Thursday, January 19, 2012
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Friday, January 13, 2012
The elements of a symbol are defined only by the space that is a part of its construction. Like the wind, the effect of space is gauged by its effect on the things within it or surrounding it. The concept of space, the void, is a profound part of our experience. To reach a state of “emptiness” is, for many, the ultimate spiritual experience and a way of connecting to the Absolute. When John Lennon wrote “Imagine,” whose lyrics gradually strip away the trappings of the material world, it was this idea that inspired him.
To be aware of the possibility of space within a flat, two-dimensional representation is to give that shape substance and a new kind of reality that lifts it off the page and makes it real. Space is not flat and cannot be confined by lines on a piece of paper. The page and the shape on it do not exist in isolation, but are a part of a greater cosmos. This book and you, the reader, are a part of this equation.
The concept of zero is a space. Indeed, the realization that “nothing” can be “something” marked a profound leap forward in man’s development. All creation myths begin with a Void, symbolic of potential.
Although attempts to explain the concept of space are inevitably faulty, it might help to think of a blank page. Before a mark is made upon the paper, the potential for what might appear there is so vast as to be unimaginable, a consideration which causes consternation for some artists and writers. Without this space, there is no arena for anything else to exist. This absence of any thing means that no thing is the most important symbol in the World.
A dot might seem to be an unassuming little thing, the first mark on the pristine sheet of paper. In this case, the dot is a beginning. But see what just happened there? The dot, an essential component in the structure of the sentence, closed it, making it a symbol of ending. Therefore, the dot is both an origination and a conclusion, encompassing all the possibilities of the Universe within it, a seed full of potential and a symbol of the Supreme Being. The dot is the point of creation, for example the place where the arms of the cross intersect.
The dot is also called the bindhu, which means “drop.” The bindhu is a symbol of the Absolute, marked on the forehead at the position of the third eye in the place believed to be the seat of the soul.
The presence of dots within a symbol can signify the presence of something else. A dot in the center of the Star of David marks the quintessence, or Fifth Element. It also acts as reminder of the concept of space. The decorated dots that surround the doorways of Eastern temples are not merely ornamental devices but have significance relevant to the worshippers. Dots frequently appear in this way, acting as a sort of shorthand for the tenets of a faith. In the Jain symbol, for example, the dots stand for the Three Jewels of Jainism. The dots in each half of the yin-yang symbol unify the two halves: one dot is “yin,” the other “yang.” Together they demonstrate the interdependence of opposing forces.
The next logical magical symbol is the circle. Effectively an expansion of the dot, the circle represents the spirit and the cosmos. Further, the circle itself is constructed from “some thing” (the unbroken line) and “no thing” (the space inside and outside this line). Therefore, the circle unifies spirit and matter. The structure itself has great strength—think of the cylindrical shape of a lighthouse, built that way in order to withstand the fiercest attack by a stormy sea.
The physical and spiritual strength of this symbol are there because the perfect circle has no beginning and no end; it is unassailable. This power is the reason why the circle is used in magical practices such as spell-casting. The magic circle creates a fortress of psychic protection, a physical and spiritual safe haven where unwanted or uninvited entities cannot enter.
Hermes Trismegistus said of the circle:
God is a circle whose center is everywhere and circumference is nowhere.
Where would ancient man have seen the most important circles? Obviously, in the Sun and the Moon. As the Sun, the circle is masculine, but when it is the Moon, it is feminine. Because the passage of time is marked by the journey of the Sun, Moon and stars in orbit around our Earth, the circle is a symbol of the passage of time. In this form, it commonly appears as the wheel.
Because the circle has no divisions and no sides, it is also a symbol of equality. King Arthur’s Round Table was the perfect piece of furniture for the fellowship of Knights who were each as important as each other. Similarly, the Dalai Lama has a “circular” Council.
Perhaps the most prominent arc of the natural world appears in the elusive form of the rainbow, which primitive man saw as a bridge between the Heavens and the Earth. As a part of a circle, the arc symbolizes potential spirit. The position of the arc is important. Upright, shaped like a cup or chalice, it implies the feminine principle, something that can contain the spirit. If the arc is inverted, then the opposite is true and it becomes a triumphal, victorious, masculine symbol. As such, the arc can take the form of an archway. The vaulted or arched shape of many holy buildings, from a great variety of different faiths, represents the vault of the Heavens. The arc shape often appears in planetary symbols.
Man, alone in the animal kingdom, stands upright, so the vertical line represents the physical symbol of the number One, man striving toward spirit. This simple line is the basic shape of the World Tree or Axis Mundi that connects the Heavens, the Earth and the lower regions. It is not only a basic phallic symbol but also signifies the soul that strives for union with the Divine.
The upright line tells us where we are at a precise moment; think of the big hand of the clock, vertically oriented at 12 o’clock.
The opposite of the vertical line, the horizontal line represents matter, and the forward and backward movement of time. This line also signifies the skyline or horizon and man’s place on the Earth.
Here, the vertical and horizontal lines come together to create a new symbol—the cross. There are of course countless different types of cross, a few of which are covered in this section of the book. Despite any embellishments or devices, however, the basic meaning of the cross stays the same.
The earliest example of the cross comes from Crete and dates back to the fifteenth century BC although the sign is much older than this, ancient beyond proper reckoning. It is an incredibly versatile and useful sign with many interpretations. As the convergence of the vertical and horizontal lines, it symbolizes the union of the material and the spiritual (think of the sign of the cross given by Catholic priests). As a geometric tool, it has no equal; if you put the cross inside the circle, then you are able to divide the circle equally. Similarly, the cross is said to “give birth to” the square.
Because of its four cardinal points, the cross represents the elements and the directions.
In the West the cross equates with the number 4, but in China, it is associated with the number 5 since the “dot” in the middle of the cross, where the two arms intersect, is also included.
The cross is sometimes disguised as another symbol, such as a four-petaled flower. All over the world, the cross is a symbol of protection.
Said to be the first shape invented by Man, the square represents the created Universe as opposed to the spiritual dimensions depicted by the circle.
The square represents the Earth and the four elements. Plato described the square, like the circle, as being “absolutely beautiful in itself.” Like the cross, the square is associated with the number 4. A square has four corners; to speak of the “four corners of the Earth” is something of an anomaly since the Earth is round, without corners. All the symbolism of the number 4 is encompassed within the square, and it is interesting to note that, just as the square represents the created Universe, in the Hebrew faith the Holy Name of the Creator is comprised of four letters. The square gives man a safe, static reference point, and a stable, unmoving shape as opposed to the continual motion of the circle.
Temples and holy buildings are often built in the form of a square, solidly designed to align with the four points of the compass. The Ka’aba at Mecca is a fine example, as is the base of the Buddhist Stupa. Altars, too, are square. Square shapes define limits and create boundaries; to speak of someone as being “square” means that they are fixed and unchangeable.
A diamond shape often with rounded rather than pointed ends, the lozenge is often overlooked, but is actually a representation of the female genitalia. As such, its most popular appearance is probably as the vesica piscis, the sacred doorway through which spirit enters the world of matter. In heraldry, for example, the lozenge is used in place of the masculine shield, to denote a coat of arms belonging to a woman or a noncombative male, such as a member of the clergy.
The triangle shares all the symbolic significance of the number 3, as a shape, and therefore represents the many things that come in groups of three, from the Holy Trinity to the triple aspect of the Goddess. Triangles appear in lots of different signs and symbols. In ancient times, the triangle was considered synonymous with light, and the meanings of the triangle vary according to which way up it is. When it sits firmly on its base, then it is a masculine, virile symbol, representing fire. The other way up it becomes the water element, a chalice shape, emblematic of the feminine powers. Balanced on its point in this way the triangle also represents the yoni, further underpinning the Goddess aspect. The equilateral triangle is a harmonious form, used to indicate the Higher Powers, providing a framework, for example, for the All Seeing Eye of God.
As a symbol of strength, the triangle reinforces the corners of the square, both physically and meta-physically. The solid shape of the triangle also makes its appearance in yogic positions, for example in the Trikona Asana or Triangle Posture.
The square can be divided into two diagonal triangles. Because the length of these shapes has no simple relationship to its sides, the Greeks concluded that the diagonal must be a symbol of the irrational. Therefore, the diagonal, or oblique, has come to be associated with the incomprehensible, occult world. In J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books, Diagon Alley is the hidden part of London that is a magical high street full of occult devices.
However it is interpreted, the jagged shape of the zig-zag carries with it the idea of heat, energy, vitality, and movement, the archetypal sign for lightning or electricity. The double zig-zag that makes the astrological glyph for Aquarius could be water or it could be the life-force itself. The serpent that spirals up the Caduceus is a soft-ened zig-zag shape. There is an inherent danger in the zig-zag, and the deities that carry it in their hands do so as a sign of their own authority and power.
The elements of a symbol are defined only by the space that is a part of its construction. Like the wind, the effect of space is gauged by its effect on the things within it or surrounding it. The concept of space, the void, is a profound part of our experience. To reach a state of “emptiness” is, for many, the ultimate spiritual experience and a way of connecting to the Absolute. When John Lennon wrote “Imagine,” whose lyrics gradually strip away the trappings of the material world, it was this idea that inspired him.
