Saturday, April 9, 2011

Retox @ Prehab Reality Television Show kicks off Grand Opening of Lotus Flower of Silver Lake

Greetings Friends,

I have taken the time to write up a proposal to a television show that I feel very strongly about. I see no limit to this shows potential to entertain us. It will connect everyone to the part of themselves they hide or hate. It will bring much humor to a part of ourselves we never found particularly amusing. The shock value will be there especially in the beginning to pull as many viewers in as possible. As the episodes roll on the cast will grow to forget about the cameras and become more honest for us all to benefit form. By the end of the season our goal would be to awaken the world to a new way of thinking, feeling and loving that could not have arrived at a better time for all mankind.

Please read what I included and assist if you are compelled to do so.


Robert Gray Gallagher

Lotus Flower of Silver Lake
Retox @ Prehab Season 1
Creative Collective Alliance

Retox @ Prehab

Is a Reality TV show set in the hillside of Silver Lake where five modern bungalows play host to the human condition in all its curious manifestations.

This VERY real world features an over eater, gambler, alcoholic, sex addict, kleptomaniac, cutter, drug addict and a compulsive spender. We even threw in a couple of co-dependents and enablers for good measure.

They have agreed to live in a summer camp environment and allow our private cameras to expose every crack of their moral foundation as well as aversion to intimacy and also truth. Our guests will allow themselves to experience every human emotion, reaction and fear in front of the world and come to discover themselves along the way…….

Retox @ Prehab will serve as the televised run through of a new forward thinking structured living environment for all addicted people in all different stages their condition called:

Lotus Flower of Silver Lake…..”Discover yourself”

which will have its grand opening reception after Retox @ Prehab completes its first season.

Lotus Flower of Silver Lake is a unique and forward thinking alternative to the more traditional approaches to addiction treatment and living environments. The Lotus flower of Silver Lake embodies positive elements of many successful programs as well as universal truths which are practically applied to a person’s core belief system. This process works deeper to challenge the false which has been accepted as truth and is working subconsciously, usually in a self defeating manor.

Our intense approach carries the depth and weight that people long for. It gives our resident creators much needed structure that they would never give themselves. Our primary aim is to facilitate a permanent shift or correction followed by gradual growth through the application of applied principles and creative action.





“Discover Yourself”

2011 Retro Collective Publishing G


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