And behind iron gates
Our political leaders
Sit far removed
From the truth
Of the streets that surround them.
Most of these men and woman
Have taken a solemn oath
To serve the people
That elected them to office
But the only true commitment they have made
Is to maintain their personal power
By any means necessary
They lay their morality to waste
And shift their revolving beliefs,
Without hesitation,
In order to cater to their friends
With special interests
Who lurk in the shadows,
Willing to give unlimited financial backing
In exchange for these “leaders”
Pawning their integrity at the drop of a dime.
The evolution of the united states political system can be compared to a wooden hulled ship that is drifting along far from the safety of any shore. It is being eaten from the inside out by capitalistic termites that just cannot help themselves and will ironically die when there is nothing left to consume.
When in doubt do nothing.
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