To be aware of the possibility of space within a flat, two-dimensional representation is to give that shape substance and a new kind of reality that lifts it off the page and makes it real. Space is not flat and cannot be confined by lines on a piece of paper. The page and the shape on it do not exist in isolation, but are a part of a greater cosmos. This book and you, the reader, are a part of this equation.
The concept of zero is a space. Indeed, the realization that “nothing” can be “something” marked a profound leap forward in man’s development. All creation myths begin with a Void, symbolic of potential.
Although attempts to explain the concept of space are inevitably faulty, it might help to think of a blank page. Before a mark is made upon the paper, the potential for what might appear there is so vast as to be unimaginable, a consideration which causes consternation for some artists and writers. Without this space, there is no arena for anything else to exist. This absence of any thing means that no thing is the most important symbol in the World.
A dot might seem to be an unassuming little thing, the first mark on the pristine sheet of paper. In this case, the dot is a beginning. But see what just happened there? The dot, an essential component in the structure of the sentence, closed it, making it a symbol of ending. Therefore, the dot is both an origination and a conclusion, encompassing all the possibilities of the Universe within it, a seed full of potential and a symbol of the Supreme Being. The dot is the point of creation, for example the place where the arms of the cross intersect.
The dot is also called the bindhu, which means “drop.” The bindhu is a symbol of the Absolute, marked on the forehead at the position of the third eye in the place believed to be the seat of the soul.
The presence of dots within a symbol can signify the presence of something else. A dot in the center of the Star of David marks the quintessence, or Fifth Element. It also acts as reminder of the concept of space. The decorated dots that surround the doorways of Eastern temples are not merely ornamental devices but have significance relevant to the worshippers. Dots frequently appear in this way, acting as a sort of shorthand for the tenets of a faith. In the Jain symbol, for example, the dots stand for the Three Jewels of Jainism. The dots in each half of the yin-yang symbol unify the two halves: one dot is “yin,” the other “yang.” Together they demonstrate the interdependence of opposing forces.
The next logical magical symbol is the circle. Effectively an expansion of the dot, the circle represents the spirit and the cosmos. Further, the circle itself is constructed from “some thing” (the unbroken line) and “no thing” (the space inside and outside this line). Therefore, the circle unifies spirit and matter. The structure itself has great strength—think of the cylindrical shape of a lighthouse, built that way in order to withstand the fiercest attack by a stormy sea.
The physical and spiritual strength of this symbol are there because the perfect circle has no beginning and no end; it is unassailable. This power is the reason why the circle is used in magical practices such as spell-casting. The magic circle creates a fortress of psychic protection, a physical and spiritual safe haven where unwanted or uninvited entities cannot enter.
Hermes Trismegistus said of the circle:
God is a circle whose center is everywhere and circumference is nowhere.
Where would ancient man have seen the most important circles? Obviously, in the Sun and the Moon. As the Sun, the circle is masculine, but when it is the Moon, it is feminine. Because the passage of time is marked by the journey of the Sun, Moon and stars in orbit around our Earth, the circle is a symbol of the passage of time. In this form, it commonly appears as the wheel.
Because the circle has no divisions and no sides, it is also a symbol of equality. King Arthur’s Round Table was the perfect piece of furniture for the fellowship of Knights who were each as important as each other. Similarly, the Dalai Lama has a “circular” Council.
Perhaps the most prominent arc of the natural world appears in the elusive form of the rainbow, which primitive man saw as a bridge between the Heavens and the Earth. As a part of a circle, the arc symbolizes potential spirit. The position of the arc is important. Upright, shaped like a cup or chalice, it implies the feminine principle, something that can contain the spirit. If the arc is inverted, then the opposite is true and it becomes a triumphal, victorious, masculine symbol. As such, the arc can take the form of an archway. The vaulted or arched shape of many holy buildings, from a great variety of different faiths, represents the vault of the Heavens. The arc shape often appears in planetary symbols.
Man, alone in the animal kingdom, stands upright, so the vertical line represents the physical symbol of the number One, man striving toward spirit. This simple line is the basic shape of the World Tree or Axis Mundi that connects the Heavens, the Earth and the lower regions. It is not only a basic phallic symbol but also signifies the soul that strives for union with the Divine.
The upright line tells us where we are at a precise moment; think of the big hand of the clock, vertically oriented at 12 o’clock.
The opposite of the vertical line, the horizontal line represents matter, and the forward and backward movement of time. This line also signifies the skyline or horizon and man’s place on the Earth.
Here, the vertical and horizontal lines come together to create a new symbol—the cross. There are of course countless different types of cross, a few of which are covered in this section of the book. Despite any embellishments or devices, however, the basic meaning of the cross stays the same.
The earliest example of the cross comes from Crete and dates back to the fifteenth century BC although the sign is much older than this, ancient beyond proper reckoning. It is an incredibly versatile and useful sign with many interpretations. As the convergence of the vertical and horizontal lines, it symbolizes the union of the material and the spiritual (think of the sign of the cross given by Catholic priests). As a geometric tool, it has no equal; if you put the cross inside the circle, then you are able to divide the circle equally. Similarly, the cross is said to “give birth to” the square.
Because of its four cardinal points, the cross represents the elements and the directions.
In the West the cross equates with the number 4, but in China, it is associated with the number 5 since the “dot” in the middle of the cross, where the two arms intersect, is also included.
The cross is sometimes disguised as another symbol, such as a four-petaled flower. All over the world, the cross is a symbol of protection.
Said to be the first shape invented by Man, the square represents the created Universe as opposed to the spiritual dimensions depicted by the circle.
The square represents the Earth and the four elements. Plato described the square, like the circle, as being “absolutely beautiful in itself.” Like the cross, the square is associated with the number 4. A square has four corners; to speak of the “four corners of the Earth” is something of an anomaly since the Earth is round, without corners. All the symbolism of the number 4 is encompassed within the square, and it is interesting to note that, just as the square represents the created Universe, in the Hebrew faith the Holy Name of the Creator is comprised of four letters. The square gives man a safe, static reference point, and a stable, unmoving shape as opposed to the continual motion of the circle.
Temples and holy buildings are often built in the form of a square, solidly designed to align with the four points of the compass. The Ka’aba at Mecca is a fine example, as is the base of the Buddhist Stupa. Altars, too, are square. Square shapes define limits and create boundaries; to speak of someone as being “square” means that they are fixed and unchangeable.
A diamond shape often with rounded rather than pointed ends, the lozenge is often overlooked, but is actually a representation of the female genitalia. As such, its most popular appearance is probably as the vesica piscis, the sacred doorway through which spirit enters the world of matter. In heraldry, for example, the lozenge is used in place of the masculine shield, to denote a coat of arms belonging to a woman or a noncombative male, such as a member of the clergy.
The triangle shares all the symbolic significance of the number 3, as a shape, and therefore represents the many things that come in groups of three, from the Holy Trinity to the triple aspect of the Goddess. Triangles appear in lots of different signs and symbols. In ancient times, the triangle was considered synonymous with light, and the meanings of the triangle vary according to which way up it is. When it sits firmly on its base, then it is a masculine, virile symbol, representing fire. The other way up it becomes the water element, a chalice shape, emblematic of the feminine powers. Balanced on its point in this way the triangle also represents the yoni, further underpinning the Goddess aspect. The equilateral triangle is a harmonious form, used to indicate the Higher Powers, providing a framework, for example, for the All Seeing Eye of God.
As a symbol of strength, the triangle reinforces the corners of the square, both physically and meta-physically. The solid shape of the triangle also makes its appearance in yogic positions, for example in the Trikona Asana or Triangle Posture.
The square can be divided into two diagonal triangles. Because the length of these shapes has no simple relationship to its sides, the Greeks concluded that the diagonal must be a symbol of the irrational. Therefore, the diagonal, or oblique, has come to be associated with the incomprehensible, occult world. In J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books, Diagon Alley is the hidden part of London that is a magical high street full of occult devices.
However it is interpreted, the jagged shape of the zig-zag carries with it the idea of heat, energy, vitality, and movement, the archetypal sign for lightning or electricity. The double zig-zag that makes the astrological glyph for Aquarius could be water or it could be the life-force itself. The serpent that spirals up the Caduceus is a soft-ened zig-zag shape. There is an inherent danger in the zig-zag, and the deities that carry it in their hands do so as a sign of their own authority and power.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Self Unfoldment: Chapter 1 "LIFE"
Life is a Universal Element.
"Life is that Element in Nature which impels
everything—whether organic or inorganic;
physical, spiritual or psychical to
function according to the law of its being."
This definition of The Great School of the
Masters applies equally to Individual organisms
as a whole, and to the various Individual
organs and parts thereof.
There are four distinct and definite Universal
"Life Elements," and each of these
Elements is responsible for the functional
activities of Life within its own kingdom.
Ether, Air and Water are recognized as
"Elements" of Nature. And yet, they are not
subject to the process of evolution. They are
the same today, as far as science knows, as
they were a million years ago ; or as they were
when they first came into existence. They
have not "evolved" as Elements, or otherwise
changed, in any manner.
