Man is a triune being. He is composed of
a physical body, a spiritual body, and a Soul.
The physical body is that part of man concerning
which most men are best informed.
Many do not know that they have a spiritual
body, and a good many others are in grave
doubt as to whether there is such a thing as a
Soul. This, however, does not alter the facts.
The physical body is composed of physical
material. The spiritual body is composed of
spiritual matter. The Soul is the intelligent
entity which operates both bodies. What it is
in essence we do not know. All we know of
it are its manifestations. We know that it
manifests itself through its material bodies.
Whether or not it also is "material" we do
not know.
One body is composed of physical material,
coarse in particle and slow in vibratory
activity. The other is composed of spiritual
material, fine in particle and rapid in vibratory
activity. These two material bodies
occupy the same material area or volume,
though not absolutely the same "space," as
this term is used by physical science. They
interblend in a manner somewhat analogous
to the interblending of the "muscular man"
and the "nerve man" of the physical organism.
A more fitting illustration, perhaps,
would be suggested by the manner in which
water and sand interpenetrate when placed in
the same vessel. The water, being finer of
particle than sand, runs into the interstices
between the particles of the sand. Owing
entirely to this difference in the degree of
fineness of their particles, a cup full of sand
will also hold at the same time a considerable
quantity of water.
After many centuries of experimentation
the Great School of the Masters has demonstrated,
with what would appear to be absolute
scientific certainty, that there are an
Electro-Magnetic Life Element and a Vito-
Chemical Life Element of Nature, both of
which interpenetrate the two material bodies
of man during his physical life. From all
the evidence at command it is determined
that the presence of these two Life Elements
is necessary to constitute a perfect material
link of connection in man between the coarse
physical body and the refined spiritual body.
Whilst this Magnetic Element individualizes
itself in the organism of man, it is also
what would seem to be a universal Element
of Nature. It is finer of particle than what
we know as physical matter, and not so fine
as spiritual matter. It has been proven with
scientific certainty that this Magnetic Element
within man's individual composition is
subject to the control of his individual Will.
Every physically embodied Soul has two
material bodies, a physical body and a spiritual
body. These are held in definite relation
to each other during physical life by
what Natural Science designates the "Magnetic
This Magnetic Element is double in its
essential relation to the two bodies. There is
a definite line of cleavage. That which lies
below this line in its degree of refinement and
vibratory activity seems to partake more
strongly of the condition of physical matter.
It is, for this reason, termed "Physical Magnetism."
That which lies above the line of
cleavage seems to partake more strongly of
the nature and condition of spiritual matter.
For this reason it is designated as "Spiritual
Physical Magnetism, during physical life,
has a strong attraction for the physical body.
Spiritual Magnetism has an equally strong
attraction for the spiritual body.
Physical Magnetism and Spiritual Magnetism
have a strong attraction for each other.
Here is a distinct threefold magnetic attraction
in peculiar combination. Study it a
A simple experiment with four physical
magnets will furnish us an illustration which
will help those who may not be familiar with
the subject to understand what occurs at the
point of physical death.
Take four magnetic bars (Fig. 1) so magnetically
related that when lying side by side
No. 1 and No. 2 are strongly attracted to each
other; No. 3 and No. 4 are equally attracted
to each other; and No. 2 and No. 3 are likewise
attracted to each other. Bring them together in
that order, and it will be found that
the four bars are at once bound together as
if by a common bond of sympathy.
Let us suppose that, by a process under
your own control, you can break or destroy
the attraction between No. 2 and No. 3
— what will be the physical result? Simply this,
that the couplet 1 and 2 will separate from
the couplet 3 and 4. (Fig. 2.)
Let us suppose that you restore them to
their original condition, and then break the
attraction benveen No. 3 and No. 4. What
is the result? In this event No. 4 falls away
from the other three, and Nos. 1, 2 and 3 remain
bound together in the common bond.
(Fig. 3.)
Let us assume that No. 1 represents the
Spiritual Body of a living, physically embodied
man. No. 2 represents the Spiritual
Magnetism. No. 3 represents the Physical
Magnetism, and No. 4 represents the Physical
Body of Man. (Fig. 4.)
Let us suppose, again, that by some process
of nature the bond of attraction between Nos.
2 and 3 is broken. What happens? The Spiritual
Body with its Spiritual NLignetism separates
from the Physical Body and its Physical
Magnetism. (Fig. S.) Now in this
instance, let us also suppose the Spiritual
Body is still inhabited by the Soul. What
then? In this event we have the Soul with its
Spiritual Body and its Spiritual Magnetism
(Spiritual Magnetic Body) liberated entirely
from the Physical Body and its Physical
Magnetism (Physical Magnetic Body).
In this case the Soul has parted from all
that binds it to earth's conditions, and it rises
at once into the realm of pure Spiritual Conditions
Now let us suppose that the four elements
are once more united in physical life, and
that by some natural process the attraction is
broken beuveen Xos. 3 and 4. What then?
The Physical Body alone falls away from the
combination, and leaves the other three elements
bound together. (Fig. 6.)
Assuming that the Soul still inhabits the
Spiritual Body after this separation, we then
have the Soul with its Spiritual Body and
Spiritual Magnetism still bound to and encumbered
by its original Physical Magnetism
(the Physical Magnetic Body).
Thus encumbered, the Soul is unable to rise
to the level of the pure Spiritual Condition,
or Plane. As a result, it remains in the realm
of the Magnetic Field until such time as it is
able to cast off its Physical Magnetic Body.
Its Physical Magnetic Body gives to the combination
a ''Gravity'' which binds it closely
to the plane of earth. While in this condition
the Soul remains in what has been designated
as an ^'earth-bound" condition. While it remains
in this condition it is known as an
"earth-bound Soul."
In course of time, however, if it continues
its evolutionary struggle it will be able to cast
oflF its Physical Magnetic Body, and we then
have the analogy for Fig. 7.
In this case the Physical Magnetic Body,
being detached from all its moorings, floats
in the Magnetic Field until it is finally dissolved
by the processes of Nature and is resolved
back into the elements from which it
was originally formed.
J.E Richardson 1908
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