Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Five Evolutionary Steps Of Man

That you may understand why it is called creative thought it is necessary briefly to study the process of evolution through which the thinking man has been created.

Thinking man has been a long time on the road of evolution, and he has traveled a very long way. In the words of judge T. Troward (in Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning), "Perfected man is the apex of the Evolutionary Pyramid, and this by a necessary sequence."

Let us trace thinking man through the five evolutionary steps through which we believe he has traveled, beginning with the very lowest; namely -

1. The Mineral Period. Here we find life in its lowest form, lying motionless and inert; a mass of mineral substances, with no power to move.

2. Then comes the Vegetable Period. Here we find life in a more active form, with intelligence sufficient to gather food, grow and reproduce, but still unable to move from its fixed moorings.

3. Then comes the Animal Period. Here we find life in a still higher and more intelligent form, with ability to move from place to place.

4. Then comes the Human or Thinking Man Period, where we find life in its highest known form; the highest, because man can think, and because thought is the highest known form of organized
energy. In the realm of thought man knows no limitations. He can send his thoughts to the stars with the quickness of a flash of lightning. He can gather facts and assemble them in new and varying combinations. He can create hypotheses and translate them into physical reality, through thought. He can reason both inductively and deductively.

5. Then comes the Spiritual Period. On this plane the lower forms of life, described in the previously mentioned four periods, converge and become infinitude in nature. At this point thinking man has unfolded, expanded and grown until he has projected his thinking ability into infinite intelligence. As yet, thinking man is but an infant in this fifth period, for he has not learned how to appropriate to his own use this infinite intelligence called Spirit. Moreover, with a few rare exceptions, man has not yet recognized thought as the connecting link which gives him access to the power of infinite intelligence. These exceptions have been such men as Moses, Solomon, Christ, Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Confucius and a comparatively small number of others of their type. Since their time we have had many who partly uncovered this great truth; yet the truth, itself, is as available now as it was then.

Law Of Success by Napoleon Hill

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Click this link and see a huge cloaked UFO next to Mercury on SECCHI HI1-A on 12/01/11, appears when a CME hits it. Go to SECCHI and record this before it disappears.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Restoration of Sanity: A suggested plan of action by The Creative Collective Alliance

Please click the link above and give careful consideration to our suggested plan of action. The entire blog outlines every detail. Its gotta start some where... Its gotta start sometime...What better place than here?...What better time than NOW?

Friday, February 10, 2012

Morals And Dogma by Albert Pike

As the Ancients did, Masonry styles Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence, and Justice, the
four cardinal virtues.

The people that would be Free and Independent, must possess Sagacity, Forethought, Foresight, and
careful Circumspection, all which are included in the meaning of the word Prudence.

She must, above all things, be just, not truckling to the strong and warring on or
plundering the weak; she must act on the square with all nations, and the feeblest tribes;
always keeping her faith, honest in her legislation, upright in all her dealings.

Whenever such a Republic exists, it will be immortal: for rashness, injustice, intemperance and
luxury in prosperity, and despair and disorder in adversity, are the causes of the decay
and dilapidation of nations.Whenever such a Republic exists, it will be immortal: for rashness, injustice, intemperance and luxury in prosperity, and despair and disorder in adversity, are the causes of the decay and dilapidation of nations.

Though Masonry is identical with the ancient Mysteries, it is so only in this qualified
sense: that it presents but an imperfect image of their brilliancy, the ruins only of their
grandeur, and a system that has experienced progressive alterations, the fruits of social
events, political circumstances, and the ambitious imbecility of its improvers. After
leaving Egypt, the Mysteries were modified by the habits of the different nations among
whom they were introduced, and especially by the religious systems of the countries into
which they were transplanted. To maintain the established government, laws, and
religion, was the obligation of the Initiate everywhere; and everywhere they were the
heritage of the priests, who were nowhere willing to make the common people coproprietors
with themselves of philosophical truth.