They are Universal within the environment
of our planet; and Ether, at least, is supposed,
by physical science, to be Universal in time
and space. Air and Water are sufficiently
Universal to be a part of all planetary environment
wherein exist Life and Intelligence.
Undoubtedly, Ether, Air and Water all
exert their influence upon the Individual
Lives and Intelligences that exist within them
and develop through them. But they, themselves,
are fixed and established conditions of
Nature; and, as such, are not in a state of evolution.
They are only parts of Nature's mechanical
device for the evolution of Individual
We know that Individual Life and Individual
Intelligence do develop within the
waters of the earth. Bear in mind that Water
is one of the "Elements of Nature." We also
know that these Individual Lives and Intelligences
which come into physical existence in
and through the Element of Water do develop,
and do evolve; but, so far as science
knows, the Element of Water itself does not
evolve. It remains the same, yesterday, today
and forever, so far as we know. It is only one
of Nature's instrumentalities for the generation
and evolution of Individual Intelligence.
The parallel with the Life Elements, as
such, is complete. Individual Lives and Individual
Intelligences come into being within
the Life Elements; and we know that these
Individual Lives and Intelligences, having
become Individualized by Nature, proceed to
develop, unfold and evolve; but we do not
know that the Life Elements themselves, as
such, are subject to the process of evolution.
They remain fixed conditions, so far as science
The Life Elements are not limited to the
physical plane of Life; they exist on all
the planes of Life. There is, however, a difference
in the degree of their refinement and
vibratory activity. The Life Elements upon
the spiritual planes of Life are suited to the
refined requirements of the Individual Life
and Intelligence upon those planes.
But it must not be assumed that this increased
refinement and activity of the Life
Elements upon the spiritual planes are conditions
which have evolved from the Life Elements
upon the physical plane. The Life
Elements upon the spiritual planes are as
truly fixed and established conditions as are
those of the Life Elements upon the physical
plane. They are equally as much a part of
Nature's mechanical device for the evolution
of Individual Intelligence.
It is Nature's plan to Individualize and
evolve Intelligence. The Life Elements are
only parts of her mechanical device by which
she accomplishes that marvelous end. It is
the Individual Intelligence that evolves and
not the Life Elements, as such.
Nature, or the Great Creative Intelligence,
had a very definite purpose in creating and
establishing the Life Elements. Natural
Science finds that the uses to which Nature
puts these Life Elements are:
To generate Individual Life.
To Individualize Intelligence.
To carry forward the evolutionary Unfoldment
and Development of Individual Intelligence.
The Individual Intelligence, after Nature
has evolved it to a point where it becomes
aware of its Moral Accountability and Personal
Responsibility, uses the Life Elements
for its own Self-Unfoldment; thus enabling it
to add the evolutionary impulse of its own
efforts to the effort of Nature, and thus accelerate
the evolutionary process.
The Life Element which belongs exclusively
to the mineral kingdom is the Electro-
Magnetic Life Element. This is a single
The Electro-Magnetic Life Element combines
with the Vito-Chemical Life Element
to constitute the Life Element of the vegetable
kingdom. This forms a compound of
both the Electro-Magnetic and the Vito-
Chemical Life Elements, to form the Life
Element of the vegetable kingdom. It is
called the Vito-Chemical Life Element, because
it is that particular Element which
dominates the compound.
The Life Element of the next higher kingdom
(the animal kingdom), is a compound
of the two lower Elements with the Spiritual
Life Element, and is called the Spiritual Life
Element because it is the Spiritual Element
that dominates the compound, and because it
is the highest and most potent of the three
Elements which enter into the compound.
It is equally true that the Fourth Life Element,
which belongs to the Human kingdom,
is a compound Element, composed of the
three lower Elements combined with the Soul
Life Element. Thus it will be seen that all
the Life Elements are compound Elements,
except that which vivifies the mineral kingdom
(the Electro-Magnetic).
The name of each Life Element is taken
from the dominant ingredient in each Life
Element; and not from the kingdom in
which it exists.
An Element is an element.
A kingdom is a kingdom.
The Electro-Magnetic Element is solely
a Life Element. "Mineral" is the kingdom
in which it operates.
It would be improper to designate the Vito-
Chemical Life Element as the "Vegetable
Life Element" as "vegetable" applies to a
kingdom which is composed of two Life Elements—
Electro-Magnetic and Vito - Chemical.
It would be just as improper to refer to the
Spiritual Life Element as the "Animal Life
Element" as "animal" applies to a kingdom
which is composed of three Life Elements—
Electro-Magnetic, Vito-Chemical and Spiritual
In the same manner, the Soul Life Element
refers specifically to a Life Element of Nature.
"Man" has reference to a kingdom—
the kingdom of Man, which is composed of
four Life Elements—Electro-Magnetic, Vito-
Chemical, Spiritual Life and Soul Life Elements.
Each higher kingdom includes its own Life
Element and all the Life Elements of all the
kingdoms below it, with all their energies,
functions and powers. That is, plant life includes
the energies and powers of the Vito-
Chemical Life Element, and also those of the
Electro-Magnetic Life Element of the mineral
Thus, the evolution of Life upon the planet
involves an increasing number of Life Elements—
from one Life Element in the mineral
kingdom to four Life Elements in the
human kingdom—and the highest Life Element
is always the dominant one and controls
the activities, functions and powers of all
those below it.
In the human kingdom the Soul Life Element
is dominant, and it controls the functions
and powers of the three inferior Life Elements
below it in the scale of the evolution of
In the realms of Nature which lie below
the level of the Individual human life it requires
but the most casual observation of the
Intelligent Individual to realize the Universal
prodigality of Nature in her destructive attitude
toward Individual Life. Everywhere
one may turn he is compelled to note the remarkable
and seemingly inexplicable fact that
the destruction and seeming sacrifice of Individual
Life is an important factor in the great
evolutionary plan of Nature for the Unfoldment
and Development of "Individual Intelligence."
In "The Slaughterhouse of Nature," as the
poets have designated, every species of Individual
animal life (below the level of the
human) is sacrificed as nourishment on which
to feed and develop the physical bodies of the
more aggressive and powerful Individuals of
so-called "higher species" who are waiting to
devour them as rapidly as Nature can produce
them and bring them into her "Slaughterhouse"
for sacrifice.
And yet, this phase of the great problem of
Individual Life, wherein the sacrifice of the
Individual for the perpetuation of species, the
sacrifice of the weaker for the benefit of the
stronger, betrays the wantonness and seeming
cruelty of Nature in that she has made the
deliberate and purposeful destruction of Individual
Life an established institution for the
evolution of Individual Life and Intelligence.
If one could but obtain a clear glimpse of
Nature's process in operation he would see
that everywhere, throughout the entire Universe
of living things, Individual death goes
hand in hand with Individual Life, and is
Nature's commissary department for the supply
of food to sustain the Individual Life of
higher forms.
It must be admitted by every sane and Intelligent
Individual that all the moralizing
possible within the kingdom of Man will
never change the Universal order of Nature
ment is always the dominant one and controls
the activities, functions and powers of all
those below it.
In the human kingdom the Soul Life Element
is dominant, and it controls the functions
and powers of the three inferior Life Elements
below it in the scale of the evolution of
In the realms of Nature which lie below
the level of the Individual human life it requires
but the most casual observation of the
Intelligent Individual to realize the Universal
prodigality of Nature in her destructive attitude
toward Individual Life. Everywhere
one may turn he is compelled to note the remarkable
and seemingly inexplicable fact that
the destruction and seeming sacrifice of Individual
Life is an important factor in the great
evolutionary plan of Nature for the Unfoldment
and Development of "Individual Intelligence."
In "The Slaughterhouse of Nature," as the
poets have designated, every species of Individual
animal life (below the level of the
human) is sacrificed as nourishment on which
to feed and develop the physical bodies of the
more aggressive and powerful Individuals of
so-called "higher species" who are waiting to
devour them as rapidly as Nature can produce
them and bring them into her "Slaughterhouse"
for sacrifice.
And yet, this phase of the great problem of
Individual Life, wherein the sacrifice of the
Individual for the perpetuation of species, the
sacrifice of the weaker for the benefit of the
stronger, betrays the wantonness and seeming
cruelty of Nature in that she has made the
deliberate and purposeful destruction of Individual
Life an established institution for the
evolution of Individual Life and Intelligence.
If one could but obtain a clear glimpse of
Nature's process in operation he would see
that everywhere, throughout the entire Universe
of living things, Individual death goes
hand in hand with Individual Life, and is
Nature's commissary department for the supply
of food to sustain the Individual Life of
higher forms.
It must be admitted by every sane and Intelligent
Individual that all the moralizing
possible within the kingdom of Man will
never change the Universal order of Nature
for the perpetuation of Individual Life, nor
alleviate one iota of the suffering incident to
the process whereby Nature carries forward
her scheme for the evolution of Individual
Life and the perpetuation of species.
