Monday, April 5, 2010

Ionic Pinball Wizard


We are almost like billions of little ions all bouncing off of one another. Our two separate spheres of influence come together for a moment in time. Our own individual energy fields will actually share and experience that will either contribute to one another’s life in a positive or negative way. Then those two ions will separate from one another and individually set course towards their next fateful interaction.

This is not to say that ever single interaction in our life is fateful in nature. This is just to say, from my own experience, that the interactions that have shaped my collective experience have all seemed to happen for a reason.

Most of my life I was just way too self obsessed to notice the significance of these interactions until much later on. Life almost seemed like one gigantic game of pinball. There are defiantly subtle forces at work that drive our subconscious to do certain things at certain points in our life.

In my opinion these are not just random experiences that we have with one another as we careen along our journey. There is both rhyme and reason for the encounters that we experience. Of course these interactions are always susceptible to human error. You remember what that is right? I define human error as our ability to exercise fear driven free will. Fear driven free will to me seems like a will that is working independently from that of the universe. Free will, in my experience, has been dictated by my instincts that have become out of calibration with my spirit.

My life became a frustrating cycle of reoccurring situations that I perceived as events that were happening to me. Why is this happening to me? I would ask myself this question with increasing regularity, as I became more spiritually off kilter. Now I see that what ever I put out into the universe will come back to me. My external perception will only be as comfortable as my inner self will allow it to be.

The problem with me was that I had little or no idea that I was off balance and was taking actions on a daily basis to make matters worse. Self-centered thinking, for me, is an obsession. If I become obsessed with myself then I become disconnected from my higher self and the integrity of my vibration becomes inconsistent as a result.

If we want to run around dehumanizing each other to be able to excuse our self centered behavior then we might as well dehumanize ourselves for a minute to prove a point. What if we were all either positive or coming from a place of spiritual love or negative charged who are driven by their fears. Depending on if we are in our proper integrity and connected to our higher self or not, we will either be conscious or unconscious to the way that we affect the other ions that we come into contact with.

Now try to stand back and look at all of the people on the planet without shape and forum but rather as spheres of energy like protons and electrons. Next try to picture eight billion negative or positively charged ions all interacting with one another. Now let’s also try to imagine that all of these ions behaviors were dictated by the other ions instead of by the laws of the atom that contain them.
Sure there are scientific laws that dictate the combining of any elements together but far too often these laws would only dictate the basic nature the ions. In humanities case ions have become manipulated by other ions.

The more negative reactions that occur from these fateful interactions, the more negative the collective vibration of all these ions will become. The more that we live in selfish imagined fear and project that fear on to those around us, the more negative our collective vibration will become. Each and every time that we act out on our imagined fears in the form of our character liabilities we are subtracting from the collective potential experience we could have together.
Like I said, we cannot ever destroy the truth. We can only make it increasingly harder to see. My higher consciousness is my connection to truth. How connected are you to your own higher consciousness? As long as I have remained invested in maintaining my fear driven yet creative ego projection I have continued to get what I have always gotten.

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