 in the South; and 3 in the North. "The
apron is white, lined with crimson; in the middle is a square
flat stone, in which is an iron ring. The collar is crimson; the
jewel, a gold compass, open on a circle of forty-five degrees;
between the legs of the compass is a medal representing the
sun on one side, on the other the fiaming star. On the circle is
engraved the figures 3, 5, 7, 9. The compass is surmounted
with a pointed crown. The ring of alliance is of gold. On
the inside is engraved: "Virtue unites what death cannot
separate;" with the name and date of initiation of the owner.


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