In the kingdom of Man, wherein the Soul
Life Element becomes the dominant factor in
the evolutionary process of Individual Intelligence,
Nature has brought her process to a
development where Man—the product of her
endeavors—has evolved to a point of Intelligence
whence he becomes an active and constructive
co-worker with Nature in the
further evolution of Individual Life and Intelligence.
It is here that the Moral Element enters
into the great Plan. A new order is invoked,
and Individual Life becomes a sacred thing.
Up to this point in the evolutionary plan and
process, it has been inevitable—and therefore
legitimate and proper—that one form of life
should feed upon another, with absolute impunity.
There could be no possible question
as to the right or the wrong of the process;
because it had been planned and inaugurated
by Nature herself. Man had no responsibility
whatever for its existence, and no power
to alter it, even in the slightest degree possible
to conceive. He might, with the utmost dignity,
and in all sincerity, enact all manner of
"laws for the prevention of cruelty to animals"—
and the big fishes would go right on
eating the little fishes, "in the same old way"
—the frog would eat the fly and the snake
would eat the frog and the weasel would eat
the snake and the cat would eat the weasel.
The chicken would eat the worm and the
hawk would eat the chicken. Not one of them
all would suffer so much as a qualm of conscience.
Each would feel that it had done the
natural thing.
There is absolutely no basis or foundation
in Nature to sustain a religion that is founded
upon the doctrine or the dogma of the "Sacredness
of all Individual Life."
The sacredness of Individual Life, however,
should apply, and does apply, to the
human kingdom of Life, in this:
That every Intelligent, normal, mature Individual
human being is bound by the fundamental
principle of Morality, to respect the
right of every other normal human being, to
Life. Our fundamental Law also adds ''Liberty
and the pursuit of Happiness."
We are equally bound to respect the right
of every domestic animal (employed in the
service of humanity) to its own Individual
Life, and to such comfort and enjoyment as it
is possible for man to bring to these, his natural
servants and helpers.
By analogy it may likewise be said that
Life, being the unit of value by which
all other values are relatively determinable,
whatever in Nature holds the largest measure
of Life is of greatest value in the economy of
the Universe.
It is by this rule that Man measures up to
the standard of Supreme Value and Importance
in the limitless Universe of Infinite
Human life represents "Life Supreme"
upon the material plane of this earthly planet.
Human life, when measured by the true
standard of exact values in Nature, is the most
precious possession possible to any Individual
upon this particular planet of Earth.
In the realm of human life, where the Soul
Life Element enters and becomes the dominant
life influence and power, the value of
Individual human life becomes supreme.
Man knows—because he is a "Responsible
Individual Intelligence," endowed with a
moral sense of Right and Wrong—that it is
morally wrong for him to eat his brothers and
sisters. He knows that Individual human
life is a sacred thing, and that it must be protected.
Recognizing the righteousness of the law,
he proceeds to organize human society upon
it. With his fellows, he forms and enters into
the social compact wherein all are bound to
respect and defend the right of Individual
Life. Upon this principle he learns that
whatever incites hostility, engenders strife,
cultivates enmities, or impels mankind to the
exercise of physical might, encourages a natural
disregard of the value of Individual
human Life, and impels mankind to its ruthless
In due time, as naturally as the induction
of the Soul Life Element implants in man a
moral nature, the sacredness of Individual
human Life becomes the fundamental principle
upon which alone human society may
perpetuate itself indefinitely.
As we learn the sacredness and the value of
Individual human life, we naturally turn our
attention and our endeavors to the establishment
of those conditions, and those only,
which exercise a constructive and perpetuating
influence upon all Individual human life,
and upon the life of human society itself.
From personal experience every Individual
human being, in course of time, comes to
realize the fact that his Attitude has much
to do in determining his influence upon the
society of which he is an important integral
part. He knows that, by the exercise of his
powers alone, he may become either a constructive
or a destructive influence upon society
and among his fellows. He may become
a constructive and healthy unit in the social
structure; or he may become a destructive
and disintegrating unit, a unit of decay and
death, the antithesis of Life.
If he would become a deadly infection
within the body of society, spreading the
putridity of his poisonous presence broadcast
among the healthy cells of society, making his
pathway a trail of death among his fellows,
let him harbor within himself the passion of
anger, the spirit of envy, jealousy or malice,
the desire to hurt or to injure his associates,
the purpose to spread dissensions, hostility
and personal enmity wherever he goes, the
ambition to rule or to ruin. He need not wait
long to realize the destructive and deadly influence
he has thus set in motion among his
fellows and associates. His putrescent presence
will proclaim him a power for evil and
the potencies of death will follow him wherever
he may go.
Self-Unfoldment: The Practical Application of Moral Principles to the Living of a Life
By J. E. RICHARDSON Author of Vols. II, III, IV, V and Editor of Vol. I
Self Unfoldment: Chapter I "LIFE"
Life is a Universal Element.
"Life is that Element in Nature which impels
everything—whether organic or inorganic;
physical, spiritual or psychical to
function according to the law of its being."
This definition of The Great School of the
Masters applies equally to Individual organisms
as a whole, and to the various Individual
organs and parts thereof.
There are four distinct and definite Universal
"Life Elements," and each of these
Elements is responsible for the functional
activities of Life within its own kingdom.
Ether, Air and Water are recognized as
"Elements" of Nature. And yet, they are not
subject to the process of evolution. They are
the same today, as far as science knows, as
they were a million years ago ; or as they were
when they first came into existence. They
have not "evolved" as Elements, or otherwise
changed, in any manner.
They are Universal within the environment
of our planet; and Ether, at least, is supposed,
by physical science, to be Universal in time
and space. Air and Water are sufficiently
Universal to be a part of all planetary environment
wherein exist Life and Intelligence.
Undoubtedly, Ether, Air and Water all
exert their influence upon the Individual
Lives and Intelligences that exist within them
and develop through them. But they, themselves,
are fixed and established conditions of
Nature; and, as such, are not in a state of evolution.
They are only parts of Nature's mechanical
device for the evolution of Individual
We know that Individual Life and Individual
Intelligence do develop within the
waters of the earth. Bear in mind that Water
is one of the "Elements of Nature." We also
know that these Individual Lives and Intelligences
which come into physical existence in
and through the Element of Water do develop,
and do evolve; but, so far as science
knows, the Element of Water itself does not
evolve. It remains the same, yesterday, today
and forever, so far as we know. It is only one
of Nature's instrumentalities for the generation
and evolution of Individual Intelligence.
The parallel with the Life Elements, as
such, is complete. Individual Lives and Individual
Intelligences come into being within
the Life Elements; and we know that these
Individual Lives and Intelligences, having
become Individualized by Nature, proceed to
develop, unfold and evolve; but we do not
know that the Life Elements themselves, as
such, are subject to the process of evolution.
They remain fixed conditions, so far as science
The Life Elements are not limited to the
physical plane of Life; they exist on all
the planes of Life. There is, however, a difference
in the degree of their refinement and
vibratory activity. The Life Elements upon
the spiritual planes of Life are suited to the
refined requirements of the Individual Life
and Intelligence upon those planes.
But it must not be assumed that this increased
refinement and activity of the Life
Elements upon the spiritual planes are conditions
which have evolved from the Life Elements
upon the physical plane. The Life
Elements upon the spiritual planes are as
truly fixed and established conditions as are
those of the Life Elements upon the physical
plane. They are equally as much a part of
Nature's mechanical device for the evolution
of Individual Intelligence.
It is Nature's plan to Individualize and
evolve Intelligence. The Life Elements are
only parts of her mechanical device by which
she accomplishes that marvelous end. It is
the Individual Intelligence that evolves and
not the Life Elements, as such.
Nature, or the Great Creative Intelligence,
had a very definite purpose in creating and
establishing the Life Elements. Natural
Science finds that the uses to which Nature
puts these Life Elements are:
To generate Individual Life.
To Individualize Intelligence.
To carry forward the evolutionary Unfoldment
and Development of Individual Intelligence.
The Individual Intelligence, after Nature
has evolved it to a point where it becomes
aware of its Moral Accountability and Personal
Responsibility, uses the Life Elements
for its own Self-Unfoldment; thus enabling it
to add the evolutionary impulse of its own
efforts to the effort of Nature, and thus accelerate
the evolutionary process.
The Life Element which belongs exclusively
to the mineral kingdom is the Electro-
Magnetic Life Element. This is a single
The Electro-Magnetic Life Element combines
with the Vito-Chemical Life Element
to constitute the Life Element of the vegetable
kingdom. This forms a compound of
both the Electro-Magnetic and the Vito-
Chemical Life Elements, to form the Life
Element of the vegetable kingdom. It is
called the Vito-Chemical Life Element, because
it is that particular Element which
dominates the compound.
The Life Element of the next higher kingdom
(the animal kingdom), is a compound
of the two lower Elements with the Spiritual
Life Element, and is called the Spiritual Life
Element because it is the Spiritual Element
that dominates the compound, and because it
is the highest and most potent of the three
Elements which enter into the compound.
It is equally true that the Fourth Life Element,
which belongs to the Human kingdom,
is a compound Element, composed of the
three lower Elements combined with the Soul
Life Element. Thus it will be seen that all
the Life Elements are compound Elements,
except that which vivifies the mineral kingdom
(the Electro-Magnetic).