Christianity taught the doctrine of FRATERNITY; but repudiated that of political
EQUALITY, by continually inculcating obedience to Caesar, and to those lawfully in
authority. Masonry was the first apostle of EQUALITY. In the Monastery there is fraternity
and equality, but no liberty. Masonry added that also, and claimed for man the three-fold

Truths are the springs from which duties flow; and it is but a few hundred years since a
new Truth began to be distinctly seen; that MAN IS SUPREME OVER INSTITUTIONS,
AND NOT THEY OVER HIM. Man has natural empire over all institutions. They are for
him, aecording to his development; not he for them. This seems to us a very simple
statement, one to which all men, everywhere, ought to assent. But once it was a great
new Truth,--not revealed until governments had been in existence for at least five
thousand years. Once revealed, it imposed new duties on men. Man owed it to himself to
be free. He owed it to his country to seek to give her freedom, or maintain her in that
possession. It made Tyranny and Usurpation the enemies of the Human Race. It created
a general outlawry of Despots and Despotisms, temporal and spiritual. The sphere of
Duty was immensely enlarged. Patriotism had, henceforth, a new and wider meaning.
Free Government, Free Thought, Free Conscience, Free Speech! All these came to be
inalienable rights, which those who had parted with them or been robbed of them, or
whose ancestors had lost them, had the right summarily to retake. Unfortunately, as
Truths always become perverted into falsehoods, and are falsehoods when misapplied,
this Truth became the Gospel of Anarchy, soon after it was first preached.

And Masonry early recognized it as true, that to set
forth and develop a truth, or any human excellence of gift or growth, is to make greater
the spiritual glory of the race; that whosoever aids the march of a Truth, and makes the
thought a thing, writes in the same line with MOSES, and with Him who died upon the
cross; and has an intellectual sympathy with the Deity Himself.

"Listen to me," says GALEN, "as to the voice of the Eleusinian Hierophant,
and believe that the study of Nature is a mystery no less important than theirs, nor less
adapted to display the wisdom and power of the Great Creator. Their lessons and
demonstrations were obscure, but ours are clear and unmistakable."

We deem that to be the best knowledge we can obtain of the Soul of another man, which
is furnished by his actions and his life-long conduct. Evidence to the contrary, supplied by
what another man informs us that this Soul has said to his, would weigh little against the

Knowledge is convertible into power, and axioms into rules of utility and duty. But
knowledge itself is not Power. Wisdom is Power; and her Prime Minister is JUSTICE,
which is the perfected law of TRUTH.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The 10 Commandments of Freemasonry by Albert Pike (Morals and Dogma)

Masonry has its decalogue, which is a law to its Initiates. These are its Ten

I. God is the Eternal, Omnipotent, Immutable WISDOM and Supreme INTELLIGENCE
and Exhaustless Love.
Thou shalt adore, revere, and love Him !
Thou shalt honour Him by practising the virtues!

II. Thy religion shall be, to do good because it is a pleasure to thee, and not merely
because it is a duty.
That thou mayest become the friend of the wise man, thou shalt obey his precepts !
Thy soul is immortal ! Thou shalt do nothing to degrade it !

III. Thou shalt unceasingly war against vice!
Thou shalt not do unto others that which thou wouldst not wish them to do unto thee !
Thou shalt be submissive to thy fortunes, and keep burning the light of wisdom !

IV. Thou shalt honour thy parents !
Thou shalt pay respect and homage to the aged!
Thou shalt instruct the young!
Thou shalt protect and defend infancy and innocence !

V. Thou shalt cherish thy wife and thy children!
Thou shalt love thy country, and obey its laws!
VI. Thy friend shall be to thee a second self !
Misfortune shall not estrange thee from him !
Thou shalt do for his memory whatever thou wouldst do for him, if he were living!

VII. Thou shalt avoid and flee from insincere friendships !
Thou shalt in everything refrain from excess.
Thou shalt fear to be the cause of a stain on thy memory!

VIII. Thou shalt allow no passions to become thy master !
Thou shalt make the passions of others profitable lessons to thyself!
Thou shalt be indulgent to error !

IX. Thou shalt hear much: Thou shalt speak little: Thou shalt act well !
Thou shalt forget injuries!
Thou shalt render good for evil !
Thou shalt not misuse either thy strength or thy superiority !

X. Thou shalt study to know men; that thereby thou mayest learn to know thyself !
Thou shalt ever seek after virtue !
Thou shalt be just!
Thou shalt avoid idleness !

But the great commandment of Masonry is this: "A new commandment give I unto you:
that ye love one another! He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, remaineth
still in the darkness."

Such are the moral duties of a Mason. But it is also the duty of Masonry to assist in
elevating the moral and intellectual level of society; in coining knowledge, bringing ideas
into circulation, and causing the mind of youth to grow; and in putting, gradually, by the
teachings of axioms and the promulgation of positive laws, the human race in harmony
with its destinies.

Albert Pike