The name of each Life Element is taken
from the dominant ingredient in each Life
Element; and not from the kingdom in
which it exists.
An Element is an element.
A kingdom is a kingdom.
The Electro-Magnetic Element is solely
a Life Element. "Mineral" is the kingdom
in which it operates.
It would be improper to designate the Vito-
Chemical Life Element as the "Vegetable
Life Element" as "vegetable" applies to a
kingdom which is composed of two Life Elements—
Electro-Magnetic and Vito - Chemical.
It would be just as improper to refer to the
Spiritual Life Element as the "Animal Life
Element" as "animal" applies to a kingdom
which is composed of three Life Elements—
Electro-Magnetic, Vito-Chemical and Spiritual
In the same manner, the Soul Life Element
refers specifically to a Life Element of Nature.
"Man" has reference to a kingdom—
the kingdom of Man, which is composed of
four Life Elements—Electro-Magnetic, Vito-
Chemical, Spiritual Life and Soul Life Elements.
Each higher kingdom includes its own Life
Element and all the Life Elements of all the
kingdoms below it, with all their energies,
functions and powers. That is, plant life includes
the energies and powers of the Vito-
Chemical Life Element, and also those of the
Electro-Magnetic Life Element of the mineral
Thus, the evolution of Life upon the planet
involves an increasing number of Life Elements—
from one Life Element in the mineral
kingdom to four Life Elements in the
human kingdom—and the highest Life Element
is always the dominant one and controls
the activities, functions and powers of all
those below it.
In the human kingdom the Soul Life Element
is dominant, and it controls the functions
and powers of the three inferior Life Elements
below it in the scale of the evolution of
In the realms of Nature which lie below
the level of the Individual human life it requires
but the most casual observation of the
Intelligent Individual to realize the Universal
prodigality of Nature in her destructive attitude
toward Individual Life. Everywhere
one may turn he is compelled to note the remarkable
and seemingly inexplicable fact that
the destruction and seeming sacrifice of Individual
Life is an important factor in the great
evolutionary plan of Nature for the Unfoldment
and Development of "Individual Intelligence."
In "The Slaughterhouse of Nature," as the
poets have designated, every species of Individual
animal life (below the level of the
human) is sacrificed as nourishment on which
to feed and develop the physical bodies of the
more aggressive and powerful Individuals of
so-called "higher species" who are waiting to
devour them as rapidly as Nature can produce
them and bring them into her "Slaughterhouse"
for sacrifice.
And yet, this phase of the great problem of
Individual Life, wherein the sacrifice of the
Individual for the perpetuation of species, the
sacrifice of the weaker for the benefit of the
stronger, betrays the wantonness and seeming
cruelty of Nature in that she has made the
deliberate and purposeful destruction of Individual
Life an established institution for the
evolution of Individual Life and Intelligence.
If one could but obtain a clear glimpse of
Nature's process in operation he would see
that everywhere, throughout the entire Universe
of living things, Individual death goes
hand in hand with Individual Life, and is
Nature's commissary department for the supply
of food to sustain the Individual Life of
higher forms.
It must be admitted by every sane and Intelligent
Individual that all the moralizing
possible within the kingdom of Man will
never change the Universal order of Nature
ment is always the dominant one and controls
the activities, functions and powers of all
those below it.
In the human kingdom the Soul Life Element
is dominant, and it controls the functions
and powers of the three inferior Life Elements
below it in the scale of the evolution of
In the realms of Nature which lie below
the level of the Individual human life it requires
but the most casual observation of the
Intelligent Individual to realize the Universal
prodigality of Nature in her destructive attitude
toward Individual Life. Everywhere
one may turn he is compelled to note the remarkable
and seemingly inexplicable fact that
the destruction and seeming sacrifice of Individual
Life is an important factor in the great
evolutionary plan of Nature for the Unfoldment
and Development of "Individual Intelligence."
In "The Slaughterhouse of Nature," as the
poets have designated, every species of Individual
animal life (below the level of the
human) is sacrificed as nourishment on which
to feed and develop the physical bodies of the
more aggressive and powerful Individuals of
so-called "higher species" who are waiting to
devour them as rapidly as Nature can produce
them and bring them into her "Slaughterhouse"
for sacrifice.
And yet, this phase of the great problem of
Individual Life, wherein the sacrifice of the
Individual for the perpetuation of species, the
sacrifice of the weaker for the benefit of the
stronger, betrays the wantonness and seeming
cruelty of Nature in that she has made the
deliberate and purposeful destruction of Individual
Life an established institution for the
evolution of Individual Life and Intelligence.
If one could but obtain a clear glimpse of
Nature's process in operation he would see
that everywhere, throughout the entire Universe
of living things, Individual death goes
hand in hand with Individual Life, and is
Nature's commissary department for the supply
of food to sustain the Individual Life of
higher forms.
It must be admitted by every sane and Intelligent
Individual that all the moralizing
possible within the kingdom of Man will
never change the Universal order of Nature
for the perpetuation of Individual Life, nor
alleviate one iota of the suffering incident to
the process whereby Nature carries forward
her scheme for the evolution of Individual
Life and the perpetuation of species.
In the kingdom of Man, wherein the Soul
Life Element becomes the dominant factor in
the evolutionary process of Individual Intelligence,
Nature has brought her process to a
development where Man—the product of her
endeavors—has evolved to a point of Intelligence
whence he becomes an active and constructive
co-worker with Nature in the
further evolution of Individual Life and Intelligence.
It is here that the Moral Element enters
into the great Plan. A new order is invoked,
and Individual Life becomes a sacred thing.
Up to this point in the evolutionary plan and
process, it has been inevitable—and therefore
legitimate and proper—that one form of life
should feed upon another, with absolute impunity.
There could be no possible question
as to the right or the wrong of the process;
because it had been planned and inaugurated
by Nature herself. Man had no responsibility
whatever for its existence, and no power
to alter it, even in the slightest degree possible
to conceive. He might, with the utmost dignity,
and in all sincerity, enact all manner of
"laws for the prevention of cruelty to animals"—
and the big fishes would go right on
eating the little fishes, "in the same old way"
—the frog would eat the fly and the snake
would eat the frog and the weasel would eat
the snake and the cat would eat the weasel.
The chicken would eat the worm and the
hawk would eat the chicken. Not one of them
all would suffer so much as a qualm of conscience.
Each would feel that it had done the
natural thing.
There is absolutely no basis or foundation
in Nature to sustain a religion that is founded
upon the doctrine or the dogma of the "Sacredness
of all Individual Life."
The sacredness of Individual Life, however,
should apply, and does apply, to the
human kingdom of Life, in this:
That every Intelligent, normal, mature Individual
human being is bound by the fundamental
principle of Morality, to respect the
right of every other normal human being, to
Life. Our fundamental Law also adds ''Liberty
and the pursuit of Happiness."
We are equally bound to respect the right
of every domestic animal (employed in the
service of humanity) to its own Individual
Life, and to such comfort and enjoyment as it
is possible for man to bring to these, his natural
servants and helpers.
By analogy it may likewise be said that
Life, being the unit of value by which
all other values are relatively determinable,
whatever in Nature holds the largest measure
of Life is of greatest value in the economy of
the Universe.
It is by this rule that Man measures up to
the standard of Supreme Value and Importance
in the limitless Universe of Infinite
Human life represents "Life Supreme"
upon the material plane of this earthly planet.
Human life, when measured by the true
standard of exact values in Nature, is the most
precious possession possible to any Individual
upon this particular planet of Earth.
In the realm of human life, where the Soul
Life Element enters and becomes the dominant
life influence and power, the value of
Individual human life becomes supreme.
Man knows—because he is a "Responsible
Individual Intelligence," endowed with a
moral sense of Right and Wrong—that it is
morally wrong for him to eat his brothers and
sisters. He knows that Individual human
life is a sacred thing, and that it must be protected.
Recognizing the righteousness of the law,
he proceeds to organize human society upon
it. With his fellows, he forms and enters into
the social compact wherein all are bound to
respect and defend the right of Individual
Life. Upon this principle he learns that
whatever incites hostility, engenders strife,
cultivates enmities, or impels mankind to the
exercise of physical might, encourages a natural
disregard of the value of Individual
human Life, and impels mankind to its ruthless
In due time, as naturally as the induction
of the Soul Life Element implants in man a
moral nature, the sacredness of Individual
human Life becomes the fundamental principle
upon which alone human society may
perpetuate itself indefinitely.
As we learn the sacredness and the value of
Individual human life, we naturally turn our
attention and our endeavors to the establishment
of those conditions, and those only,
which exercise a constructive and perpetuating
influence upon all Individual human life,
and upon the life of human society itself.
From personal experience every Individual
human being, in course of time, comes to
realize the fact that his Attitude has much
to do in determining his influence upon the
society of which he is an important integral
part. He knows that, by the exercise of his
powers alone, he may become either a constructive
or a destructive influence upon society
and among his fellows. He may become
a constructive and healthy unit in the social
structure; or he may become a destructive
and disintegrating unit, a unit of decay and
death, the antithesis of Life.
If he would become a deadly infection
within the body of society, spreading the
putridity of his poisonous presence broadcast
among the healthy cells of society, making his
pathway a trail of death among his fellows,
let him harbor within himself the passion of
anger, the spirit of envy, jealousy or malice,
the desire to hurt or to injure his associates,
the purpose to spread dissensions, hostility
and personal enmity wherever he goes, the
ambition to rule or to ruin. He need not wait
long to realize the destructive and deadly influence
he has thus set in motion among his
fellows and associates. His putrescent presence
will proclaim him a power for evil and
the potencies of death will follow him wherever
he may go.
Self-Unfoldment: The Practical Application of Moral Principles to the Living of a Life
By J. E. RICHARDSON Author of Vols. II, III, IV, V and Editor of Vol. I
The Life-wave and the Seven Elements. The Esoteric Philosophy as Taught by the Stoics.
Among the doctrines of Stoicism was that of the genesis or birth of the elements of the kosmos. Five were spoken of, and two more were vaguely hinted at. The five were aether, beginning with the highest; then what was called fire; then air; then water; and then earth. Now these kosmical elements are not the familiar things which we know by those names, for they were taken merely to symbolize, through certain appropriate qualities which they possess, the actual elements of kosmical being.
These elements of nature, which the Brahmanical philosophy called the tattwas, may likewise be called the principles of kosmos, precisely as man's seven principles may be called the elements of his being. We can say the elements of kosmos, or the principles of kosmos, and it means for present purposes the same thing; and we may say the elements of man or the principles of man, and it means for present purposes precisely the same thing. Seven different qualities or states or conditions of prakriti or nature — call it also substance or matter for the present, if you like. The present is not an appropriate time to go into a too detailed distinction of the difference — which does exist — between matter and prakriti. At any rate, the elements are seven different states or conditions or qualities of prakriti, the manifested side of kosmical being.
These seven elements or principles — five, as openly taught — according to the Stoic philosophy were derived one from the other, in order as follows: first, the Nameless One; second, its progeny or offspring or child, which is the second element lower in the scale; the third was aether, the progeny or offspring of the second, combining in itself, at the same time, the qualities or powers of the second, its parent, and of the first, its grandparent, so to say. Then came fire, containing in itself the elements of the three preceding, and also its own particular swabhava or essential characteristic. You will remember what swabhava means: the particularity, the essential nature, the real characteristic, of a thing, which makes it different from some other thing. The swabhava of a rose makes the rose plant bring forth a rose always, and not a lily or a violet; and the swabhava of a man brings forth as offspring a man always and not a gooseberry or an acorn. This is swabhava, or self-nature. Call it the essential individuality, if you like; it is the special or germinal individuality.
Then from fire, as a parent, sprang air. We are using these familiar terms, with a warning, as said before, that they do not really mean the familiar material things which we know by those names. However, this element called air contains in itself the qualities of its own nature, likewise those of fire, its parent, and of aether, its grandparent, and the qualities of the second and the first elements as well. Then comes water, containing in itself its own qualities and also the qualities of the five which precede it. Finally comes the seventh or last, gross matter, or concreted substance, containing in itself the qualities of all the six which precede it; each element giving birth to each following one as the life-wave ran its course down the shadowy arc of manifestation, or the building of the framework of the kosmos.
Copyright © 1979 by Theosophical University Press. All rights reserved.
These elements of nature, which the Brahmanical philosophy called the tattwas, may likewise be called the principles of kosmos, precisely as man's seven principles may be called the elements of his being. We can say the elements of kosmos, or the principles of kosmos, and it means for present purposes the same thing; and we may say the elements of man or the principles of man, and it means for present purposes precisely the same thing. Seven different qualities or states or conditions of prakriti or nature — call it also substance or matter for the present, if you like. The present is not an appropriate time to go into a too detailed distinction of the difference — which does exist — between matter and prakriti. At any rate, the elements are seven different states or conditions or qualities of prakriti, the manifested side of kosmical being.
These seven elements or principles — five, as openly taught — according to the Stoic philosophy were derived one from the other, in order as follows: first, the Nameless One; second, its progeny or offspring or child, which is the second element lower in the scale; the third was aether, the progeny or offspring of the second, combining in itself, at the same time, the qualities or powers of the second, its parent, and of the first, its grandparent, so to say. Then came fire, containing in itself the elements of the three preceding, and also its own particular swabhava or essential characteristic. You will remember what swabhava means: the particularity, the essential nature, the real characteristic, of a thing, which makes it different from some other thing. The swabhava of a rose makes the rose plant bring forth a rose always, and not a lily or a violet; and the swabhava of a man brings forth as offspring a man always and not a gooseberry or an acorn. This is swabhava, or self-nature. Call it the essential individuality, if you like; it is the special or germinal individuality.
Then from fire, as a parent, sprang air. We are using these familiar terms, with a warning, as said before, that they do not really mean the familiar material things which we know by those names. However, this element called air contains in itself the qualities of its own nature, likewise those of fire, its parent, and of aether, its grandparent, and the qualities of the second and the first elements as well. Then comes water, containing in itself its own qualities and also the qualities of the five which precede it. Finally comes the seventh or last, gross matter, or concreted substance, containing in itself the qualities of all the six which precede it; each element giving birth to each following one as the life-wave ran its course down the shadowy arc of manifestation, or the building of the framework of the kosmos.
Copyright © 1979 by Theosophical University Press. All rights reserved.
Correlation Between Nerves_Muscles & Electrical Current_Electromagnet (90 Degree)
Briefly, the hypothesis that mind can communicate directly with mind rests on the theory that thought or vital force is a form of electrical disturbance, that it can be taken up by induction and transmitted to a distance either through a wire or simply through the all-pervading ether, as in the case of wireless telegraph waves.
"There are many analogies which suggest that thought is of the nature of an electrical disturbance. A nerve, which is of the same substance as the brain, is an excellent conductor of the electric current. When we first passed an electrical current through the nerves of a dead man we were shocked and amazed to see him sit up and move. The electrified nerves produced contraction of the muscles very much as in life.
"The nerves appear to act upon the muscles very much as the electric current acts upon an electromagnet. The current magnetizes a bar of iron placed at right angles to it, and the nerves produce, through the intangible current of vital force that flows through them, contraction of the muscular fibers that are arranged at right angles to them.
"It would be possible to cite many reasons why thought and vital force may be regarded as of the same nature as electricity. The electric current is held to be a wave motion of the ether, the hypothetical substance that fills all space and pervades all substances. We believe that there must be ether because without it the electric current could not pass through a vacuum, or sunlight through space. It is reasonable to believe that only a wave motion of a similar character can produce the phenomena of thought and vital force. We may assume that the brain cells act as a battery and that the current produced flows along the nerves.
"But does it end there? Does it not pass out of the body in waves which flow around the world unperceived by our senses, just as the wireless waves passed unperceived before Hertz and others discovered their existence?"
"There are many analogies which suggest that thought is of the nature of an electrical disturbance. A nerve, which is of the same substance as the brain, is an excellent conductor of the electric current. When we first passed an electrical current through the nerves of a dead man we were shocked and amazed to see him sit up and move. The electrified nerves produced contraction of the muscles very much as in life.
"The nerves appear to act upon the muscles very much as the electric current acts upon an electromagnet. The current magnetizes a bar of iron placed at right angles to it, and the nerves produce, through the intangible current of vital force that flows through them, contraction of the muscular fibers that are arranged at right angles to them.
"It would be possible to cite many reasons why thought and vital force may be regarded as of the same nature as electricity. The electric current is held to be a wave motion of the ether, the hypothetical substance that fills all space and pervades all substances. We believe that there must be ether because without it the electric current could not pass through a vacuum, or sunlight through space. It is reasonable to believe that only a wave motion of a similar character can produce the phenomena of thought and vital force. We may assume that the brain cells act as a battery and that the current produced flows along the nerves.
"But does it end there? Does it not pass out of the body in waves which flow around the world unperceived by our senses, just as the wireless waves passed unperceived before Hertz and others discovered their existence?"
Friday, January 6, 2012
Polar Shift Converges With Shift In Astrological Age To Usher In The Age Of Virgo Rather Than Aquarius
A man ahead of his time, much like myself.
the following is a section from Graham Hancock's Finger Prints of The Gods which I have expanded upon to illustrate my take on this extraordinary point in time and space that we are all currently experiencing.
The late Charles Hapgood taught the history of science at Keene College,
New Hampshire, USA. He wasn’t a geologist, or an ancient historian. It is
possible, however, that future generations will remember him as the man
whose work undermined the foundations of world history—and a large
chunk of world geology as well.
Albert Einstein was among the first to realize this when he took the
unprecedented step of contributing the foreword to a book Hapgood
wrote in 1953, some years before he began his investigation of the Piri
Reis Map:
I frequently receive communications from people who wish to consult me
concerning their unpublished ideas [Einstein observed]. It goes without saying that
these ideas are very seldom possessed of scientific validity. The very first
communication, however, that I received from Mr. Hapgood electrified me. His
idea is original, of great simplicity, and—if it continues to prove itself—of great
importance to everything that is related to the history of the earth’s surface.14
The ‘idea’ expressed in Hapgood’s 1953 book is a global geological
theory which elegantly explains how and why large parts of Antarctica
could have remained ice-free until 4000 BC, together with many other
anomalies of earth science. In brief the argument is:
1 Antarctica was not always covered with ice and was at one time much
warmer than it is today.
2 It was warm because it was not physically located at the South Pole in
that period. Instead it was approximately 2000 miles farther north.
This ‘would have put it outside the Antarctic Circle in a temperate or
cold temperate climate.
3 The continent moved to its present position inside the Antarctic Circle
as a result of a mechanism known as ‘earth-crust displacement’. This
mechanism, in no sense to be confused with plate-tectonics or
‘continental drift’, is one whereby the lithosphere, the whole outer
crust of the earth, ‘may be displaced at times, moving over the soft
inner body, much as the skin of an orange, if it were loose, might shift
over the inner part of the orange all in one piece.
4 During the envisaged southwards movement of Antarctica brought
about by earth-crust displacement, the continent would gradually have
grown colder, an ice-cap forming and remorselessly expanding over
several thousands of years until it attained its present dimensions.’17
Further details of the evidence supporting these radical proposals are
set out in Part VIII of this book. Orthodox geologists, however, remain
reluctant to accept Hapgood’s theory (although none has succeeded in
proving it incorrect). It raises many questions.
Of these by far the most important is: what conceivable mechanism
would be able to exert sufficient thrust on the lithosphere to precipitate a
phenomenon of such magnitude as a crustal displacement?
We have no better guide than Einstein to summarize Hapgood’s
In a polar region there is continual deposition of ice, which is not symmetrically
distributed about the pole. The earth’s rotation acts on these unsymmetrically
deposited masses, and produces centrifugal momentum that is transmitted to the
rigid crust of the earth. The constantly increasing centrifugal momentum
produced in this way will, when it has reached a certain point, produce a
movement of the earth’s crust over the rest of the earth’s body.
The Piri Reis Map seems to contain surprising collateral evidence in
support of the thesis of a geologically recent glaciation of parts of
Antarctica following a sudden southward displacement of the earth’s
crust. Moreover since such a map could only have been drawn prior to
4000 BC, its implications for the history of human civilization are
staggering. Prior to 4000 BC there are supposed to have been no
civilizations at all.
At some risk of over-simplification, the academic consensus is broadly:
-Civilization first developed in the Fertile Crescent of the Middle East.
-This development began after 4000 BC, and culminated in the
emergence of the earliest true civilizations (Sumer and Egypt) around
3000 BC, soon followed by the Indus Valley and China.
-About 1500 years later, civilization took off spontaneously and
independently in the Americas.
-Since 3000 BC in the Old World (and about 1500 BC in the New)
civilization has steadily ‘evolved’ in the direction of ever more refined,
complex and productive forms.
-In consequence, and particularly by comparison with ourselves, all
ancient civilizations (and all their works) are to be understood as
essentially primitive
(the Sumerian astronomers regarded the heavens with unscientific awe, and even the pyramids of Egypt were built by technological primitives’).
The evidence of the Piri Reis Map appears to contradict all this.
Piri Reis and his sources
In his day, Piri Reis was a well-known figure; his historical identity is
firmly established. An admiral in the navy of the Ottoman Turks, he was
involved, often on the winning side, in numerous sea battles around the
mid-sixteenth century. He was, in addition, considered an expert on the
lands of the Mediterranean, and was the author of a famous sailing book,
the Kitabi Bahriye, which provided a comprehensive description of the
coasts, harbours, currents, shallows, landing places, bays and straits of
the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas. Despite this illustrious career he fell
foul of his masters and was beheaded in AD 1554 or 1555.19
The source maps Piri Reis used to draw up his 1513 map were in all
probability lodged originally in the Imperial Library at Constantinople, to
which the admiral is known to have enjoyed privileged access. Those
sources (which may have been transferred or copied from even more
ancient centres of learning) no longer exist, or, at any rate, have not been
found. It was, however, in the library of the old Imperial Palace at
Constantinople that the Piri Reis Map was rediscovered, painted on a
gazelle skin and rolled up on a dusty shelf, as recently as 1929.
My thoughts on the matter:
In a section of my book "The Killer Inside" I attempt to take the Hapgood findings one step further and argue that the once temperate region now covered by a sheet of ice over a mile thick was always in its physical location but that the location of the poles themselves shifted.
Additionally I would like to put forth the theory that the rapid melting of these very same caps today are not a bi product of "global warming" but rather evidence of the poles becoming active in preparation of yet another shift.
According to Mayan astrological mysticism this event occurs every 13,000 years or twice within the context of a Galactic Cycle lasting 26,200 years in duration.
In his book "The Mayan Factor" Jose Arguelles compares this Grand Cycle to a Galactic Marathon. The ice caps were argued to manifest around 10,000 BC but no later than 13,000 BC which would have been just at 13,000 years ago. My calculations have the actual event occurring in the year 11,086 BC. It was at this exact time that the age shifted from Aquarius to Leo and only because our position in relation to the black holed sun reversed its polarity. The procession then proceeded counter clockwise which is in direct opposition to our monthly calender today.
If the polarity were not reversing once more at the end of the year we would indeed be ushering the Age of Aquarius right now. However, since the polarity is reversing we will be trending into the opposite sign of which ever sign is in predominance at the time of the shift. Currently we are still in Pisces while trending into Aquarius at an equal rate to the reversal of our own polarity. This being said we are also being influenced by Virgo as well as Leo since its the opposite of Aquarius. There will come a moment soon that all four signs will have some influence before we in fact trend away from Aquarius and Leo and settle into the Age of Virgo for the next 2,183 years.
The physical manifestations of this incredible astrological event are already playing our in our internal structures. all of us were born with inherent attributes commonly accepted within our elemental star sign. As we slowly reverse polarity, we have began to take on the attributes of our polar opposite star sign. For example, if you were born a Sagittarius you would be slowly and subtly be taking on the viewpoint and elemental expression characteristics of a Gemini, Taurus to Scorpio, Virgo to Pisces, Capricorn to Cancer and so on and so forth. Additionally, due to the double affect produced by the shift in ages we would also be expanding our viewpoint further.
An even more startling discovery for you folks at home:
In my book I also explain that this is the exact reason why the astrological ages have been proceeding in a counter clockwise direction since that point. We are currently in the Age of Pisces which began around 170 BC and assumed total influence around the time of Jesus who ushered in the era of religion, spirituality and the God question which are in fact all Pisces characteristics.
Before that was the Age of Aries. The Arian Age ushered in Roman conquests and war of honor and outright supremacy which are inherent qualities of the War planet otherwise known as Mars. Taurus began in 4,480 BC and brought the Torah. The Age of Gemini before that, then Cancer, and finally Leo which came into existence after the last polar shift around 11,086 BC. Up to that point in the current Grand cycle the procession of the astrological ages were proceeding in a clockwise manor. The Age of Aquarius was the last of the clockwise ages leading up to the polar shift.
I will have a much more comprehensive explanation and correlating broad picture analysis of many small and seemingly unrelated parts of our progressive evolution such as corresponding feminine or masculine energies of predominance playing out in the matriarchal or patriarchal systems of social dominance as well as my explanation of Direct Current and Alternating Current Consciousness.
Stay tuned and thanks for considering seriously the information I have laid out before you this evening.
Robert Gray Gallagher
Thursday, January 5, 2012
SUBJECT: Admiral Piri Reis World Map
To: Professor Charles H. Hapgood,
Keene College,
Keene, New Hampshire.
Dear Professor Hapgood,
Your request for evaluation of certain unusual features of the Piri Reis World Map of
1513 by this organization has been reviewed.
The claim that the lower part of the map portrays the Princess Martha Coast of Queen
Maud Land Antarctica, and the Palmer Peninsula, is reasonable. We find this is the most
logical and in all probability the correct interpretation of the map.
The geographical detail shown in the lower part of the map agrees very remarkably
with the results of the seismic profile made across the top of the ice-cap by the Swedish-
British Antarctic Expedition of 1949.
This indicates the coastline had been mapped before it was covered by the ice-cap.
The ice-cap in this region is now about a mile thick.
We have no idea how the data on this map can be reconciled with the supposed state
of geographical knowledge in 1513.
Lt Colonel, USAF
Despite the deadpan language, Ohlmeyer’s letter1 is a bombshell. If
Queen Maud Land was mapped before it was covered by ice, the original
cartography must have been done an extraordinarily long time ago.
How long ago exactly?
Conventional wisdom has it that the Antarctic ice-cap, in its present
extent and form, is millions of years old. On closer examination, this
notion turns out to be seriously flawed—so seriously that we need not
assume the map drawn by Admiral Piri Reis depicts Queen Maud Land as
it looked millions of years in the past. The best recent evidence suggests
that Queen Maud Land, and the neighbouring regions shown on the map,
passed through a long ice-free period which may not have come
completely to an end until about six thousand years ago. This evidence,
which we shall touch upon again in the next chapter, liberates us from
the burdensome task of explaining who (or what) had the technology to
undertake an accurate geographical survey of Antarctica in, say, two
million BC, long before our own species came into existence. By the same
token, since map-making is a complex and civilized activity, it compels us
to explain how such a task could have been accomplished even six
thousand years ago, well before the development of the first true
civilizations recognized by historians.
Ancient sources
In attempting that explanation it is worth reminding ourselves of the
basic historical and geological facts:
1 The Piri Reis Map, which is a genuine document, not a hoax of any
kind, was made at Constantinople in AD 1513.3
2 It focuses on the western coast of Africa, the eastern coast of South
America and the northern coast of Antarctica.
3 Piri Reis could not have acquired his information on this latter region
from contemporary explorers because Antarctica remained
undiscovered until AD 1818,4 more than 300 years after he drew the
4 The ice-free coast of Queen Maud Land shown in the map is a colossal
puzzle because the geological evidence confirms that the latest date it
could have been surveyed and charted in an ice-free condition is 4000
5 It is not possible to pinpoint the earliest date that such a task could
have been accomplished, but it seems that the Queen Maud Land
littoral may have remained in a stable, unglaciated condition for at
least 9000 years before the spreading ice-cap swallowed it entirely.
6 There is no civilization known to history that had the capacity or need
to survey that coastline in the relevant period: between 13,000 BC and
4000 BC.7
In other words, the true enigma of this 1513 map is not so much its
inclusion of a continent not discovered until 1818 but its portrayal of part
of the coastline of that continent under ice-free conditions which came to
an end 6000 years ago and have not since recurred.
How can this be explained? Piri Reis obligingly gives us the answer in a
series of notes written in his own hand on the map itself. He tells us that
he was not responsible for the original surveying and cartography. On the
contrary, he admits that his role was merely that of compiler and copyist
and that the map was derived from a large number of source maps.8
Some of these had been drawn by contemporary or near-contemporary
explorers (including Christopher Columbus), who had by then reached
South America and the Caribbean, but others were documents dating
back to the fourth century BC or earlier.9
Piri Reis did not venture any suggestion as to the identity of the
cartographers who had produced the earlier maps. In 1963, however,
Professor Hapgood proposed a novel and thought-provoking solution to
the problem. He argued that some of the source maps the admiral had
made use of, in particular those said to date back to the fourth century
BC, had themselves been based on even older sources, which in turn had
been based on sources originating in the furthest antiquity. There was, he
asserted, irrefutable evidence that the earth had been comprehensively
mapped before 4000 BC by a hitherto unknown and undiscovered
civilization which had achieved a high level of technological
From Alexandria, according to Hapgood’s reconstruction, copies of these
compilations and of some of the original source maps were transferred to
other centres of learning—notably Constantinople. Finally, when
Constantinople was seized by the Venetians during the Fourth Crusade in
1204, the maps began to find their way into the hands of European
sailors and adventurers:
Fingerprints Of The Gods
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Einstein Book of Dreams Leads Me One Of My Own.
I was unusually active over the past couple of days in respect to creatively communicating different metaphysical theories I have been slowly manifesting over the past 13 years. I have been obsessed with hybrid molecular structures that merge silica and carbon. I have also been working intensely in the field of sacred geometry and have come up with many mandalas on display both here and on my esoterrorist blog: Interestingly I was up very late last night studying freemasonry writings when I was moved to find a very specific book on Einstein's Dreams that a friend had given me years ago which was lost. I found it online and downloaded it around 330 am. I got up this morning at 8 am to attend back to back meetings then came home to meditate for about an hour. I recall the meditation being particularly intense. I went to my room to do some work on the computer and become overwhelmingly tired and laid down for a nap.
I had a profound dream. So profound I am compelled to share it with you now.
In this dream I was talking to a farmer that I thought had wanted to rent a booth at my market. When he arrived at my physical location I realized he actually wanted to rent 15 acres of land to plant food. In the midst of trying to contact the land owner to set up the deal I remember looking off to the side and I could see the Griffith Observatory in the distance. I would like it to be noted that I was way out in the middle of nowhere and not within eyesight of the observatory or even Los Angeles up till that point in the dream.
The day was much like the one we had today. The sun was shining and the birds were chirping when suddenly a massive and I mean massive explosion ripped through the earths strata within eye sight of the observatory sending a thick dark smoke billowing into the sky above much like when the trade center fell to the ground. It was so violent and so quick that I recall seeing a jet airliner passing in front of the sun as both were instantly consumed with smoke and disappearing completely. On the ground at the base of the explosion fire and a lava like substance were pouring out of the ground.
The explosion created a two fold event which looking back on it seemed to be in direct opposition with any accepted laws of physics in which parts of houses were hurling through the air with the kind of velocity that I could only describe as terminal. The speed at which non living matter was flying directly at me made a hurricane look like a cool summer breeze.
All the while I was completely unscathed.
In the same moment the explosion on the hillside has created a vacuum that seemed to be pulling all the electrons in the air and the structure I was occupying into it. I could hear a distressing of the beams pulling away from the screws holding them together deep withing the walls. I felt the pressure of this vacuum actually beginning to force the house to implode. I immediately ran outside and headed away from the structure as fast as I could. I noticed that ALL of the houses and man made structures I would pass were either swelling like a balloon getting ready to pop or imploding in on themselves.
There was non clear law of physics at work and the whole time I was calm and collected and actually angry at some group of people as I repeatedly said "They cant do this" They can't do this" This is not right. I remember thinking to myself that this was some sort of a man made event that occurred deep within the ground and the "event" had hit a huge pocket of some sort of gas like ether, methane or nitro oxide which had created the vacuum effect that seemed to be pulling the energy out of the air. This may explain the opposite laws of physical motion occurring simultaneously. The dream ended with me standing still perfectly in tact. I have many speculations to add but at this time I felt absolutely compelled to share the actual events as clearly and in terms of matter of fact as possible.
Your feedback is most welcome.
Copyright 2012 Retrocollective Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved.
I had a profound dream. So profound I am compelled to share it with you now.
In this dream I was talking to a farmer that I thought had wanted to rent a booth at my market. When he arrived at my physical location I realized he actually wanted to rent 15 acres of land to plant food. In the midst of trying to contact the land owner to set up the deal I remember looking off to the side and I could see the Griffith Observatory in the distance. I would like it to be noted that I was way out in the middle of nowhere and not within eyesight of the observatory or even Los Angeles up till that point in the dream.
The day was much like the one we had today. The sun was shining and the birds were chirping when suddenly a massive and I mean massive explosion ripped through the earths strata within eye sight of the observatory sending a thick dark smoke billowing into the sky above much like when the trade center fell to the ground. It was so violent and so quick that I recall seeing a jet airliner passing in front of the sun as both were instantly consumed with smoke and disappearing completely. On the ground at the base of the explosion fire and a lava like substance were pouring out of the ground.
The explosion created a two fold event which looking back on it seemed to be in direct opposition with any accepted laws of physics in which parts of houses were hurling through the air with the kind of velocity that I could only describe as terminal. The speed at which non living matter was flying directly at me made a hurricane look like a cool summer breeze.
All the while I was completely unscathed.
In the same moment the explosion on the hillside has created a vacuum that seemed to be pulling all the electrons in the air and the structure I was occupying into it. I could hear a distressing of the beams pulling away from the screws holding them together deep withing the walls. I felt the pressure of this vacuum actually beginning to force the house to implode. I immediately ran outside and headed away from the structure as fast as I could. I noticed that ALL of the houses and man made structures I would pass were either swelling like a balloon getting ready to pop or imploding in on themselves.
There was non clear law of physics at work and the whole time I was calm and collected and actually angry at some group of people as I repeatedly said "They cant do this" They can't do this" This is not right. I remember thinking to myself that this was some sort of a man made event that occurred deep within the ground and the "event" had hit a huge pocket of some sort of gas like ether, methane or nitro oxide which had created the vacuum effect that seemed to be pulling the energy out of the air. This may explain the opposite laws of physical motion occurring simultaneously. The dream ended with me standing still perfectly in tact. I have many speculations to add but at this time I felt absolutely compelled to share the actual events as clearly and in terms of matter of fact as possible.
Your feedback is most welcome.
Copyright 2012 Retrocollective Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved.
Sacred Geometrical Base of Virgoian Age Mandala complements of my friend the Pisces who shall remain anonymous:-)
Copyright 2012 Retrocollective Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved
Monday, January 2, 2012
Virgoian Age Diamond
"Total Cause Being" to "Total Effect Self"
Copyright Retrocollective Publishing Group 2012 All Rights Reserved.
Robert Gray Gallagher
Moving forward from the age of duality it is paramount to merge and stabilize a gray spectrum of experience and associated vibration scale of direct current consciousness.
Copyright Retrocollective Publishing Group 2012 All Rights Reserved.
Robert Gray Gallagher
If someone would like to know more about my research in this field they are welcome to contact me outside the realm of public scope and I will elaborate upon determining your motivation.
Copyright Retrocollective Publishing Group 2012 All Rights Reserved.
Robert Gray Gallagher
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